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The getlino list command

getlino list

Show the list of Lino applications known to getlino startsite.

>>> from atelier.sheller import Sheller
>>> shell = Sheller()
>>> shell("getlino list")  
min1 : lino_book.projects.min1.settings
min2 : lino_book.projects.min2.settings
cosi4 : a Lino Così for Uruguay
cosi5 : a Lino Così for Bangladesh
tera2 : A customized Lino Voga site
cosi3 : A Lino Così for Estonia
cosi2 : A Lino Così for Belgium (FR)
cosi1 : A Lino Così for Belgium (DE)
tera1 : A customized Lino Tera site
noi1r : noi1e with React front end
chatter : an instant messaging system
polly : A little polls manager
std : lino.projects.std.settings
amici (Lino Amici) : Manage your family contacts
avanti (Lino Avanti) : Manage the integration course of immigrants in East Belgium
cms (Lino CMS) : Manage the content of your website
care (Lino Care) : Manage a network of helpers.
cosi (Lino Così) : A simple accounting application.
mentori : lino_mentori.lib.mentori.settings
noi (Lino Noi) : Manage support tickets and working time.
presto (Lino Presto) : A Lino for managing services
pronto (Lino Pronto) : A Lino for assembling and selling products
tera (Lino Tera) : A Lino for managing therapeutic centres
shop (Lino Shop) : A Lino for managing a webshop
vilma (Lino Vilma) : Manage contacts, resources and skills of a village community
voga (Lino Voga) : A Lino Django application for managing courses, participants and meeting rooms
weleup (Lino Welfare Eupen) : A Lino Django application for the PCSW of Eupen
welcht (Lino Welfare Châtelet) : A Lino Django application for the PCSW of Châtelet

More detailed descriptions are available in the Lino Developer Guide page List of known Lino applications.