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Your First Lino Project

This document is a continuation of the multipart tutorial for doing a Lino project to publish a blog site. If you did not go through the Part 01 of this tutorial please do so before proceeding with this document, unless of course you feel competent enough to follow.

Part 02 - Setting up locale and installing the project into python path

In this part of the tutorial we will modify some the files within our project that we got acquainted with in the previous part of the tutorial. We will setup languages, timezones and after, we will install our project into python environment.

Setting up languages

Our whitewall project is now configured to provide support for english(en), deutsch(de) - German and french(fr) but for the purposes of this tutorial we will use only english(en) as our project language.

The file tasks.py our root directory currently look like the following:

from atelier.invlib import setup_from_tasks
ns = setup_from_tasks(
    globals(), "whitewall",
    languages="en de fr".split(),
    # tolerate_sphinx_warnings=True,

We will replace the value for keyword argument for languages in setup_from_tasks(), which currently taking "en de fr".split(), with ['en'], saying we want english(en) as our only language. After this change, the code should look like the following:

from atelier.invlib import setup_from_tasks
ns = setup_from_tasks(
    globals(), "whitewall",
    # tolerate_sphinx_warnings=True,

Similarly, the last few lines of code of the file whitewall/setup_info.py look like the following:

for lng in 'de fr'.split():
    l.append('locale/%s/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo' % lng)

We will simply remove this for loop since we are not using any other languages than english(en) and do not require any translation capability. And after doing so this whitewall/setup_info.py file should end on the following line of code:

l = add_package_data('whitewall.lib.whitewall')

And lastly for language, we will have to do another modification on the whitewall/projects/whitewall1/settings.demo.py file, where the first few lines of the class object Site looks like the following:

class Site(Site):

    is_demo_site = True
    the_demo_date = datetime.date(2015, 5, 23)

    languages = "en de fr"

Here we will also replace the value for the languages with "en", so, the object now should look like the following:

class Site(Site):

    is_demo_site = True
    the_demo_date = datetime.date(2015, 5, 23)

    languages = "en"

Here we are done for changes in the site language. Let's now take a look at where we can change the site's timezone information.

Setting up timezone

At the end of the whitewall/projects/whitewall1/settings.demo.py file, we have:

USE_TZ = True

This explicitly says we want to use timezone info and we want our current timezone to be 'UTC' so we left it as it is. It's what we want for the purposes of this tutorial.

Installing our project

To install the our project cd (unix command) into our root directly, name inside our top level whitewall/ directory. And run the following command:

$ python -m pip install -e .

This will install our project into python environment in editing mode so that any changes we do in our project will be reflected in python immediately.

It's important that you understand the the changes we did in this part of the tutorial to proceed further into Lino development. If you feel competent please proceed to Part 03 of this tutorial.