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The Human
This article explains the lino.mixins.human.Human
model mixin.
Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>
) get tested
as part of our development workflow. The following
initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.
>>> import lino
>>> lino.startup('lino_book.projects.avanti1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> from django.db.models import Q
>>> from django.utils import translation
>>> Person = contacts.Person
>>> Genders = system.Genders
Database structure¶
This tutorial uses the demo database in lino_book.projects.avanti1
, which
uses the lino_xl.lib.contacts.Person
model, which inherits from
. (It also inherits from
, explained in The Born mixin.)
Basic human values¶
The Human
model mixin defines four database fields first_name,
middle_name, last_name and gender.
The gender field is a pointer to the lino.modlib.system.Genders
choicelist and its value is used for salutation
or by the mf() method.
All these fields may be blank (except if your application changed that
rule using lino.core.inject.update_field()
Parsing names¶
>>> from lino.mixins.human import name2kw
>>> name2kw("Saffre Luc") == {'first_name': 'Luc', 'last_name': 'Saffre'}
>>> name2kw("Rilke Rainer Maria") == {'first_name': 'Rainer Maria', 'last_name': 'Rilke'}
>>> name2kw("Van Rompuy Herman") == {'first_name': 'Herman', 'last_name': 'Van Rompuy'}
>>> name2kw("'T Jampens Jan") == {'first_name': 'Jan', 'last_name': "'T Jampens"}
>>> name2kw("Van den Bossche Marc Antoine Bernard") == {'first_name': 'Marc Antoine Bernard', 'last_name': 'Van den Bossche'}
>>> name2kw("Den Tandt Marc Antoine Bernard") == {'first_name': 'Marc Antoine Bernard', 'last_name': 'Den Tandt'}
In more complicated cases, a comma is required to help:
>>> name2kw("Mombanga born Ngungi, Maria Magdalena") == {'first_name': 'Maria Magdalena', 'last_name': 'Mombanga born Ngungi'}
Some examples with first_name first:
>>> name2kw("Luc Saffre", False) == {'first_name': 'Luc', 'last_name': 'Saffre'}
>>> name2kw("Rainer Maria Rilke", False) == {'first_name': 'Rainer Maria', 'last_name': 'Rilke'}
>>> name2kw("Herman Van Rompuy", False) == {'first_name': 'Herman', 'last_name': 'Van Rompuy'}
>>> name2kw("Jan 'T Jampens", False) == {'first_name': 'Jan', 'last_name': "'T Jampens"}
>>> name2kw("Marc Antoine Bernard Van den Bossche", False) == {'first_name': 'Marc Antoine Bernard', 'last_name': 'Van den Bossche'}
>>> name2kw("Marc Antoine Bernard Den Tandt", False) == {'first_name': 'Marc Antoine Bernard', 'last_name': 'Den Tandt'}
Some examples taken from a question on SO with Brazilian names:
>>> name2kw("Emiliano Rodrigo Carrasco", False) == {'first_name': 'Emiliano Rodrigo', 'last_name': 'Carrasco'}
>>> name2kw("Alberto de Francia", False) == {'first_name': 'Alberto', 'last_name': 'de Francia'}
TODO: This one doesn’t yet work:
>>> # name2kw("Francisco da Sousa Rodrigues", False)
Edge cases:
>>> name2kw("")
>>> from lino.mixins.human import parse_name
>>> pprint(parse_name("luc saffre"))
{'first_name': 'Luc', 'last_name': 'Saffre'}
But careful with name prefixes:
>>> pprint(parse_name("herman van veen"))
{'first_name': 'Herman', 'last_name': 'van veen'}
>>> pprint(parse_name("jean van den bossche"))
{'first_name': 'Jean', 'last_name': 'van den bossche'}
>>> parse_name("Foo")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ...Cannot find first and last name in "Foo"']
The default __str__()
method of a Human includes the “salutation”, which
indicates the gender:
>>> print(Person(first_name="John", last_name="Smith", gender=Genders.male))
Mr John Smith
>>> print(Person(last_name="Smith", gender=Genders.female))
Mrs Smith
If you don’t specify a gender, Lino doesn’t print any salutation:
>>> print(Person(first_name="John", last_name="Smith"))
John Smith
>>> print(Person(first_name="John"))
The salutation depends not only on the gender, but also on the current language. This is Mr Jean Dupont:
>>> p = Person(first_name="Jean", last_name="Dupont", gender=Genders.male)
We can address him in English:
>>> print(p)
Mr Jean Dupont
The same object will render differently when we switch to French…
>>> with translation.override('fr'):
... print(p)
M. Jean Dupont
… or to German…
>>> with translation.override('de'):
... print(p)
Herr Jean Dupont
The full name¶
Calling str on a person actually returns the same as the property full_name:
>>> print(p)
Mr Jean Dupont
>>> print(p.full_name)
Mr Jean Dupont
They are equivalent here, but remember that applications may override one of them (usually __str__) because in reality not all humans are equal.
