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trading : Product invoices

See also The trading plugin.

Snippets in this document are tested on the lino_book.projects.cosi2 demo project.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.cosi2.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> ses = rt.login('robin')

The plugin

Lino implements product invoices in the lino_xl.lib.trading plugin. The internal codename was “sales” until 20240325, we renamed it because you might generate product invoices for other trade types as well.

The plugin needs and automatically installs the lino_xl.lib.products plugin.

It also needs and installs lino_xl.lib.vat (and not lino_xl.lib.vatless). Which means that if you want product invoices, you cannot not also install the VAT framework. If the site operator is not subject to VAT, you might add lino_xl.lib.bevats which hides most of the VAT functionality.

>>> dd.plugins.trading.needs_plugins
['lino.modlib.memo', 'lino_xl.lib.products', 'lino_xl.lib.vat']

This plugin may be combined with the lino_xl.lib.invoicing plugin which adds automatic generation of such product invoices.

Configuration settings


The name of a data table to use when printing invoices using appypod print method.

This is a plugin setting.

Product invoices

class lino_xl.lib.trading.VatProductInvoice

The Django model representing a product invoice.

Inherits from lino_xl.lib.accounting.Voucher, SalesDocument, Matching, lino_xl.lib.invoicing.InvoicingTargetVoucher and StorageTransferer.

Virtual fields:


The balance of payments or debts that existed already before this voucher.

On a printed invoice, this amount should be mentioned and added to the invoice’s amount in order to get the total amount to pay.


The balance of all movements matching this invoice.


get_print_items(self, ar):

For usage in an appy template:

do text
from table(obj.get_print_items(ar))
class lino_xl.lib.trading.InvoiceItem

The Django model representing an item of a product invoice.

class lino_xl.lib.trading.InvoiceDetail

The Lino layout representing the detail view of a product invoice.

class lino_xl.lib.trading.Invoices
class lino_xl.lib.trading.InvoicesByJournal

Shows all invoices of a given journal.

The master instance must be a journal having VatProductInvoice as lino_xl.lib.accounting.Journal.voucher_type.

class lino_xl.lib.trading.DueInvoices

Shows all due product invoices.

class lino_xl.lib.trading.ProductDocItem

Model mixin for voucher items that potentially refer to a product.


The product that is being sold or purchased.


A multi-line rich text to be printed in the resulting printable document.


The percentage to subtract from the price of this item.

class lino_xl.lib.trading.ItemsByInvoicePrint

The table used to render items in a printable document.


TODO: write more about it.

class lino_xl.lib.trading.ItemsByInvoicePrintNoQtyColumn

Alternative column layout to be used when printing an invoice.

class lino_xl.lib.trading.SalesPrintable

Inherits from PartnerPrintable and Certifiable.


A single-line text that describes this voucher.


The type of paper to use when printing this voucher.

class lino_xl.lib.trading.SalesDocument

Common base class for lino_xl.lib.orders.Order and VatProductInvoice.

Inherits from SalesPrintable and lino_xl.lib.vat.VatVoucher

Subclasses must either add themselves a date field (as does Order) or inherit it from Voucher (as does VatProductInvoice).

This model mixin sets edit_totals to False.


An optional introduction text to be printed on the document.


The table (column layout) to use in the printed document.

ItemsByInvoicePrint ItemsByInvoicePrintNoQtyColumn

Paper types

class lino_xl.lib.trading.PaperType

Describes a paper type (document template) to be used when printing an invoice.

A sample use case is to differentiate between invoices to get printed either on a company letterpaper for expedition via paper mail or into an email-friendly pdf file.

Inherits from lino.utils.mldbc.mixins.BabelNamed.

templates_group = 'trading/VatProductInvoice'

A class attribute.


Trade types

The plugin updates your lino_xl.lib.accounting.TradeTypes.sales, causing two additional database fields to be injected to lino_xl.lib.products.Product.

The first injected field is the sales price of a product:

>>> translation.activate('en')
>>> print(accounting.TradeTypes.sales.price_field_name)
>>> print(accounting.TradeTypes.sales.price_field_label)
Sales price
>>> products.Product._meta.get_field('sales_price')
<lino.core.fields.PriceField: sales_price>

The other injected field is the sales base account of a product:

>>> print(accounting.TradeTypes.sales.base_account_field_name)
>>> print(accounting.TradeTypes.sales.base_account_field_label)
Sales account
>>> products.Product._meta.get_field('sales_account')
<django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey: sales_account>

The sales journal

The cosi2 demo site has no VAT declarations, no purchase journals, no financial journals, just a single sales journal.

>>> rt.show('accounting.Journals', column_names="ref name trade_type")
=========== ================ ================== ============
 Reference   Designation      Designation (en)   Trade type
----------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------
 SLS         Factures vente   Sales invoices     Sales
=========== ================ ================== ============

Invoices are sorted by number and year. The entry date should normally never “go back”. Lino supports exceptional situations, e.g. starting to issue invoices at a given number and entering a series of sales invoices from a legacy system afterwards.

