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calview : Calendar view

The lino_xl.lib.calview plugin adds a calendar view.


Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>) get tested as part of our development workflow. The following initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.avanti1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> ar = rt.login("robin")

Calendar views

class lino_xl.lib.calview.CalendarView

Base class for all calendar views.

A calendar view is a virtual table that opens in detail view by default, the grid view is useless.

The detail of a calendar view varies, but it usually shows at least one slave table, which is usually a subclass of DaySlave.

class lino_xl.lib.calview.DailyView

Shows a calendar navigator with a configurable daily view.

Inherits from CalendarView.


Custom action for inserting a calendar entry in the DailyView.

Returns an eval_js that equates to running the insert window action for Events with the correct known values.

class lino_xl.lib.calview.WeeklyView

Shows a calendar navigator with a configurable weekly view.

Inherits from CalendarView.

class lino_xl.lib.calview.MonthlyView

Shows a calendar navigator with a configurable monthly view.

Inherits from CalendarView.

The calendar views

>>> day = calview.WeeklyView.get_row_by_pk(ar, 0)
>>> def doit(t):
...     ar.show(t, master_instance=day, max_width=15)
>>> doit(calview.WeeklySlave)
| Time range      | Monday          | Tuesday         | Wednesday       | Thursday        | Friday          | Saturday        | Sunday          |
| `All day <…>`__ | **13****New**   | **14****New** ` | ****15******New | **16****New**   | **17****New**   | **18****New**   | **19****New**   |
|                 |                 | ☒ romain Absent | **  ` ☑ rolf    |   ` ☐ Absent    |    ` ? romain   |     ` ☐ rolf    |      ` ? Absent |
|                 |                 | for private     | Absent for      | for private     | Absent for      | Absent for      | for private     |
|                 |                 | reasons <…>`__  | private reasons | reasons <…>`__  | private reasons | private reasons | reasons <…>`__  |
|                 |                 |                 | <…>`__          |                 | <…>`__          | <…>`__          |                 |
| `AM <…>`__      | ` 09:00 ? laura | ` 09:00 ? laura | ` 08:30 ☑       | ` 09:00 ? laura | ` 09:00 ? laura |                 | ` 08:30 ?       |
|                 | Alphabetisation | Alphabetisation | romain Réunion  | Alphabetisation | Alphabetisation |                 | Interview       |
|                 | (16/01/2017)    | (16/01/2017)    | <…>`__          | (16/01/2017)    | (16/01/2017)    |                 | <…>`__` 09:40 ☐ |
|                 | Lesson 17       | Lesson 18       |                 | Lesson 19       | Lesson 20       |                 | romain Diner    |
|                 | <…>`__` 09:40 ☑ | <…>`__` 11:10 ☑ |                 | <…>`__` 09:40 ? | <…>`__` 10:20 ☐ |                 | <…>`__          |
|                 | Interview       | rolf Abendessen |                 | rolf Beratung   | Seminar         |                 |                 |
|                 | <…>`__` 10:20 ☒ | <…>`__          |                 | <…>`__          | <…>`__` 11:10 ? |                 |                 |
|                 | romain Diner    |                 |                 |                 | romain          |                 |                 |
|                 | <…>`__          |                 |                 |                 | Evaluation      |                 |                 |
|                 |                 |                 |                 |                 | <…>`__          |                 |                 |
| `PM <…>`__      | ` 14:00 ? laura | ` 14:00 ? laura | ` 13:30 ☒       | ` 14:00 ? laura | ` 14:00 ? laura | ` 13:30 ☐ rolf  |                 |
|                 | Alphabetisation | Alphabetisation | Breakfast       | Alphabetisation | Alphabetisation | Erstgespräch    |                 |
|                 | (16/01/2017)    | (16/01/2017)    | <…>`__          | (16/01/2017)    | (16/01/2017)    | <…>`__          |                 |
|                 | Lesson 17       | Lesson 18       |                 | Lesson 19       | Lesson 20       |                 |                 |
|                 | <…>`__` 18:00 ? | <…>`__` 18:00 ? |                 | <…>`__` 18:00 ? | <…>`__` 18:00 ? |                 |                 |
