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Repositories of the Lino framework

Overview diagram

digraph foo {

 { rank = same;
     # applications;

 xl -> lino;
 noi -> xl;
 cosi -> xl;
 tera -> xl;
 avanti -> xl;
 voga -> xl;
 amici -> xl;
 weleup -> welfare;
 welcht -> welfare;

 # book -> noi;
 # book -> cosi;
 # book -> voga;
 # book -> tera;
 # book -> avanti;
 # book -> weleup;
 # book -> welcht;

 welfare -> xl;


Until 2021 our repositories were hosted on GitHub. In March 2021 we started to move to GitLab. Check Moving from GitHub to GitLab when in doubt whether your clone is up to date.

General framework repositories

The lino package

The lino package contains the core of the framework and includes the Standard Plugin Library, a plugin library with basic features like system users, notifications, comments, printing and others. These features are included in most real-world Lino applications.

Project homepage: https://gitlab.com/lino-framework/lino

Lino Extensions Library

The lino_xl package contains the Lino Extensions Library.

Project homepage: https://github.com/lino-framework/xl

Application repositories

Each Lino application has its own repository. See List of known Lino applications.

We differentiate between “stand-alone” and “privileged” apps. See Lino applications covered by the book.

Documentation repositories

These repositories contain mostly .rst source code files used to generate documentation.

Main website

Project homepage: https://gitlab.com/lino-framework/lf

Published at: https://www.lino-framework.org

Community Guide

Project homepage: https://gitlab.com/lino-framework/cg

Published at: https://community.lino-framework.org

User Guide

Project homepage: https://gitlab.com/lino-framework/ug

Published at: https://using.lino-framework.org

Hosting Guide

Project homepage: https://gitlab.com/lino-framework/hg

Published at: https://hosting.lino-framework.org

Developer Guide

This repository contains the source code of the Developer Guide (which you are reading right now), a collection of demo projects (in lino_book.projects), and the main test suite for the Lino framework.

Project homepage: https://gitlab.com/lino-framework/book

Published at: https://dev.lino-framework.org

Alternative front ends

See also About front ends.

React front end

See https://gitlab.com/lino-framework/react

ExtJS 6 front end

A proof of concept for a Lino front end that uses Sencha’s ExtJS 6 JavaScript toolkit.

See https://github.com/lino-framework/extjs6

OpenUI5 front end

A proof of concept for a Lino front end that uses SAP’s OpenUI toolkit.

See https://github.com/lino-framework/openui5

PyQt front end

A proof of concept for a Lino front end that uses the PyQt toolkit.

You can see it by saying pm qtclient in the project directory of any demo project (after having said pip install PyQt5).

Utilities maintained by the Synodalsoft team

Some packages that might be useful to non-Lino Python projects are not covered in the Lino Book because they are actually not at all related to Lino, except that Lino depends on them and that they are maintained by the Lino team:


See https://eidreader.lino-framework.org/

See also The EIDReader applet.
