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Introduction to choicelists

A choicelist is an ordered in-memory list of choices. Each choice has a value, a text and optionally a name. The value of a choice is what is stored in the database. The text is what the user sees. It is usually translatable. The name can be used to refer to a given choice from program code.

A choicelist looks like a database table to the end user, but actually it exists only in the configuration of the server process and is not stored in a database.

Whenever in plain Django you use a choices attribute on a database field, in Lino you probably prefer using a ChoiceList instead.

You can use a choicelist for more than filling the choices attribute of a database field. You can display a choicelist as a table (using show in a doctest or by adding it to the main menu). You can refer to individual choices programmatically using their name. You can subclass the choices and add application logic.


Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>) get tested as part of our development workflow. The following initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.min9.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> from django.utils import translation


For example Lino has a Weekdays choicelist, which has 7 choices, one for each day of the week. Or the Genders choicelist. Both examples are defined in the lino.modlib.system plugin.

Accessing choicelists

ChoiceLists are actors. Like every actor, choicelists are never instantiated. They are just the class object itself and as such globally available

You can either import them or use lino.api.rt.models to access them (see Accessing plugins for the difference):

>>> rt.models.system.Weekdays
>>> from lino.modlib.system.choicelists import Weekdays
>>> Weekdays
>>> Weekdays is rt.models.system.Weekdays
>>> from lino.modlib.system.choicelists import Genders
>>> Genders is rt.models.system.Genders

You can also write code that dynamically resolves a string of type `app_label.ListName to resolve them:

>>> rt.models.resolve('system.Weekdays') is Weekdays

Defining choicelists

Here is how the lino.modlib.system.Weekdays choicelist has been defined:

class Weekdays(dd.ChoiceList):
    verbose_name = _("Weekday")

add = Weekdays.add_item
add('1', _('Monday'), 'monday')
add('2', _('Tuesday'), 'tuesday')

Note that lino.core.choicelists.ChoiceList.add_item() takes at least 2 and optionally a third positional argument:

  • The first argument (value) is used to store this choice in a database.

  • The second argument (text) is what the user sees. It should be translatable.

  • The optional third argument (names) is used to install this choice as a class attribute on its choicelist.

This is the easiest case. For another example, see Customizing choicelists below.

More complex examples, including choicelists with extended choices:

Accessing individual choices

Each row of a choicelist is a choice, more precisely an instance of lino.core.choicelists.Choice or a subclass thereof.

Each choice has a “value”, a “text” and (optionally) a “name”.

The value is what gets stored when this choice is assigned to a database field. It must be unique because it is the analog of primary key.

>>> [g.value for g in Genders.objects()]
['M', 'F', 'N']

The text is what the user sees. It is a translatable string, implemented using Django’s i18n machine:

>>> Genders.male.text.__class__
<class 'django.utils.functional....__proxy__'>

Calling str() of a choice is (usually) the same as calling str() on its text attribute:

>>> [str(g) for g in Genders.objects()]
['Male', 'Female', 'Nonbinary']

The text of a choice depends on the current user language.

>>> with translation.override('fr'):
...     [str(g) for g in Genders.objects()]
['Masculin', 'Féminin', 'Non binaire']
>>> with translation.override('de'):
...     [str(g) for g in Genders.objects()]
['Männlich', 'Weiblich', 'Nichtbinär']
>>> with translation.override('et'):
...     [str(g) for g in Genders.objects()]
['Mees', 'Naine', 'Mittebinaarne']

The text of a choice is a translatable string, while value and name remain unchanged:

>>> with translation.override('fr'):
...     rt.show('system.Weekdays')
======= =========== ==========
 value   name        text
------- ----------- ----------
 1       monday      Lundi
 2       tuesday     Mardi
 3       wednesday   Mercredi
 4       thursday    Jeudi
 5       friday      Vendredi
 6       saturday    Samedi
 7       sunday      Dimanche
======= =========== ==========

Named choices

A choice can optionally have a name, which makes it accessible as class attribute on its choicelist so that application code can refer to this particular choice.

>>> Weekdays.monday
>>> Genders.male
>>> [g.name for g in Genders.objects()]
['male', 'female', 'nonbinary']
>>> [d.name for d in Weekdays.objects()]
['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday']

Sorting choicelists

The items of a choicelist are sorted by their order of creation, not by their value. This is visible e.g. in lino.modlib.system.DurationUnits.

Lino displays the choices of a choicelist in a combobox in their natural order of how they have been added to the list.

