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system : Site-wide system settings

The lino.modlib.system plugin defines some system features that are automatically installed with every Lino application.

It especially provides the SiteConfig model.

All code snippets on this page (lines starting with >>>) are being tested as part of our development workflow. The following snippet initializes a demo project to use throughout this page.

>>> import lino
>>> lino.startup('lino_book.projects.min9.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *

Editable site parameters

Lino provides a standard method for defining persistent site parameters that are editable by end users (at least for those who have access permission).

class lino.modlib.system.Dashboard

This is your main page.

class lino.modlib.system.SiteConfig

A singleton database object used to store persistent site parameters.

This model has exactly one instance, which is accessible as the settings.SITE.site_config property.


The default build method to use when rendering printable documents.

If this field is empty, Lino uses the value found in lino.core.site.Site.default_build_method.


A constant user-defined date to be substituted as current system date.

This should be empty except in situations such as a posteriori data entry in a prototype.


The site operator, i.e. the legal person that operates this Lino site.

See How to specify the site operator.

If no plugin named ‘contacts’ is installed, then this is a dummy field and always contains None.


If this is not empty, any calendar events before that date are being hidden in certain places.

For example OverdueEvents, EntriesByController, …

Injected by lino_xl.lib.cal.

class lino.modlib.system.SiteConfigManager

Always return the cached instance which holds the one and only database instance.

This is to avoid the following situation:

  • User 1 opens the Configure ‣ System‣ System Parameters dialog

  • User 2 creates a new Person (which increases next_partner_id)

  • User 1 clicks on Save.

next_partner_id may not get overwritten by its old value when User 1 clicks “Save”.

class lino.modlib.system.Lockable

Mixin to add row-level edit locking to any model.

Models with row-level edit locking are not editable in detail view by default. All form fields are disabled. The user must click Edit in order to request an edit lock for that row. This will enable all fields (except those which are disabled for some other reason).

Caveats: locking a row and then navigating away without changing anything will leave the row locked.

class lino.modlib.system.BuildSiteCache

Rebuild the site cache. This action is available on About.

class lino.modlib.system.SiteConfigs

The table used to present the SiteConfig row in a Detail form.

See also lino.core.site.Site.get_site_config().

Recurrences in the system

class lino.modlib.system.RecurrenceSet

Mixin for database models that express a set of repeating (“recurrent”) events. Example usage can be found in Event generators.


The start date of the first meeting to be generated.


The end date of the first meeting to be generated. Leave this field empty if the meetings last less than one day.


The frequency of periodic iteration: daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.


The interval between each periodic iteration.

For example, when every is yearly, an every_unit of 2 means once every two years. The default value is 1.


Space-separated list of one or several positions within the recurrency cycle.

Each position is a positive or negative integer expressing which occurrence is to be taken from the recurrency period. For example if positions is -1 and every_unit is monthly, we get the last day of every month.

Inspired by dateutil.rrule.


Maximum number of calendar entries to generate.


A virtual field returning the textual formulation of the weekdays where the recurrence occurs.

Usage examples see cal : Calendar functionality.

class lino.modlib.system.Recurrences

List of possible choices for a ‘recurrency’ field.

A recurrency (an item of this choicelist) is also a DurationUnit.


Repeat events yearly, moving them together with the Easter data of that year.

Lino computes the offset (number of days) between this rule’s start_date and the Easter date of that year, and generates subsequent events so that this offset remains the same.

The days of the week

class lino.modlib.system.Weekdays

A choicelist with the seven days of a week.

The available values in the system are.

>>> rt.show(system.Weekdays)
======= =========== ===========
 value   name        text
------- ----------- -----------
 1       monday      Monday
 2       tuesday     Tuesday
 3       wednesday   Wednesday
 4       thursday    Thursday
 5       friday      Friday
 6       saturday    Saturday
 7       sunday      Sunday
======= =========== ===========

The five workdays of the week (Monday to Friday).

Duration units

The system plugin defines DurationUnits choicelist, a site-wide list of duration units.

class lino.modlib.system.DurationUnits

The list of possible duration units defined by this application.

This is used as the selection list for the duration_unit field of a calendar entry.

Every item is an instance of DurationUnit.

class lino.modlib.system.DurationUnit

Base class for the choices in the DurationUnits choicelist.

add_duration(unit, orig, value)

Return a date or datetime obtained by adding value times this unit to the specified value orig. Returns None is orig is empty.

