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Version 1

Database structure

The database structure is one of the first things you can do together with your customer.

Here is a textual representation of the database structure:

  • Products : one row for every product or service. A product has a name (description) and a delivery unit.

  • Members : the people who use this site to register their offers and demands. For each member we record their name and email, and the place where they are located.

  • An Offer is when a given member declares that they want to sell a given product.

  • A Demand is when a given member declares that they want to buy a given product.

  • Each member is located in a given Place because we want to add filtering on offers and demands limited to a place.

Here is a graphical representation of the database structure. There are many methodologies for visualizing a database model (UML, IDEF1X), but the following is our favourite because it is simple, intuitive and useful.

digraph foo  {

     graph [renderer="neato"]

     node [shape=box]
     node [style=filled]
         node [fontname="times bold", fillcolor=red]
            Product Member
         node [fontname="times" fillcolor=gold]  Offer  Demand
         node [fontname="times italic" fillcolor=lightblue]  Place

     Product -> Offer[arrowhead="inv"]
     Product -> Demand[arrowhead="inv"]

     Offer -> Member[taillabel="provider", labelangle="-90", labeldistance="2"];
     Demand -> Member[taillabel="customer", labelangle="90", labeldistance="2"];
     Member ->  Place;


Remarks about above diagram:

  • Every node on the diagram represents a database model.

  • Every arrow on the diagram represents a foreign key (we sometimes use the word pointer instead of foreign key because that’s more intuitive).

  • We display the name of a pointer only if it differs from the model it points to. For example the arrow from Offer to Product is a FK field called product, defined on the Offer model. We do not display the name product on our diagram because that would be a waste of place.

  • We use three colors for grouping the models into three “data categories”:

    • red is for master data (i.e. relatively stable data)

    • yellow is for moving data (i.e. data that changes relatively often)

    • blue is for configuration data (i.e. data that is rather in background and accessible only to site managers)

Above picture has been realized using graphviz. You might prefer Dia, which produces output like this:


User interface

The main page or “dashboard” is another thing that you can discuss with your customer before even starting to write code. Let’s say that they want it to show a list of products available for exchange.

And a last thing to discuss is the main menu. For the LETS website it will be fairly simple:

  • Master:

    • Products – show the list of products

    • Members – show the list of members

  • Market

    • Offers – show the full list of all offers

    • Demands – show the full list of all demands

Writing a prototype

With above information a Lino application developer is able to write a “first draft” or “prototype”. Of course you are only about to learn how to do that. So for this tutorial we wrote that prototype for you. You can run by saying:

$ go lets1
$ pm prep
$ runserver

Please play with it before going on, in order to make sure that you understood the question. Because until here we have been analysts. The job of an analyst is to describe what the programmer is supposed to do.

Now that you know what you are asked to do, let’s see how to write an application with the given database structure and user interface,

Use the source, Luke!

To be honest: there is no simple recipe from now on. You need to learn the possibilities of the framework. That’s called “experience”. You get experience using exercise and training. To help you on this journey, this tutorial will look at the source code and make remarks about it.

The settings.py file

The settings.py file is the first place to look when you want to discover a Django application . Here you can see for example which plugins are installed.

Our file says:

def get_installed_plugins(self):
    yield super().get_installed_plugins()
    yield 'lino_book.projects.lets1.lib.users'
    yield 'lino_book.projects.lets1.lib.market'

So theoretically our LETS application has two plugins, “users” and “market”. Let’s verify this.

You can run the following code snippets in a Django shell session. If this was new for you, read Playing with the Django shell.

>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> pprint(settings.SITE.installed_plugins)
(<lino.core.plugin.Plugin lino>,
 <lino.modlib.about.Plugin lino.modlib.about>,
 <lino.modlib.jinja.Plugin lino.modlib.jinja(needed by lino_react.react)>,
 <lino_react.react.Plugin lino_react.react(needs ['lino.modlib.jinja'])>,
 <lino.modlib.printing.Plugin lino.modlib.printing(needed by lino.modlib.system)>,
 <lino.modlib.system.Plugin lino.modlib.system(needed by lino_book.projects.lets1.lib.users, needs ['lino.modlib.printing'])>,
 <lino_book.projects.lets1.lib.users.Plugin lino_book.projects.lets1.lib.users(needs ['lino.modlib.system'])>,
 <lino_book.projects.lets1.lib.market.Plugin lino_book.projects.lets1.lib.market>,
 <lino.core.plugin.Plugin django.contrib.staticfiles>,
 <lino.core.plugin.Plugin django.contrib.sessions>)

In reality is has more plugins because Lino installs certain plugins automatically, and because one plugin can require other plugins.

Not finished

The remaining sections are work in progress. Sorry.

The delivery_unit field is a choicelist field. This is similar to a foreign key, but instead of pointing to a database row, it points to a choice in a hard-coded table, which we call a choicelist. See Introduction to choicelists.


For storing what the customer calls “members”, we decided to use the standard library plugin lino.modlib.users. But we extend it:

  • we change the verbose model name from “User” to “Member”

  • we add a field place, which is a pointer to our table of places.

Form layouts

Note the detail_layout attributes of certain tables. They define the layout of the detail window for these database models (a detail window is what Lino opens when the user double-clicks on a given row).


The detail window of a Product should show the data fields and two slave tables, one showing the the offers and another with the demands for this product.

Here is the application code that produces the picture on the right

detail_layout = """
id name
OffersByProduct DemandsByProduct

The dashboard


The dashboard shows the ActiveProducts table. The definition of that table is here, and the get_dashboard_items method is defined here)

More screenshots

Here are some screenshots.

../../_images/b.png ../../_images/c.png ../../_images/d.png ../../_images/e.png ../../_images/members_insert.png


Some hints:

  • Note that the Offers, Demands and Products tables now have a gear icon in their toolbar. This is the main new feature. Play with it.

  • The Model.get_simple_parameters method (a class method on a database model) yields the name of database fields to be used as “table parameters”, i.e. the fields that appear in the “parameter panel” (the panel that expands and collapses when you hit the gear button). See Introduction to actor parameters.


Maybe some helpful hints:

More about the application menu How plugins build the application menu

appypod : Generate printable documents from odt templates export_excel : Exporting to Excel