You can explicitly call Choicelist.sort() to sort them. This makes sense e.g. in lino_presto.lib.accounting where we add a new journal group “Orders”, which we want to come before any other journal groups.

Choicelist fields

You use the Weekdays choicelist in a model definition as follows:

from lino.modlib.system.choicelists import Weekdays

class WeeklyEvent(dd.Model):
    day_of_week = Weekdays.field(default=Weekdays.monday)

This adds a database field whose value is an instance of lino.core.choicelists.Choice.


A choicelist field is similar to a ForeignKey field in that it uses a combo box as widget, but instead of pointing to a database object it points to a Choice. For the underlying database it is actually a CharField which contains the value (not the name) of its choice.

The lino.mixins.human.Human mixin uses the Genders choicelist as follows:

class Human(Model):
    gender = Genders.field(blank=True)

Because lino_xl.lib.contacts.Person inherits from Human, you can use this when you want to select all men:

>>> Person = rt.models.contacts.Person
>>> list(Person.objects.filter(gender=Genders.male))
[Person #211 ('Mr Albert Adam'), Person #215 ('Mr Ilja Adam'), Person #114 ('Mr Hans Altenberg'), ...]

Here is a list of all male first names in our contacts database:

>>> sorted({p.first_name for p in Person.objects.filter(gender=Genders.male)})
['Albert', 'Alfons', 'Andreas', 'Bernd', 'Bruno', 'Christian', 'Daniel', 'David', 'Denis', 'Dennis', 'Didier', 'Eberhart', 'Edgar', 'Edgard', 'Emil', 'Erich', 'Erwin', 'Fritz', 'Gregory', 'Guido', 'Hans', 'Henri', 'Hubert', 'Ilja', 'Jan', 'Jean', 'Johann', 'Josef', 'Jérémy', 'Jérôme', 'Karl', 'Kevin', 'Lars', 'Laurent', 'Luc', 'Ludwig', 'Marc', 'Mark', 'Michael', 'Otto', 'Paul', 'Peter', 'Philippe', 'Rik', 'Robin', 'Vincent']

The same for the ladies:

>>> sorted({p.first_name for p in Person.objects.filter(gender=Genders.female)})
['Alice', 'Annette', 'Berta', 'Charlotte', 'Clara', 'Daniela', 'Dora', 'Dorothée', 'Erna', 'Eveline', 'Françoise', 'Gaby', 'Germaine', 'Hedi', 'Hildegard', 'Inge', 'Irene', 'Irma', 'Jacqueline', 'Josefine', 'Laura', 'Line', 'Lisa', 'Marie-Louise', 'Melba', 'Melissa', 'Monique', 'Noémie', 'Odette', 'Pascale', 'Paula', 'Petra', 'Ulrike', 'Õie']

A ChoiceList has an get_list_items() method which returns an iterator over its choices:

>>> print(Genders.get_list_items())
[<system.Genders.male:M>, <system.Genders.female:F>, <system.Genders.nonbinary:N>]

You may have multiple fields pointing to a same choicelist from a model. For example here is how the lino_xl.lib.cv.LanguageKnowledge model uses the lino_xl.lib.cv.HowWell choicelist:

from .choicelists import HowWell

class LanguageKnowledge(dd.Model):
    spoken = HowWell.field(_("Spoken"), blank=True)
    written = HowWell.field(_("Written"), blank=True)
    spoken_passively = HowWell.field(_("Spoken (passively)"), blank=True)
    written_passively = HowWell.field(_("Written (passively)"), blank=True)

Customizing choicelists

While choicelists look “read-only” to end users because they are not editable via the web front end, they can actually be modified by both the application developer or the local server administrator.

Let’s use the lino.modlib.system.Genders choicelist as an example. It is defined in the code (file lino/modlib/system/choicelists.py) as follows:

class Genders(ChoiceList):
    verbose_name = _("Gender")

add = Genders.add_item
add('M', _("Male"), 'male')
add('F', _("Female"), 'female')
add('N', _("Nonbinary"), 'nonbinary')

We can show the result:

>>> rt.show(system.Genders)
======= =========== ===========
 value   name        text
------- ----------- -----------
 M       male        Male
 F       female      Female
 N       nonbinary   Nonbinary
======= =========== ===========

Now let’s imagine that the site operator wants you to change that list for their particular website.

As a server administrator you would do this in a workflows_module or a user_types_module.

In a first scenario let’s imagine that they want you to remove the nonbinary choice. (We don’t discuss about human rights with our customers and this is just a first example, okay?)

>>> from lino.api import _

We recommend to not delete individual choices but to clear the whole list and redefine it from scratch.

