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About data elements, atomizers & Co

actor handle

An object in memory, one instance for each actor, created lazily by calling Actor.get_handle().

data store

Responsible for mapping data exchanges between the Django ORM and the web front end.

providing row2dict and row2list

An object in memory, created at startup, assigned to each actor handle.

Has a list of store fields. All store fields are in list_fields, and it has several lists that contain their own “selection” of fields: list_fields (which we should rename to grid_fields), detail_fields, card_fields and item_fields.


Common variable name for actor handle.


Common variable name for “report handle”, the ancient term for actor handle.

data element

A named element of a layout. This can be a field element (which refers to a database field or virtual field of the table or dialog action) or a panel (a container of elements).

store field

The part of a data store that is responsible for one data element.


Synonym of store field.

choicelist of actors

A recipe where the choices of a choicelist point to a data table.