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Introduction to layouts

A layout is a description of how to visually arrange the fields and other data elements in an entry form or a table.

Layouts are one of Lino’s important features that make Lino projects different from plain Django projects. Layouts provide a way to design forms using the Python language and independently of the chosen front end.

Code examples in this document are taken from The LETS tutorial.

The columns of a table view

The simplest occurrence of layouts is the column_names attribute of a table, used to describe the columns of a data table. For example:

class Products(dd.Table):
    column_names = 'id name providers customers'



More about columns in The columns of a table.

The layout of a detail window

The most important usage of layouts is to describe detail windows.

You define a detail window by setting the detail_layout attribute of an actor. For example:

class Members(dd.Table):
    detail_layout = """
    id name place email
    OffersByMember DemandsByMember



Note that the names id, name, place and email in the above example represent single-line entry fields while OffersByMember and DemandsByMember refer to multi-line panels containing a grid.

More examples in More about layouts.

The insert window

Insert windows are similar to detail windows, but they are used on rows that do not yet exist. The most visible difference is their default size: while detail windows usually take the full screen, insert windows usually are pop-up windows.

You define an insert window by setting the insert_layout attribute of your data table. For example:

class Members(dd.Table):
    insert_layout = """
    name place



Where layouts are being used

Until now we have seen that the following attributes of your tables contain layouts:

There are two other places where Lino uses layouts:

Data elements

The data elements of a normal layout (ColumnsLayout, DetailLayout or InsertLayout), can be:

ParamsLayout are special but similar: their data elements refer to the actor parameters.

And the data elements of an ActionParamsLayout refer to the action parameters.

The template string

For simple layouts it is enough to specify them just as a string template, as in the examples above. Lino will automatically convert such string templates into instances of ColumnsLayout, DetailLayout, InsertLayout, ParamsLayout or ActionParamsLayout.

A layout template is a string containing words, where each word is the name of a data element.


A Layout consists of panels. Every layout has at least one panel whose name is main.

When a detail_layout is a string, then Lino replaces this by a DetailLayout instance whose main panel is that string.

Specifying widget options in a layout

After the element name there can be a colon (“:”) followed by a widget options specifier. This can be

  • An integer numeric means preferred_width (in logical characters)

  • A specification 60x5 means 60 characters wide and 5 lines high (for multiline widgets)

Usage example:

JobSupplyment.set_widget_options('duration', width=10)

has the same effect as specifying duration:10 each time when using the duration element in a layout.

widget options

A series of options that influence how a database field is being rendered.

Widget options are additional meta data, they extend what is given already by the Django field options.

List of allowed widget options:

  • hide_sum : True if Lino should not add a sum. By default, Lino adds a sum in a table column with numeric values.

  • detail_pointer : whether this should be clickable and open a detail window when rendered as a cell in a grid.

  • editable = None

  • width = None

  • height = None

  • label = None

  • preferred_width : None

  • required_roles : NOT_PROVIDED

As an application developer you can use Model.set_widget_options() to specify default values for individual widget options.

As a front end developer you use Model.get_widget_options() to get the widget options of a given data element.

Writing layouts as classes

In more complex situations it may be preferrable or even necessary to define your own layout class.

You do this by subclassing DetaiLayout. For example:

class PartnerDetail(dd.DetailLayout):

    main = """
    id name
    description contact

    contact = """

class Partners(dd.Table):
    detail_layout = PartnerDetail()

Each panel is a class attribute defined on your subclass, containing a string value to be used as template describing the content of that panel.

It can define more panels whose names may be chosen by the application developer (just don’t chose the name window_size which has a special meaning, and don’t start your panel names with an underscore because these are reserved for internal use).

Panels are either horizontal or vertical, depending on whether their template contains at least one newline character or not.

Indentation doesn’t matter.

If the main panel of a FormLayout is horizontal, ExtJS will render the Layout using as a tabbed main panel. If you want a horizontal main panel instead, just insert a newline somewhere in your main’s template. Example:

class NoteLayout(dd.FormLayout):
    left = """
    date type subject
    person company

    right = """

    # the following will create a tabbed main panel:

    main = "left:60 right:30"

    # to avoid a tabbed main panel, specify:
    main = """
    left:60 right:30


detail layout

The layout of a detail window. See The layout of a detail window

column layout

A string that specifies how the columns of a table view are laid out. i.e. which columns are visible and in what order.

See also