>>> Genders = system.Genders
>>> Genders.clear()

If you’d look at the list now, you’d get:

>>> rt.show(Genders)
No data to display
>>> add = Genders.add_item
>>> add('M', _("Male"), 'male')
>>> add('F', _("Female"), 'female')

Here is what your first customer wanted to see:

>>> rt.show(Genders)
======= ======== ========
 value   name     text
------- -------- --------
 M       male     Male
 F       female   Female
======= ======== ========

In a second scenario let’s imagine that your customer wants you to expand the nonbinary choice into a list of more specific choices. (Again, we don’t discuss about human rights and this is just a second example, okay?)

The value must be a string.

>>> Genders.add_item(3, _("Third"), 'third')
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: value must be a string

Lino protects you from accidentally adding a choice with the same value as an existing choice.

>>> Genders.add_item("M", _("Macho"), 'macho')
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: Duplicate value 'M' in system.Genders.

Lino protects you from accidentally giving new choices a name that is already used.

>>> Genders.add_item("R", _("Really male"), 'male')
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: An attribute named 'male' is already defined in Genders

Note that certain “names” are used by the ChoiceList class.

>>> Genders.add_item("V", _("Verbose name"), 'verbose_name')
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: An attribute named 'verbose_name' is already defined in Genders
>>> Genders.add_item("L", _("Lesbian"), 'lesbian')
>>> Genders.add_item("G", _("Gay"), 'gay')
>>> Genders.add_item("B", _("Bisexual"), 'bi')
>>> Genders.add_item("T", _("Transsexual"), 'trans')

You may give multiple names (synonyms) to a choice by specifying them as a space-separated list of names.

>>> Genders.add_item("Q", _("Queer"), 'queer tribade lipstick invert')

In that case the first name will be the default name, but the other names refer to exactly the same choice:

>>> Genders.queer is Genders.tribade
>>> Genders.queer is Genders.invert

Now you made also your second customer happy:

>>> rt.show(Genders)
======= =============================== =============
 value   name                            text
------- ------------------------------- -------------
 M       male                            Male
 F       female                          Female
 L       lesbian                         Lesbian
 G       gay                             Gay
 B       bi                              Bisexual
 T       trans                           Transsexual
 Q       queer tribade lipstick invert   Queer
======= =============================== =============


Comparing Choices uses their value (not the name nor text):

>>> UserTypes = rt.models.users.UserTypes
>>> UserTypes.admin > UserTypes.user
>>> UserTypes.admin == '900'
>>> UserTypes.admin == 'manager'
>>> UserTypes.admin == ''

