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Setting up a simulated production server¶
For testing nginx-specific issues you might want to run a “simulated” production
server that unlike a real production server uses your local repositories but
otherwise runs as a series of real nginx and wsgi and linod
Set shared permissions in your default virtualenv:
$ sudo chown root:www-data .
$ sudo chmod g+ws .
Otherwise it might happen that nginx compiles a .pyc
file that you
cannot modify afterwards.
Run getlino configure
and getlino startsite
as root (remember
Set up a Lino production server for details):
$ sudo su
# getlino configure
# getlino startsite noi first
Point your browser to http://first.localhost
When using nginx and you want to restart it, you must restart supervisor (not nginx) because the wsgi process of the site is running there. nginx itself usually doesn’t need to be restarted.