|                 | laura           | laura           |                 | laura           | laura           |                 |                 |
|                 | Alphabetisation | Alphabetisation |                 | Alphabetisation | Alphabetisation |                 |                 |
|                 | (16/01/2017)    | (16/01/2017)    |                 | (16/01/2017)    | (16/01/2017)    |                 |                 |
|                 | Lesson 17       | Lesson 18       |                 | Lesson 19       | Lesson 20       |                 |                 |
|                 | <…>`__          | <…>`__          |                 | <…>`__          | <…>`__          |                 |                 |
>>> doit(calview.MonthlySlave)
| Week  | Monday          | Tuesday         | Wednesday       | Thursday        | Friday          | Saturday        | Sunday          |
| **5** | **30****New**`  | **31****New**   | **1****New**` 1 | **2****New**    | **3****New**` 0 | **4****New**    | **5****New**` 1 |
|       | 08:30 ☒ Seminar |                 | 1:10 ☑          |                 | 9:40 ☒          |                 | 3:30 ☑ Seminar  |
|       | <…>`__          |                 | Interview       |                 | Breakfast       |                 | <…>`__          |
|       |                 |                 | <…>`__          |                 | <…>`__          |                 |                 |
| **6** | **6****New**    | **7****New**` 1 | **8****New**    | **9****New**` 0 | **10****New**   | **11****New**`  | **12****New**   |
|       |                 | 0:20 ☒          |                 | 8:30 ☑          |                 | 11:10 ☒ Seminar |                 |
|       |                 | Interview       |                 | Breakfast       |                 | <…>`__          |                 |
|       |                 | <…>`__          |                 | <…>`__          |                 |                 |                 |
| **7** | **13****New**`  | **14****New**   | ****15******New | **16****New**`  | **17****New** ` | **18****New**   | **19****New** ` |
|       | 09:40 ☑         |                 | **` 13:30 ☒     | ☐ Absent for    |  10:20 ☐        |                 | ? Absent for    |
|       | Interview       |                 | Breakfast       | private reasons | Seminar <…>`__  |                 | private reasons |
|       | <…>`__          |                 | <…>`__          | <…>`__          |                 |                 | <…>`__` 08:30 ? |
|       |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 | Interview       |
|       |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 | <…>`__          |
| **8** | **20****New**`  | **21****New** ` | **22****New** ` | **23****New**   | **24****New**   | **25****New**   | **26****New**   |
|       | <…>`__          |  11:10 ☐        | ☐ Absent for    | ` 09:40 ?       |                 | ` 13:30 ☐       |                 |
|       |                 | Breakfast       | private reasons | Seminar <…>`__  |                 | Interview       |                 |
|       |                 | <…>`__          | <…>`__          |                 |                 | <…>`__          |                 |
| **9** | **27****New**`  | **28****New**   | **1****New**` 0 | **2****New**    | **3****New**` 1 | **4****New**    | **5****New**` 0 |
|       | 10:20 ?         |                 | 8:30 ☐ Seminar  |                 | 1:10 ?          |                 | 9:40 ☐          |
|       | Breakfast       |                 | <…>`__          |                 | Interview       |                 | Breakfast       |
|       | <…>`__          |                 |                 |                 | <…>`__          |                 | <…>`__          |
>>> doit(calview.DailySlave)
| Time range      | External        | Internal |
| `All day <…>`__ | `  ☒ romain     |          |
|                 | Absent for      |          |
|                 | private reasons |          |
|                 | <…>`__`  ☑ rolf |          |
|                 | Absent for      |          |
|                 | private reasons |          |
|                 | <…>`__          |          |
| `AM <…>`__      | ` 08:30 ☑       |          |
|                 | romain Réunion  |          |
|                 | <…>`__          |          |
| `PM <…>`__      |                 |          |

The daily planner

The daily planner is a table that shows an overview on all events of a day.

