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Introduction to action parameters

Any action in Lino can have an optional dialog window that pops up before the action is actually executed. The fields of this dialog window are called action parameters.

Action parameters are defined in the parameters attribute of their Action class.

An lino.core.actions.Action is a dialog action if it has parameters defined (and no_params_window has not been enabled).


Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>) get tested as part of our development workflow. The following initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.

>>> from lino_book.projects.noi1e.startup import *
action parameter

The parameters of an action that can be given by the end user in a dialog window that is shown before executing the action.

dialog action

An action that opens a dialog window where the end user can specify action parameters before actually running the action.

The merge action (lino.core.merge.MergeAction) is an example of an action with parameters. When you click the merge button on a ticket, Lino reacts by popping up a dialog window asking for parameters. The action request is submitted only when you confirm this window.

>>> ba = rt.models.tickets.AllTickets.get_action_by_name('merge_row')
>>> action = ba.action
>>> p = action.parameters
>>> p['merge_to']
<django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey: merge_to>
>>> p['reason']
<django.db.models.fields.CharField: reason>

How to get the layout elements of an action parameter window.

You need the layout handle:

>>> lh = action.params_layout.get_layout_handle()
>>> lh
<lino.core.layouts.LayoutHandle object at ...>
>>> lh.main
<ActionParamsPanel main in lino.core.layouts.ActionParamsLayout on <lino.core.merge.MergeAction merge_row ('Merge')>>
>>> lh['main'] is lh.main
>>> lh['merge_to']
<ForeignKeyElement merge_to in lino.core.layouts.ActionParamsLayout on <lino.core.merge.MergeAction merge_row ('Merge')>>
>>> lh['reason']
<CharFieldElement reason in lino.core.layouts.ActionParamsLayout on <lino.core.merge.MergeAction merge_row ('Merge')>>

You can walk over the elements of a panel:

>>> ses = rt.login('robin')
>>> with ses.get_user().user_type.context():
...     for e in lh.walk():
...        print("{} {}".format(e.name, e.__class__.__name__))
merge_to ForeignKeyElement
merge_to_ct Wrapper
nicknames_Naming BooleanFieldElement
nicknames_Naming_ct Wrapper
reason CharFieldElement
reason_ct Wrapper
main ActionParamsPanel

Calling a parameter action programmatically

In doctests we sometimes want to call an action programmatically without doing a web request.

In that case we must specify the action_param_values. It must be a dict. Lino checks whether the keys of the dict corresponds to the names of the parameter fields:

>>> pv = dict(foo=1, reason="test")
>>> ar = ba.request_from(ses, action_param_values=pv)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: Invalid key 'foo' in action_param_values of tickets.AllTickets request (possible keys are ['merge_to', 'reason', 'nicknames_Naming'])

Lino does not validate the values when calling it programmatically. For example merge_to should be a Ticket instance. But here we specify an integer value instead, and Lino does not complain:

>>> pv = dict(merge_to=1, reason="test")
>>> ar = ba.request_from(ses, action_param_values=pv)
>>> pprint(ar.action_param_values)
{'merge_to': 1, 'nicknames_Naming': False, 'reason': 'test'}

Basically the following should work as well. (But nobody ever asked us to make it possible).

>>> o1 = rt.models.tickets.Ticket.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> o2 = rt.models.tickets.Ticket.objects.get(pk=2)
>>> pv = dict(merge_to=o2, reason="test")
>>> ar = ba.request_from(ses, action_param_values=pv)
>>> ar.set_confirm_answer(False)
>>> o1.merge_row.run_from_ui(ar)
>>> 'xcallback' in ar.response
>>> msg = ar.response['message']
>>> print(tostring(msg))
<div class="htmlText"><p>Are you sure you want to merge #1 (Föö fails to bar
when baz) into #2 (Bar is not always baz)?</p><ul><li>1 Nicknamings <b>will be
deleted.</b></li><li>1 Tickets, 1 Mentions, 1 Tags <b>will get reassigned.</b></li><li>#1
(Föö fails to bar when baz) will be deleted</li></ul></div>

Here is a list of all dialog actions in Lino Noi:

>>> analyzer.show_dialog_actions()
- about.About.create_account : Create Account
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - (main_1): **First name** (first_name), **Last name** (last_name)
  - **Email** (email)
  - **Username** (username)
  - **Password** (password)
- about.About.reset_password : Reset password
  (main) [visible for all]: **e-mail address** (email), **Username (optional)** (username), **New password** (new1), **New password again** (new2)
- about.About.sign_in : Sign in
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - (main_1):
    - (login_panel): **Username** (username), **Password** (password)
    - (social_auth_links)
- about.About.verify_user : Verify
  (main) [visible for all]: **e-mail address** (email), **Verification code** (verification_code)
- accounting.Accounts.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **Reason** (reason)
- accounting.Journals.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - **into...** (merge_to)
  - **Also reassign volatile related objects** (keep_volatiles): **Match rules** (accounting_MatchRule), **Follow-up rules** (invoicing_FollowUpRule)
  - **Reason** (reason)
- accounting.PaymentTerms.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **Reason** (reason)
- cal.EventTypes.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **Reason** (reason)
- cal.GuestRoles.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **Reason** (reason)
- contacts.Companies.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - **into...** (merge_to)
  - **Also reassign volatile related objects** (keep_volatiles):
    - (keep_volatiles_1): **Addresses** (addresses_Address), **Invoicing suggestions** (invoicing_Item)
    - (keep_volatiles_2): **List memberships** (lists_Member), **Contact details** (phones_ContactDetail)
  - **Reason** (reason)
- contacts.Partners.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - **into...** (merge_to)
  - **Also reassign volatile related objects** (keep_volatiles):
    - (keep_volatiles_1): **Addresses** (addresses_Address), **Invoicing suggestions** (invoicing_Item)
    - (keep_volatiles_2): **List memberships** (lists_Member), **Contact details** (phones_ContactDetail)
  - **Reason** (reason)
- contacts.Persons.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - **into...** (merge_to)
  - **Also reassign volatile related objects** (keep_volatiles):
    - (keep_volatiles_1): **contacts** (google_Contact), **Addresses** (addresses_Address)
    - (keep_volatiles_2): **Invoicing suggestions** (invoicing_Item), **List memberships** (lists_Member)
    - **Contact details** (phones_ContactDetail)
  - **Reason** (reason)
- groups.Groups.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **Group memberships** (groups_Membership), **Reason** (reason)
- lists.Lists.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **List memberships** (lists_Member), **Reason** (reason)
- periods.StoredPeriods.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **Reason** (reason)
- periods.StoredYears.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **Reason** (reason)
- subscriptions.Subscriptions.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - **into...** (merge_to)
  - **Also reassign volatile related objects** (keep_volatiles):
    - (keep_volatiles_1): **Subscription items** (subscriptions_SubscriptionItem), **Order summaries** (working_OrderSummary)
    - (keep_volatiles_2): **Movements** (accounting_Movement), **Storage movements** (storage_Movement)
  - **Reason** (reason)
- tickets.Tickets.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **Nicknamings** (nicknames_Naming), **Reason** (reason)
- tickets.Tickets.spawn_ticket : Spawn child ticket
  (main) [visible for all]: **Summary** (ticket_summary)
- topics.Topics.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **Reason** (reason)
- uploads.Uploads.camera_stream : Camera
  (main) [visible for all]: **Upload type** (type), **Description** (description)
- uploads.Volumes.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]: **into...** (merge_to), **Reason** (reason)
- users.AllUsers.change_password : Change password
  (main) [visible for all]: **Current password** (current), **New password** (new1), **New password again** (new2)
- users.AllUsers.merge_row : Merge
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - **into...** (merge_to)
  - **Also reassign volatile related objects** (keep_volatiles):
    - (keep_volatiles_1): **Subscriptions** (cal_Subscription), **Reactions** (comments_Reaction)
    - (keep_volatiles_2): **calendar subscriptions** (google_CalendarSubscription), **Group memberships** (groups_Membership)
    - (keep_volatiles_3): **Nicknamings** (nicknames_Naming), **subscriptions** (notify_Subscription)
    - (keep_volatiles_4): **Interests** (topics_Interest), **User summaries** (working_UserSummary)
  - **Reason** (reason)
- users.AllUsers.verify_me : Verify
  (main) [visible for all]: **Verification code** (verification_code)