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More about display modes

When you have defined a data table, Lino can display it in different ways, called display modes.

Side note: Code snippets (lines starting with >>>) in this document get tested as part of our development workflow. The following initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used in this document.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.cosi1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *

Overview display modes

Lino knows six display modes. We explained them already in Display modes, but they are once more :

  • ‘grid’ (default) renders a set of rows as an editable grid, similar to a spreadsheet.

  • ‘detail’ renders one row at a time

  • ‘html’ renders it as a read-only table in simple html.

  • ‘summary’ renders it as a summary in a single paragraph

  • ‘list’ renders it as a list of customizable items

  • ‘cards’ renders it using customizable “cards”

  • ‘gallery’ renders it as a photo gallery













The two basic display modes are “grid” and “detail”. They are explained in the Data windows section of the user guide.

The display modes ‘cards’, ‘list’ and ‘gallery’ don’t exist in the ExtJS front end.

On a site with React front end, end users can select the display mode using the group of buttons on the right side of the table toolbar:

Naming display modes from application code

The lino.core.constants module defines a full name for each display mode. It is recommended to use these constants rather than the actual short names.

>>> from lino.core import constants
>>> for k, v in sorted(constants.__dict__.items()):
...     if k.startswith("DISPLAY_MODE_"):
...         print(f"{k} = {repr(v)}")
>>> sorted(constants.DISPLAY_MODES)
['cards', 'detail', 'gallery', 'grid', 'html', 'list', 'story', 'summary']

Setting the default display mode

The main panel of a data window is always rendered either in “grid” or in “detail” display mode, depending on whether it is a detail window or a grid window. You don’t want to customize this behaviour.

But for slave panels, the application developer can specify the default display mode to use via the default_display_modes attribute of a table. Its default value is:

default_display_modes = {
    70: constants.DISPLAY_MODE_SUMMARY,
    None: constants.DISPLAY_MODE_GRID

The default_display_modes attribute of a table is a dict that maps available widths (in characters) to the name of a display modes to use. It reads “when there are less than X characters available, use display mode Y”.

The keys of this mapping must be either an int or None, and each value must be an element of lino.core.constants.DISPLAY_MODES.

In real life you will probably always use these two keys, 70 and None. 70 means “when there is less than 70 characters of available width”, and None means “in all other situations”.

There must be at least an item for key None.

See also Customize how data is formatted.

Activating extra display modes

As an application developer you can decide to let the end user dynamically select another display mode than the default one.

You do this by specifying the extra_display_modes attribute on a Table or a Model. On a model this attribute defaults value to None, on the Table its default value is:

extra_display_modes = {constants.DISPLAY_MODE_HTML}

If you want to remove the possibility to select summary mode, override this to an empty set:

extra_display_modes = set()

In some cases you won’t need to set extra_display_modes because Lino adds extra display nodes automatically in some situations:

  • Any (non-basic) display mode mentioned in default_display_modes will automatically be added to extra_display_modes.

  • When you define a row_as_paragraph() on a Table or a as_paragraph() method on a model, Lino will automatically add DISPLAY_MODE_LIST to extra_display_modes.

  • When you define a card_layout on a Table, Lino will automatically add DISPLAY_MODE_CARDS to extra_display_modes.

  • When you define a as_page() method on a Model, Lino will automatically add DISPLAY_MODE_STORY to extra_display_modes.

Customize the summary view

The summary view is an alternative way of displaying a data set in a single paragraph.

The default summary view simply displays a comma-separated list of all rows using their __str__() method (but each row is clickable), potentially followed by an insert button or other actions.

You can customize the summary view by overriding the table_as_summary method.

For example the detail window of a client in Lino Welfare has several slave panels with customized summary views:


The Human links slave panel displays the summary view of the SiblingsByPerson table. Look at the source code of the table_as_summary() method.

If you click the external link button in the header of this panel, you see the same data in grid mode, titled (“Human Links of Mr Paul FRISCH”):


The display mode story

Two usage examples for the display mode “story” are blog entries and comments (blogs.Entries and comments.Comments).

Display mode story means to render each item as a whole page. A story can be long.

In story mode, Lino shows the whole comment or blog entry, in

class Entries(dd.Table):

    default_display_modes = { 70: DISPLAY_MODE_LIST, None: DISPLAY_MODE_STORY }

In the dashboard these tables are rendered in display mode story, but in a slave panel using list.

Code snippets

>>> ses = rt.login("robin")
>>> ses.show(contacts.Persons, limit=5)
========================== ================================= =================== ============== ======= ===== =========
 Name                       Adresse                           E-Mail-Adresse      Telefon        Handy   ID    Sprache
-------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------- -------------- ------- ----- ---------
 Herr Hans Altenberg        Aachener Straße, 4700 Eupen                                                  115
 Herr Andreas Arens         Akazienweg, 4700 Eupen            andreas@arens.com   +32 87123456           113
 Frau Annette Arens         Alter Malmedyer Weg, 4700 Eupen   annette@arens.com   +32 87123457           114
 Herr Alfons Ausdemwald     Am Bahndamm, 4700 Eupen                                                      116
 Herr Laurent Bastiaensen   Am Berg, 4700 Eupen                                                          117
========================== ================================= =================== ============== ======= ===== =========
>>> ses.show(contacts.Persons, display_mode="summary")  
`Herr Hans Altenberg <…>`__, `Herr Andreas Arens <…>`__, `Frau Annette Arens
<…>`__, `Herr Alfons Ausdemwald <…>`__, `Herr Laurent Bastiaensen <…>`__, `Dr.
Bernard Bodard <…>`__, `Herr Bernd Brecht <…>`__, `Herr Marc Chantraine <…>`__,
`Frau Ulrike Charlier <…>`__, `Frau Charlotte Collard <…>`__, `Frau Dorothée
Demeulenaere <…>`__, `Herr Denis Denon <…>`__, `Herr Daniel Dericum <…>`__,
`Frau Dorothée Dobbelstein <…>`__, `Frau Dorothée Dobbelstein-Demeulenaere
<…>`__, ..., **Neu**
>>> ses.show(contacts.Persons, display_mode="list", limit=5)
- (+) Neue(n/s) Person erstellen.

- [Herr Hans Altenberg](…) (Aachener Straße, 4700 Eupen)

- [Herr Andreas Arens](…) (Akazienweg, 4700 Eupen)

- [Frau Annette Arens](…) (Alter Malmedyer Weg, 4700 Eupen)

- [Herr Alfons Ausdemwald](…) (Am Bahndamm, 4700 Eupen)

- [Herr Laurent Bastiaensen](…) (Am Berg, 4700 Eupen)