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summaries : Summary tables

The lino.modlib.summaries plugin adds a framework for defining summary fields and summary tables.

summary table

A database table with summary fields.

slave summary

A summary table for which the summary rows depend on a “master”.

For example

The plugin has no models on its own, but defines several model mixins to be used by other plugins.

It then adds the checksummaries command, which updates all summary data. It also adds a background task that does the same.

End users get a button on each model for which there are slave summaries.

Plugin settings summaries.start_year and summaries.end_year specify the years to be covered in summary tables.

Usage examples

  • userstats: User statistics adds a summary table with monthly statistic data per site user.

  • lino_xl.lib.working adds two summary tables, one with yearly statistics per project and the other with weekly statistics per user.

  • European Social Fund : The most advanced use of summaries. Is a summary table used to calculate yearly and monthly worked time with clients based on meeting type and various other rules.

Summary fields

Application developers can use this plugin to create summary fields.

summary field

A read-only and otherwise regular database field, the value of which is computed at certain moments as a summary of other tables. This can be used as an alternative for virtual fields that are computed on the fly for each request.

Example: Client has two date fields active_from and active_until, the values of which are automatically computed based on all contracts with that client. They are not virtual fields because we want to sort and filter on them, and because their values aren’t very dynamic: they are the start and end date of the currently active contract.

Also it is likely required to update reset_summary_data() if the field type doesn’t support a value of 0.

The application must declare them as summary fields by defining:

class Client(Summarized, ...):

    def reset_summary_data(self):
        self.active_from = None
        self.active_until = None

    def get_summary_collectors(self):
        yield (self.update_active_from, Contracts.objects.filter(client=self).orderby("start_date")[0:1])
        yield (self.update_active_until, Contracts.objects.filter(client=self).orderby("end_date")[0:1])

    def update_active_from(self, obj):
        self.active_from = obj.start_date

    def update_active_until(self, obj):
        self.active_until = obj.end_date

Note that when a new contract is added, the client’s active_from and active_until fields are not updated unless you run compute_summary_values().

The Summarized model mixin

class lino.modlib.summaries.Summarized

Model mixin for database objects that have summary fields.


Set this to True if all instances of this model should be considered temporary data to be deleted by checksummaries.


Update all the summary fields for this database object.


Set all counters and sums to 0.


Compute the values of the summary fields in this database row.

The default implementation (1) calls reset_summary_data(), then (2) iterates over the collectors and querysets given by get_summary_collectors() and (3) saves the database row.


Runs compute_summary_values() on a a filtered queryset based on keyword arguments.


To be implemented by subclasses. This must yield a sequence of (collector, qs) tuples, where collector is a callable and qs a queryset. Lino will call collector for each obj in qs. The collector is responsible for updating that object.

class lino.modlib.summaries.SlaveSummarized

Mixin for Summarized models that are related to a master.

The master is another database object for which this summary data applies. Implementing subclasses must define a field named master, which must be a foreign key to the master model.


The target model of the master will automatically receive an action check_summaries.

The mixin also sets allow_cascaded_delete to 'master'.

class lino.modlib.summaries.DateSummarized

A Summarized that will have more than one entries per master, one for each month.


Can be 'yearly', 'monthly', 'weekly' or 'timeless'.


The year


The number of the month or the week.

The checksummaries command

This plugin adds the following django-admin command.


Update the summary tables.

If no arguments are given, run it on all summaries.

Otherwise (not yet implemented) every positional argument is expected to be a model name in the form app_label.ModelName, and only these models are being updated.



This plugin installs a check_summaries action


Return a dict mapping each model which has at least one summary to a list of these summaries.

class lino.modlib.summaries.CheckSummaries

Web UI version of checksummaries.

class lino.modlib.summaries.UpdateSummariesByMaster

Update summary data for this object.

Plugin configuration

The plugin has the following settings:


The first year for which summaries should be computed.

Default value is two years before the current year.


The last year for which summaries should be computed.

Default value is the current year.


The width of duration fields in summary records.

Default value is 6, which means that maximum value for sums of duration is 999:59. If a summary yields a bigger value, Lino will store -1 instead.