>>> rt.show(calview.DailyPlanner)
================= ========================================================================================== ==========
 Time range        External                                                                                   Internal
----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------
 `All day <…>`__   `  ☒ romain Absent for private reasons <…>`__`  ☑ rolf Absent for private reasons <…>`__
 `AM <…>`__        ` 08:30 ☑ romain Réunion <…>`__
 `PM <…>`__
================= ========================================================================================== ==========
class lino_xl.lib.calview.DailyPlanner

The virtual table used to render the daily planner.

class lino_xl.lib.calview.PlannerColumns

A choicelist that defines the columns to appear in the daily planner. This list can be modified locally.

A default configuration has two columns in the daily planner:

>>> rt.show(calview.PlannerColumns)
======= ========== ==========
 value   name       text
------- ---------- ----------
 10      external   External
 20      internal   Internal
======= ========== ==========
class lino_xl.lib.calview.DailyPlannerRow

A database object that represents one row of the daily planner. The default configuration has “AM”, “PM” and “All day”.

>>> rt.show(calview.DailyPlannerRows)
===== ============= ================== ================== ============ ==========
 No.   Designation   Designation (de)   Designation (fr)   Start time   End time
----- ------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------ ----------
 1     AM            Vormittags         Avant-midi                      12:00:00
 2     PM            Nachmittags        Après-midi         12:00:00
===== ============= ================== ================== ============ ==========


class lino_xl.lib.calview.Day

An in-memory wrapper around a datetime.date instance.

A subclass of lino.core.fields.TableRow.

class lino_xl.lib.calview.DaySlave

Table mixin for slave tables of tables on Day.

Used by both database and virtual tables.

class lino_xl.lib.calview.DayNavigator

Base class for the three calendar views, but also used for independent tables like working.WorkedHours. A virtual table whose rows are calview.Day instances. Subclasses must set navigation_mode.

Inherits from DaysTable.

Class inheritance

Inheritance diagram of lino_xl.lib.calview.ui.DailyView, lino_xl.lib.calview.ui.WeeklyView, lino_xl.lib.calview.ui.MonthlyView
Inheritance diagram of lino_xl.lib.calview.ui.DailySlave, lino_xl.lib.calview.ui.WeeklySlave, lino_xl.lib.calview.ui.MonthlySlave

Multiple “planners”

>>> rt.show(calview.Planners)
========= ========= ========== ===================== ==================== ===================
 value     name      text       Monthly view          Weekly view          Daily view
--------- --------- ---------- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------
 default   default   Calendar   calview.MonthlyView   calview.WeeklyView   calview.DailyView
========= ========= ========== ===================== ==================== ===================

The Day object

>>> from lino_xl.lib.calview.mixins import Day
>>> modes = ('day', 'week', 'month')
>>> headers = ["Offset"] + list(modes)
>>> rows = []
>>> for offset in (0, -10, 15):
...     cells = [str(offset)]
...     for nm in modes:
...         cells.append(str(Day(offset, ar, nm)))
...     rows.append(cells)
>>> print(rstgen.table(headers, rows))
======== ============================= ============================= ===============
 Offset   day                          week                          month
-------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------
 0        Wednesday, 15 February 2017   Week 7 / 2017 (13 February)   February 2017
 -10      Sunday, 5 February 2017       Week 5 / 2017 (30 January)    February 2017
 15       Thursday, 2 March 2017        Week 9 / 2017 (27 February)   March 2017
======== ============================= ============================= ===============

7 October 2015 : Wednesday or Saturday?

Trying to understand #5610 (calview.WeeklyView renders the weekdays wrong)

The 2015-10-07 is a Wednesday:

>>> offset = -497
>>> print(dd.today(offset))
>>> day = calview.DailyView.get_row_by_pk(ar, offset)
>>> print(day)
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
>>> ar.show(calview.WeeklySlave, master_instance=day, max_width=10)
| Time range | Monday     | Tuesday    | Wednesday  | Thursday   | Friday     | