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sheets : Balance sheet and Income statement

The lino_xl.lib.sheets plugin adds an annual financial report: three types of account balances (general, partner and analytical) as well as the Balance sheet and the Income statement.

You should have read accounting: General accounting before reading this document.

All code snippets on this page (lines starting with >>>) are being tested as part of our development workflow. The following snippet initializes a demo project to use throughout this page.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.tera1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> ses = rt.login("robin")
>>> translation.activate('en')
>>> from lino_xl.lib.accounting.choicelists import DC



Anything of value that you own and that can be expressed as a monetary value. For example the money in your cash drawer, a positive balance on your bank account, a computer, a car, a house,

An asset might generate revenue, or you might benefit in some way from owning or using the asset.


An amount of money that you owe to somebody else.


The money you get for your business activity, e.g. for the sale of your products and services.


The cost of doing business. For example the rent you pay for your office room, the salaries you pay to your employees, office supplies and coffee you consume while working, …


The money given to your business by your investors.

ownership equity

The amount of the business assets owned by the business owner.

The Accounting Equation

The basic Accounting Equation states:

Assets = Liabilities + Capital

And the expanded accounting equation is:

Assets + Expenses = Liabilities + Equity + Revenue

Accounts on the left side of the equation (Assets and Expenses) are normally DEBITed and have DEBIT balances. That’s what the dc attribute means:

>>> print(sheets.CommonItems.assets.dc)
>>> print(sheets.CommonItems.expenses.dc)

Wikipedia gives a Summary table of standard increasing and decreasing attributes for the five accounting elements:














The equivalent in Lino is:

>>> for t in sheets.CommonItems.get_list_items():
...   if len(t.value) <= 2:
...     print("%-2s|%-15s|%-6s" % (t.value, t, t.dc))
1 |Assets         |Debit
10|Current assets |Debit
11|Non-current assets|Debit
2 |Passiva        |Credit
20|Liabilities    |Credit
21|Own capital    |Credit
4 |Commercial assets & liabilities|Credit
5 |Financial assets & liabilities|Credit
6 |Expenses       |Debit
60|Operation costs|Debit
62|Wages          |Debit
7 |Revenues       |Credit

TODO: the following tests aren’t yet very meaningful, we must first automatically generate the profit/loss booking (#3476) so that the expenses and revenues are balanced.

>>> rpt = sheets.Report.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> def getval(ci):
...     try:
...         e = sheets.ItemEntry.objects.get(report=rpt, item=ci.get_object())
...     except sheets.ItemEntry.DoesNotExist:
...         return 0
...     return e.new_balance().value(e.item.dc)
>>> assets = getval(sheets.CommonItems.assets)
>>> liabilities = getval(sheets.CommonItems.liabilities)
>>> capital = getval(sheets.CommonItems.capital)
>>> passiva = getval(sheets.CommonItems.passiva)
>>> expenses = getval(sheets.CommonItems.expenses)
>>> revenues = getval(sheets.CommonItems.revenues)
>>> print(assets)
>>> print(liabilities)
>>> print(capital)
>>> print(liabilities+capital)
>>> print(passiva)
>>> print(expenses)
>>> print(revenues)

Types of accounting sheets

balance sheet

A summary of the financial balances of an organisation. Also called a statement of financial position.

Assets, liabilities and ownership equity are listed as of a specific date, such as the end of its financial year. A balance sheet is often described as a “snapshot of a company’s financial condition”. Of the four basic financial statements, the balance sheet is the only statement that applies to a single point in time of a business’ calendar year.

A standard company balance sheet has three parts: assets, liabilities and ownership equity. The main categories of assets are usually listed first, and typically in order of liquidity. Assets are followed by the liabilities. The difference between the assets and the liabilities is known as equity or the net assets or the net worth or capital of the company and according to the accounting equation, net worth must equal assets minus liabilities.


class lino_xl.lib.sheets.SheetTypes

The global list of sheet types .

>>> rt.show(sheets.SheetTypes, language="en")
======= ========= ==================
 value   name      text
------- --------- ------------------
 B       balance   Balance sheet
 R       results   Income statement
======= ========= ==================


class lino_xl.lib.sheets.CommonItems

The global list of common sheet items .

>>> rt.show(sheets.CommonItems, language="en")
======= ================= ================================= ================== ======== ===================================== ========
 value   name              text                              Sheet type         D/C      Sheet item                            Mirror
------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ------------------ -------- ------------------------------------- --------
 1       assets            Assets                            Balance sheet      Debit    (1) Assets
 10                        Current assets                    Balance sheet      Debit    (10) Current assets
 1000    customers         Customers receivable              Balance sheet      Debit    (1000) Customers receivable
 1010                      Taxes receivable                  Balance sheet      Debit    (1010) Taxes receivable               2010
 1020                      Cash and cash equivalents         Balance sheet      Debit    (1020) Cash and cash equivalents      2020
 1030                      Current transfers                 Balance sheet      Debit    (1030) Current transfers              2030
 1090                      Other current assets              Balance sheet      Debit    (1090) Other current assets           2090
 11                        Non-current assets                Balance sheet      Debit    (11) Non-current assets
 2       passiva           Passiva                           Balance sheet      Credit   (2) Passiva
 20      liabilities       Liabilities                       Balance sheet      Credit   (20) Liabilities
 2000    suppliers         Suppliers payable                 Balance sheet      Credit   (2000) Suppliers payable
 2010    taxes             Taxes payable                     Balance sheet      Credit   (2010) Taxes payable                  1010
 2020    banks             Banks                             Balance sheet      Credit   (2020) Banks                          1020
 2030    transfers         Current transfers                 Balance sheet      Credit   (2030) Current transfers              1030
 2090    other             Other liabilities                 Balance sheet      Credit   (2090) Other liabilities              1090
 21      capital           Own capital                       Balance sheet      Credit   (21) Own capital
 2150    net_income_loss   Net income (loss)                 Balance sheet      Credit   (2150) Net income (loss)
 4       com_ass_lia       Commercial assets & liabilities   Balance sheet      Credit   (4) Commercial assets & liabilities
 5       fin_ass_lia       Financial assets & liabilities    Balance sheet      Credit   (5) Financial assets & liabilities
 6       expenses          Expenses                          Income statement   Debit    (6) Expenses
 60      op_costs          Operation costs                   Income statement   Debit    (60) Operation costs
 6000    costofsales       Cost of sales                     Income statement   Debit    (6000) Cost of sales
 6010    operating         Operating expenses                Income statement   Debit    (6010) Operating expenses
 6020    otherexpenses     Other expenses                    Income statement   Debit    (6020) Other expenses
 62      wages             Wages                             Income statement   Debit    (62) Wages
 6900    net_income        Net income                        Income statement   Debit    (6900) Net income                     7900
 7       revenues          Revenues                          Income statement   Credit   (7) Revenues
 7000    sales             Net sales                         Income statement   Credit   (7000) Net sales
 7900    net_loss          Net loss                          Income statement   Credit   (7900) Net loss                       6900
======= ================= ================================= ================== ======== ===================================== ========

Every item of this list is an instance of CommonItem.

class lino_xl.lib.sheets.CommonItem

Corresponds to the ref field in Item

class lino_xl.lib.sheets.Item

In this table the user can configure their local list of items for both sheet types.

The default table is populated from CommonItems.

>>> rt.show(sheets.Items, language="en")
=========== ================================= =================================================== ================================= ================== =================== =================================
 Reference   Designation                       Designation (de)                                    Designation (fr)                  Sheet type         Booking direction   Common sheet item
----------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ---------------------------------
 1           Assets                            Vermögen                                            Actifs                            Balance sheet      Debit               Assets
 10          Current assets                    Umlaufvermögen                                      Current assets                    Balance sheet      Debit               Current assets
 1000        Customers receivable              Customers receivable                                Customers receivable              Balance sheet      Debit               Customers receivable
 1010        Taxes receivable                  Taxes receivable                                    Taxes receivable                  Balance sheet      Debit               Taxes receivable
 1020        Cash and cash equivalents         Cash and cash equivalents                           Cash and cash equivalents         Balance sheet      Debit               Cash and cash equivalents
 1030        Current transfers                 Current transfers                                   Current transfers                 Balance sheet      Debit               Current transfers
 1090        Other current assets              Sonstige kurzfristige Vermögenswerte                Other current assets              Balance sheet      Debit               Other current assets
 11          Non-current assets                Langfristige Vermögenswerte                         Non-current assets                Balance sheet      Debit               Non-current assets
 2           Passiva                           Russland                                            Passiva                           Balance sheet      Credit              Passiva
 20          Liabilities                       Verpflichtungen                                     Passifs                           Balance sheet      Credit              Liabilities
 2000        Suppliers payable                 Lieferanten zahlbar                                 Suppliers payable                 Balance sheet      Credit              Suppliers payable
 2010        Taxes payable                     Taxes payable                                       Taxes payable                     Balance sheet      Credit              Taxes payable
 2020        Banks                             Banken                                              Banks                             Balance sheet      Credit              Banks
 2030        Current transfers                 Current transfers                                   Current transfers                 Balance sheet      Credit              Current transfers
 2090        Other liabilities                 Sonstige Verbindlichkeiten                          Other liabilities                 Balance sheet      Credit              Other liabilities
 21          Own capital                       Eigenkapital                                        Own capital                       Balance sheet      Credit              Own capital
 2150        Net income (loss)                 Net income (loss)                                   Net income (loss)                 Balance sheet      Credit              Net income (loss)
 4           Commercial assets & liabilities   Kommerzielle Vermögenswerte und Verbindlichkeiten   Commercial assets & liabilities   Balance sheet      Credit              Commercial assets & liabilities
 5           Financial assets & liabilities    Finanzielle Vermögenswerte und Verbindlichkeiten    Financial assets & liabilities    Balance sheet      Credit              Financial assets & liabilities
 6           Expenses                          Ausgaben                                            Dépenses                          Income statement   Debit               Expenses
 60          Operation costs                   Diplome                                             Operation costs                   Income statement   Debit               Operation costs
 6000        Cost of sales                     Cost of sales                                       Cost of sales                     Income statement   Debit               Cost of sales
 6010        Operating expenses                Betriebliche Aufwendungen                           Operating expenses                Income statement   Debit               Operating expenses
 6020        Other expenses                    Sonstige Auslagen                                   Other expenses                    Income statement   Debit               Other expenses
 62          Wages                             Löhne und Gehälter                                  Salaires                          Income statement   Debit               Wages
 6900        Net income                        Net income                                          Net income                        Income statement   Debit               Net income
 7           Revenues                          Einnahmen                                           Revenus                           Income statement   Credit              Revenues
 7000        Net sales                         Net sales                                           Net sales                         Income statement   Credit              Net sales
 7900        Net loss                          Net loss                                            Net loss                          Income statement   Credit              Net loss
=========== ================================= =================================================== ================================= ================== =================== =================================

In the demo database this list is an unchanged copy of CommonItems.

The accounting report

accounting report

A printable document that describes the accountable aspects of the business activity.

class lino_xl.lib.sheets.Report

Database model used to store an accounting report.

class lino_xl.lib.sheets.AccountEntry
class lino_xl.lib.sheets.PartnerEntry
class lino_xl.lib.sheets.AnaAccountEntry
class lino_xl.lib.sheets.ItemEntry

The computed value of given item for a given report.

>>> rpt = sheets.Report.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> print(rpt.start_period)
>>> print(rpt.end_period)
>>> rpt.run_update_plan(rt.login('robin'))  # temporary 20200927
>>> rt.show(sheets.ResultsEntriesByReport, rpt)
========================= =========== ==========
 Description               Expenses    Revenues
------------------------- ----------- ----------
 **6 Expenses**            26 115,45
 ** 60 Operation costs**   26 115,45
 6000 Cost of sales        6 285,79
 6010 Operating expenses   16 261,89
 6020 Other expenses       3 567,77
 **7 Revenues**                        9 950,00
 7000 Net sales                        9 950,00
========================= =========== ==========
>>> ses = rt.login("robin")
>>> ses.show_story(rpt.get_story(ses), header_level=2)
General account balances
============================== ================ =============== =============== ===============
 Account                        Balance before   Debit           Credit          Balance after
------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
 4000 Customers                 0.00 CR          10 069,20       7 621,80        2447.40 DB
 4100 Suppliers                 0.00 CR          22 332,12       27 904,40       5572.28 CR
 4300 Pending Payment Orders    0.00 CR          22 448,65       22 448,65       0 CR
 4500 Tax Offices               0.00 CR          116,53          116,53          0 CR
 4510 VAT due                   0.00 CR          116,53          170,39          53.86 CR
 4520 VAT deductible            0.00 CR          1 899,34                        1899.34 DB
 5500 BestBank                  0.00 CR          14 846,05       40,00           14806.05 DB
 6010 Purchase of services      0.00 CR          16 261,89                       16261.89 DB
 6020 Purchase of investments   0.00 CR          3 567,77                        3567.77 DB
 6040 Purchase of goods         0.00 CR          6 285,79                        6285.79 DB
 7000 Sales                     0.00 CR                          4 600,00        4600.00 CR
 7010 Sales on therapies        0.00 CR                          5 350,00        5350.00 CR
 **Total (12 rows)**                             **97 943,87**   **68 251,77**
============================== ================ =============== =============== ===============

Analytic accounts balances
====================== ================ =============== ======== ===============
 Account                Balance before   Debit           Credit   Balance after
---------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- ---------------
 1100 Wages             0.00 CR          531,36                   531.36 DB
 1200 Transport         0.00 CR          1 434,63                 1434.63 DB
 1300 Training          0.00 CR          3 128,42                 3128.42 DB
 1400 Other costs       0.00 CR          650,08                   650.08 DB
 2100 Secretary wages   0.00 CR          1 520,72                 1520.72 DB
 2110 Manager wages     0.00 CR          4 336,29                 4336.29 DB
 2200 Transport         0.00 CR          3 671,17                 3671.17 DB
 2300 Training          0.00 CR          552,64                   552.64 DB
 3000 Investment        0.00 CR          1 200,31                 1200.31 DB
 4100 Wages             0.00 CR          3 555,20                 3555.20 DB
 4200 Transport         0.00 CR          481,78                   481.78 DB
 4300 Training          0.00 CR          501,50                   501.50 DB
 5100 Wages             0.00 CR          1 359,79                 1359.79 DB
 5200 Transport         0.00 CR          2 942,07                 2942.07 DB
 5300 Other costs       0.00 CR          249,49                   249.49 DB
 **Total (15 rows)**                     **26 115,45**
====================== ================ =============== ======== ===============

Partner balances (Sales)
=========================================== ================ =============== ============== ===============
 Partner                                     Balance before   Debit           Credit         Balance after
------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
 `Altenberg Hans <…>`__                      0.00 CR          745,00          745,00         0 CR
 `Arens Andreas <…>`__                       0.00 CR          265,00          265,00         0 CR
 `Arens Annette <…>`__                       0.00 CR          510,00          510,00         0 CR
 `Ausdemwald Alfons <…>`__                   0.00 CR          440,00          419,00         21.00 DB
 `Auto École Verte <…>`__                    0.00 CR          480,00          489,60         9.60 CR
 `Bastiaensen Laurent <…>`__                 0.00 CR          500,00          500,00         0 CR
 `Bernd Brechts Bücherladen <…>`__           0.00 CR          605,00          605,00         0 CR
 `Bäckerei Ausdemwald <…>`__                 0.00 CR          469,20          469,20         0 CR
 `Bäckerei Mießen <…>`__                     0.00 CR          605,00          605,00         0 CR
 `Bäckerei Schmitz <…>`__                    0.00 CR          120,00          120,00         0 CR
 `Chantraine Marc <…>`__                     0.00 CR          635,00          30,00          605.00 DB
 `Charlier Ulrike <…>`__                     0.00 CR          490,00          30,00          460.00 DB
 `Collard Charlotte <…>`__                   0.00 CR          255,00          30,00          225.00 DB
 `Demeulenaere Dorothée <…>`__               0.00 CR          950,00          50,00          900.00 DB
 `Denon Denis <…>`__                         0.00 CR          90,00           90,00          0 CR
 `Dericum Daniel <…>`__                      0.00 CR          120,00                         120.00 DB
 `Dobbelstein-Demeulenaere Dorothée <…>`__   0.00 CR          30,00           30,00          0 CR
 `Donderweer BV <…>`__                       0.00 CR          489,60          489,60         0 CR
 `Emonts Erich <…>`__                        0.00 CR          20,00           20,00          0 CR
 `Emontspool Erwin <…>`__                    0.00 CR          30,00           30,00          0 CR
 `Garage Mergelsberg <…>`__                  0.00 CR          420,00          420,00         0 CR
 `Groteclaes Gregory <…>`__                  0.00 CR          20,00           20,00          0 CR
 `Hans Flott & Co <…>`__                     0.00 CR          460,00          460,00         0 CR
 `Hilgers Henri <…>`__                       0.00 CR          30,00           30,00          0 CR
 `Jonas Josef <…>`__                         0.00 CR          20,40           20,40          0 CR
 `Kaivers Karl <…>`__                        0.00 CR          30,00           30,00          0 CR
 `Leffin Electronics <…>`__                  0.00 CR          100,00          100,00         0 CR
 `Malmendier Marc <…>`__                     0.00 CR          20,00           20,00          0 CR
 `Martelaer Mark <…>`__                      0.00 CR          30,00           30,00          0 CR
 `Moulin Rouge <…>`__                        0.00 CR          420,00          294,00         126.00 DB
 `Radermacher Daniela <…>`__                 0.00 CR          20,00           20,00          0 CR
 `Radermacher Edgard <…>`__                  0.00 CR          30,00           30,00          0 CR
 `Radermecker Rik <…>`__                     0.00 CR          20,00           20,00          0 CR
 `Reinhards Baumschule <…>`__                0.00 CR          120,00          120,00         0 CR
 `Rumma & Ko OÜ <…>`__                       0.00 CR          225,00          225,00         0 CR
 `Van Achter NV <…>`__                       0.00 CR          225,00          225,00         0 CR
 `da Vinci David <…>`__                      0.00 CR          30,00           30,00          0 CR
 **Total (37 rows)**                                          **10 069,20**   **7 621,80**
=========================================== ================ =============== ============== ===============

Partner balances (Purchases)
========================================== ================ =============== =============== ===============
 Partner                                    Balance before   Debit           Credit          Balance after
------------------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
 `Bäckerei Ausdemwald <…>`__                0.00 CR          568,80          709,00          140.20 CR
 `Bäckerei Mießen <…>`__                    0.00 CR          2 407,80        3 010,00        602.20 CR
 `Bäckerei Schmitz <…>`__                   0.00 CR          4 802,60        6 005,00        1202.40 CR
 `Donderweer BV <…>`__                      0.00 CR          567,00          709,00          142.00 CR
 `Garage Mergelsberg <…>`__                 0.00 CR          12 970,32       16 210,90       3240.58 CR
 `Rumma & Ko OÜ <…>`__                      0.00 CR          163,00          205,50          42.50 CR
 `Tough Thorough Thought Therapies <…>`__   0.00 CR          50,00           50,00           0 CR
 `Van Achter NV <…>`__                      0.00 CR          802,60          1 005,00        202.40 CR
 **Total (8 rows)**                                          **22 332,12**   **27 904,40**
========================================== ================ =============== =============== ===============

Partner balances (Wages)
No data to display
Partner balances (Taxes)
========================================== ================ ============ ============ ===============
 Partner                                    Balance before   Debit        Credit       Balance after
------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ ---------------
 `Mehrwertsteuer-Kontrollamt Eupen <…>`__   0.00 CR          116,53       116,53       0 CR
 **Total (1 rows)**                                          **116,53**   **116,53**
========================================== ================ ============ ============ ===============

Partner balances (Clearings)
No data to display
Partner balances (Bank payment orders)
==================== ================ =============== =============== ===============
 Partner              Balance before   Debit           Credit          Balance after
-------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
 `Bestbank <…>`__     0.00 CR          22 448,65       22 448,65       0 CR
 **Total (1 rows)**                    **22 448,65**   **22 448,65**
==================== ================ =============== =============== ===============

Balance sheet
================================ ========== ===========
 Description                      Activa     Passiva
-------------------------------- ---------- -----------
 **1 Assets**                                19 098,93
 ** 10 Current assets**                      19 098,93
 1000 Customers receivable                   2 447,40
 1010 Taxes receivable                       1 845,48
 1020 Cash and cash equivalents              14 806,05
 **2 Passiva**                    5 572,28
 ** 20 Liabilities**              5 572,28
 2000 Suppliers payable           5 572,28
 2030 Current transfers
================================ ========== ===========

Income statement
========================= =========== ==========
 Description               Expenses    Revenues
------------------------- ----------- ----------
 **6 Expenses**            26 115,45
 ** 60 Operation costs**   26 115,45
 6000 Cost of sales        6 285,79
 6010 Operating expenses   16 261,89
 6020 Other expenses       3 567,77
 **7 Revenues**                        9 950,00
 7000 Net sales                        9 950,00
========================= =========== ==========


  • The Belgian and French PCMN has 7+1 top-level accounts:

    CLASSE 0 : Droits & engagements hors bilan
    CLASSE 1 : Fonds propres, provisions pour risques & charges et Dettes à plus d’un an
    CLASSE 2 : Frais d’établissement, actifs immobilisés et créances à plus d’un an
    CLASSE 3 : Stock & commandes en cours d’exécution | CLASSE 4 : Créances et dettes à un an au plus | CLASSE 5 : Placements de trésorerie et valeurs disponibles | CLASSE 6 : Charges | CLASSE 7 : Produits

    explain the differences and how to solve this.

    See also

  • A Liability is Capital acquired from others. Both together is what French accountants call passif.

    The accounting equation “Assets = Liabilities + Capital” in French is simply:

    Actif = Passif

    I found an excellent definition of these two terms at plancomptable.com:

    • Un actif est un élément identifiable du patrimoine ayant une valeur économique positive pour l’entité, c’est-à-dire un élément générant une ressource que l’entité contrôle du fait d’événements passés et dont elle attend des avantages économiques futurs.

    • Un passif est un élément du patrimoine ayant une valeur économique négative pour l’entité, c’est-à-dire une obligation de l’entité à l’égard d’un tiers dont il est probable ou certain qu’elle provoquera une sortie des ressources au bénéfice de ce tiers, sans contrepartie au moins équivalente attendue de celui-ci.

Some vocabulary

  • Provisions pour risques et charges : Gesetzliche Rücklagen.

  • Créances et dettes : Kredite, Anleihen, Schulden.

The template of the report


Uses the method ar.show_story

Don’t read me

>>> t = rt.models.sheets.BalanceEntriesByReport
>>> th = t.get_handle()
>>> th
<lino.core.tables.TableHandle object at ...>
>>> ll = th.get_grid_layout()
>>> ll.layout._datasource is t
>>> cols = th.get_columns()
>>> el = cols[0]
>>> print(el.field.name)
>>> print(el.name)
>>> print(el.width)
>>> el.preferred_width
>>> th = rt.models.sheets.Items.get_handle()
>>> cols = th.get_columns()
>>> el = cols[0]
>>> print(el.field.name)
>>> print(el.width)
>>> el.preferred_width

TODO: the preferred_width of the ref field should be 4, not 21. It is a lino.mixins.ref.StructuredReferrable with ref_max_length set to 4.