This is intended for use as a curried magic method of a specified list item:

The available values in the system are:

>>> rt.show(system.DurationUnits)
======= ========= =========
 value   name      text
------- --------- ---------
 s       seconds   seconds
 m       minutes   minutes
 h       hours     hours
 D       days      days
 W       weeks     weeks
 M       months    months
 Y       years     years
======= ========= =========

Duration units can be used for arithmetic operation on durations. For example:

>>> from lino.modlib.system.choicelists import DurationUnits
>>> start_date = i2d(20111026)
>>> DurationUnits.months.add_duration(start_date, 2)
datetime.date(2011, 12, 26)
>>> from lino.utils import i2d
>>> start_date = i2d(20111026)
>>> DurationUnits.months.add_duration(start_date, 2)
datetime.date(2011, 12, 26)
>>> DurationUnits.months.add_duration(start_date, -2)
datetime.date(2011, 8, 26)
>>> start_date = i2d(20110131)
>>> DurationUnits.months.add_duration(start_date, 1)
datetime.date(2011, 2, 28)
>>> DurationUnits.months.add_duration(start_date, -1)
datetime.date(2010, 12, 31)
>>> DurationUnits.months.add_duration(start_date, -2)
datetime.date(2010, 11, 30)
>>> start_date = i2d(20140401)
>>> DurationUnits.months.add_duration(start_date, 3)
datetime.date(2014, 7, 1)
>>> DurationUnits.years.add_duration(start_date, 1)
datetime.date(2015, 4, 1)

Display colors

class lino.modlib.system.DisplayColors

A list of colors to be specified for displaying.

This is a subset of the 140 colors supported by all modern browsers

>>> rt.show(system.DisplayColors)
======= ============ ============ ============
 value   name         text         Font color
------- ------------ ------------ ------------
 100     white        White        black
 110     gray         Gray         black
 120     black        Black        white
 210     red          Red          white
 220     orange       Orange       white
 230     yellow       Yellow       black
 240     green        Green        white
 250     blue         Blue         white
 260     magenta      Magenta      white
 270     violet       Violet       white
 300     silver       Silver       black
 310     maroon       Maroon       white
 311     peru         Peru         white
 312     pink         Pink         black
 320     olive        Olive        white
 330     aqua         Aqua         white
 340     navy         Navy         white
 341     aquamarine   Aquamarine   black
 342     darkgreen    DarkGreen    white
 343     palegreen    PaleGreen    black
 344     chartreuse   Chartreuse   black
 345     lime         Lime         black
 350     fuchsia      Fuchsia      white
 351     cyan         Cyan         black
 361     purple       Purple       white
======= ============ ============ ============

Here is how these colors are rendered in your browser:

 White   Gray   Black   Red   Orange   Yellow   Green   Blue   Magenta   Violet   Silver   Maroon   Peru   Pink   Olive   Aqua   Navy   Aquamarine   DarkGreen   PaleGreen   Chartreuse   Lime   Fuchsia   Cyan   Purple 


class lino.modlib.system.BleachChecker

A data checker used to find unbleached html content.

class lino.modlib.system.Genders

Defines the possible choices for the gender of a person (“male”, “female” and “nonbinary”).

>>> rt.show('system.Genders')
======= =========== ===========
 value   name        text
------- ----------- -----------
 M       male        Male
 F       female      Female
 N       nonbinary   Nonbinary
======= =========== ===========

This choicelist is used for deciding the salutation (Mr/Mrs) and for its mf() method. See The Human mixin.

class lino.modlib.system.YesNo

A choicelist with two values “Yes” and “No”.

Used e.g. to define parameter panel fields for BooleanFields:

foo = dd.YesNo.field(_("Foo"), blank=True)
class lino.modlib.system.ObservedEvent

Base class for choices of “observed event”-style choicelists.

add_filter(self, qs, pv)

Add a filter to the given Django queryset. The given obj must be either a datetime.date object or must have two attributes start_date and end_date. The easiest way is to have it an instance of DateRange or DateRangeValue.

class lino.modlib.system.PeriodEvents

The list of things you can observe on a lino.mixins.periods.DateRange.

class lino.modlib.system.TimeZones

Used by lino.modlib.users.User.time_zone and lino_xl.lib.working.Session.time_zone.

See also USE_TZ.

class lino.modlib.system.DateFormats

Used by lino.modlib.users.User.date_format.