Seeing all choicelists in your application

>>> from lino.core.kernel import choicelist_choices
>>> pprint(choicelist_choices())
[('about.DateFormats', 'about.DateFormats (Date formats)'),
 ('about.TimeZones', 'about.TimeZones (Time zones)'),
 ('accounting.CommonAccounts', 'accounting.CommonAccounts (Common accounts)'),
 ('accounting.DC', 'accounting.DC (Booking directions)'),
 ('accounting.JournalGroups', 'accounting.JournalGroups (Journal groups)'),
 ('accounting.TradeTypes', 'accounting.TradeTypes (Trade types)'),
 ('accounting.VoucherStates', 'accounting.VoucherStates (Voucher states)'),
 ('accounting.VoucherTypes', 'accounting.VoucherTypes (Voucher types)'),
 ('addresses.AddressTypes', 'addresses.AddressTypes (Address types)'),
 ('addresses.DataSources', 'addresses.DataSources (Data sources)'),
 ('cal.EntryStates', 'cal.EntryStates (Entry states)'),
 ('cal.EventEvents', 'cal.EventEvents (Observed events)'),
 ('cal.GuestStates', 'cal.GuestStates (Presence states)'),
 ('cal.NotifyBeforeUnits', 'cal.NotifyBeforeUnits (Notify Units)'),
 ('cal.PlannerColumns', 'cal.PlannerColumns (Planner columns)'),
 ('cal.ReservationStates', 'cal.ReservationStates (States)'),
 ('cal.TaskStates', 'cal.TaskStates (Task states)'),
 ('cal.YearMonths', 'cal.YearMonths'),
 ('calview.Planners', 'calview.Planners'),
 ('changes.ChangeTypes', 'changes.ChangeTypes (Change Types)'),
 ('checkdata.Checkers', 'checkdata.Checkers (Data checkers)'),
 ('comments.CommentEvents', 'comments.CommentEvents (Observed events)'),
 ('comments.Emotions', 'comments.Emotions (Emotions)'),
 ('contacts.CivilStates', 'contacts.CivilStates (Civil states)'),
 ('contacts.PartnerEvents', 'contacts.PartnerEvents (Observed events)'),
 ('countries.PlaceTypes', 'countries.PlaceTypes'),
 ('courses.ActivityLayouts', 'courses.ActivityLayouts (Course layouts)'),
 ('courses.CourseStates', 'courses.CourseStates (Activity states)'),
 ('courses.EnrolmentStates', 'courses.EnrolmentStates (Enrolment states)'),
 ('cv.CefLevel', 'cv.CefLevel (CEF levels)'),
 ('cv.EducationEntryStates', 'cv.EducationEntryStates'),
 ('cv.HowWell', 'cv.HowWell'),
 ('excerpts.Shortcuts', 'excerpts.Shortcuts (Excerpt shortcuts)'),
  'households.MemberDependencies (Household Member Dependencies)'),
 ('households.MemberRoles', 'households.MemberRoles (Household member roles)'),
 ('humanlinks.LinkTypes', 'humanlinks.LinkTypes (Parency types)'),
 ('linod.LogLevels', 'linod.LogLevels (Logging levels)'),
 ('linod.Procedures', 'linod.Procedures (Background procedures)'),
 ('notes.SpecialTypes', 'notes.SpecialTypes (Special note types)'),
 ('notify.MailModes', 'notify.MailModes (Notification modes)'),
 ('notify.MessageTypes', 'notify.MessageTypes (Message Types)'),
 ('periods.PeriodStates', 'periods.PeriodStates (States)'),
 ('periods.PeriodTypes', 'periods.PeriodTypes (Period types)'),
  'phones.ContactDetailTypes (Contact detail types)'),
 ('printing.BuildMethods', 'printing.BuildMethods'),
 ('products.BarcodeDrivers', 'products.BarcodeDrivers (Barcode drivers)'),
 ('products.DeliveryUnits', 'products.DeliveryUnits (Delivery units)'),
 ('products.PriceFactors', 'products.PriceFactors (Price factors)'),
 ('products.ProductTypes', 'products.ProductTypes (Product types)'),
 ('properties.DoYouLike', 'properties.DoYouLike'),
 ('properties.HowWell', 'properties.HowWell'),
 ('properties.PropertyAreas', 'properties.PropertyAreas (Property areas)'),
 ('publisher.PageFillers', 'publisher.PageFillers (Page fillers)'),
  'publisher.PublishingStates (Publishing states)'),
 ('publisher.SpecialPages', 'publisher.SpecialPages (Special pages)'),
 ('system.DisplayColors', 'system.DisplayColors (Display colors)'),
 ('system.DurationUnits', 'system.DurationUnits'),
 ('system.Genders', 'system.Genders (Genders)'),
 ('system.PeriodEvents', 'system.PeriodEvents (Observed events)'),
 ('system.Recurrences', 'system.Recurrences (Recurrences)'),
 ('system.Weekdays', 'system.Weekdays'),
 ('system.YesNo', 'system.YesNo (Yes or no)'),
 ('tickets.TicketEvents', 'tickets.TicketEvents (Observed events)'),
 ('tickets.TicketStates', 'tickets.TicketStates (Ticket states)'),
 ('uploads.Shortcuts', 'uploads.Shortcuts (Upload shortcuts)'),
 ('uploads.UploadAreas', 'uploads.UploadAreas (Upload areas)'),
 ('users.UserTypes', 'users.UserTypes (User types)'),
  'vat.DeclarationFieldsBase (Declaration fields)'),
 ('vat.VatAreas', 'vat.VatAreas (VAT areas)'),
 ('vat.VatClasses', 'vat.VatClasses (VAT classes)'),
 ('vat.VatColumns', 'vat.VatColumns (VAT columns)'),
 ('vat.VatRegimes', 'vat.VatRegimes (VAT regimes)'),
 ('vat.VatRules', 'vat.VatRules (VAT rules)'),
 ('xl.Priorities', 'xl.Priorities (Priorities)')]

The lino_xl.lib.properties.PropType.choicelist field uses this function for its choices.

Abstract choicelists

abstract choicelist

When you set the abstract attribute of a choicelist to True, then you can use it like any other choicelist, but it becomes invisible for the front end.

Only example so far was lino.modlib.uploads.Previewers, which was later replaced by the plugin attributes lino.modlib.uploads.Plugin.full and lino.modlib.uploads.Plugin.small