>>> jnl = rt.models.accounting.Journal.get_by_ref("SLS")
>>> rt.show('trading.InvoicesByJournal', jnl)
===================== ============ =========================== ============== =============== ================
 No.                   Entry date   Partner                     Subject line   Total to pay    Workflow
--------------------- ------------ --------------------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------
 15/2017               12/03/2017   Bogaert Aabid                              1 110,16        **Registered**
 14/2017               11/03/2017   Bogaert Aabid                              535,00          **Registered**
 13/2017               10/03/2017   Boesmans Aabdeen                           280,00          **Registered**
 3/2017                08/02/2017   Blaas Léona                                719,60          **Registered**
 2/2017                07/02/2017   Bietmé Rubens                              645,00          **Registered**
 1/2017                07/01/2017   Bertrand Louise                            31,92           **Registered**
 57/2016               10/12/2016   Bernard Oscar                              3 149,71        **Registered**
 56/2016               09/12/2016   Beckers Joséphine                          1 613,92        **Registered**
 55/2016               08/12/2016   Beck Max                                   448,50          **Registered**
 6/2016                07/02/2016   Donderweer BV                              1 110,16        **Registered**
 5/2016                11/01/2016   Garage Mergelsberg                         535,00          **Registered**
 4/2016                10/01/2016   Bäckerei Schmitz                           280,00          **Registered**
 3/2016                09/01/2016   Bäckerei Mießen                            679,81          **Registered**
 2/2016                08/01/2016   Bäckerei Ausdemwald                        2 039,82        **Registered**
 1/2016                07/01/2016   Rumma & Ko OÜ                              2 999,85        **Registered**
 **Total (72 rows)**                                                           **82 597,39**
===================== ============ =========================== ============== =============== ================
>>> mt = contenttypes.ContentType.objects.get_for_model(accounting.Journal).id
>>> obj = trading.VatProductInvoice.objects.get(journal__ref="SLS", number=20)
>>> url = '/api/trading/InvoicesByJournal/{0}'.format(obj.id)
>>> url += '?mt={0}&mk={1}&an=detail&fmt=json'.format(mt, obj.journal.id)
>>> test_client.force_login(rt.login('robin').user)
>>> res = test_client.get(url, REMOTE_USER='robin')
>>> # res.content
>>> r = check_json_result(res, "navinfo data disable_delete id param_values title")
>>> print(r['title'])
<a ...>Sales invoices (SLS)</a> » SLS 20/2016

IllegalText: The <text:section> element does not allow text

The following reproduces a situation which caused above error until 2015-11-11.

TODO: it is currently disabled for different reasons: leaves dangling temporary directories, does not reproduce the problem (probably because we must clear the cache).

>> obj = rt.models.trading.VatProductInvoice.objects.all()[0] >> obj VatProductInvoice #1 (‘SLS#1’) >> from lino.modlib.appypod.appy_renderer import AppyRenderer >> tplfile = rt.find_config_file(‘trading/VatProductInvoice/Default.odt’) >> context = dict() >> outfile = “tmp.odt” >> renderer = AppyRenderer(ses, tplfile, context, outfile) >> ar = rt.models.trading.ItemsByInvoicePrint.request(obj) >> print(renderer.insert_table(ar)) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS <table:table …</table:table-rows></table:table>

>> item = obj.items.all()[0] >> item.description = “”” … <p>intro:</p><ol><li>first</li><li>second</li></ol> … <p></p> … “”” >> item.save() >> print(renderer.insert_table(ar)) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): … IllegalText: The <text:section> element does not allow text

The language of an invoice

The language of an invoice not necessary that of the user who enters the invoice. It is either the partner’s language or (if this is empty) the Site’s get_default_language.

Some fields of a registered voucher can remain editable

The default behaviour is that a registered voucher is not editable.

>>> UserTypes = rt.models.users.UserTypes
>>> InvoicesByJournal = rt.models.trading.InvoicesByJournal
>>> obj = InvoicesByJournal.model.objects.first()
>>> obj.state
>>> ar = rt.login("robin")
>>> actor = InvoicesByJournal
>>> actor.get_row_permission(
...     obj, ar, actor.get_row_state(obj), actor.update_action)

But if you set accounting.VoucherState.is_editable to True for the registered state, then the record itself becomes editable.

>>> accounting.VoucherStates.registered.is_editable = True
>>> actor.get_row_permission(
...     obj, ar, actor.get_row_state(obj), actor.update_action)
>>> obj.disabled_fields(obj.get_default_table().request(parent=ar))

Only the voucher state refuses editing, the actors don’t disable editing for all rows:

>>> rt.models.trading.InvoicesByJournal.editable
>>> InvoicesByJournal.hide_editing(UserTypes.admin)

TODO: Split is_editable of a voucher state into two booleans: fields_editable and row_editable. For example the partner field of a registered trading invoice must never be editable while the language field or some narration might remain editable.