>>> print(p.get_full_name())
Mr Jean Dupont
The get_full_name
function has 2 optional parameters nominative and salutation.
In some languages, for example German, the salutation may vary depending on whether you talk about them or whether you address them directly. In the latter case you need to use the nominative form.
>>> with translation.override('de'):
... print(p.get_full_name())
... print(p.get_full_name(nominative=True))
Herrn Jean Dupont
Herr Jean Dupont
You may want to omit the salutation:
>>> with translation.override('de'):
... print(p.get_full_name(salutation=False))
Jean Dupont
The property full_name (without parentheses) of Person is an alias for the function call get_full_name() without parameters.
>>> with translation.override('de'):
... print(p.full_name)
Herrn Jean Dupont
Uppercase last name¶
In France it is usual to print the last name with captial letters.
>>> with translation.override('fr'):
... print(p.get_full_name(upper=True))
Lino also has a setting uppercase_last_name
which causes
this to be the default.
>>> from django.conf import settings
>>> settings.SITE.uppercase_last_name = True
>>> with translation.override('fr'):
... print(p)
When uppercase_last_name
is set to True and you
(exceptionally) do not want uppercase last names, then you must
specify it explicitly:
>>> with translation.override('fr'):
... print(p.get_full_name(upper=False))
M. Jean Dupont
The title of a human¶
The title
field of a human is for specifying a title such as “Dr.” or “PhD”.
>>> settings.SITE.uppercase_last_name = False
>>> p.title = "Dr."
>>> p.full_clean()
>>> print(p.get_full_name())
Mr Dr. Jean Dupont
>>> with translation.override('de'):
... print(p.get_full_name())
Herrn Dr. Jean Dupont
In lino_xl.lib.contacts
this is covered by the
The mf method¶
The mf
method of a Human
is useful in document templates when you want to generate texts
that differ depending on the gender of a Human.
>>> mankind = [Person(first_name="Adam", gender=Genders.male),
... Person(first_name="Eva", gender=Genders.female)]
>>> def about(p):
... return "{} was the first {}.".format(
... p, p.mf("man", "woman"))
>>> for p in mankind:
... print(about(p))
Mr Adam was the first man.
Mrs Eva was the first woman.
The mf method is a bit sexistic in that it returns the male value when the gender field is blank:
>>> p = Person(first_name="Conchita", last_name="Wurst")
>>> print(p.mf("He", "She"))
Templates can use the third argument to handle this case properly:
>>> print(p.mf("He", "She", "He or she"))
He or she
The strip_name_prefix function¶
>>> from lino.mixins.human import strip_name_prefix
>>> strip_name_prefix("Vandenberg")
>>> strip_name_prefix("Van den Berg")
>>> strip_name_prefix("Vonnegut")
>>> strip_name_prefix("von Goethe")
>>> strip_name_prefix("Jean")
>>> strip_name_prefix("Jean-Jacques")
>>> strip_name_prefix("Nemard")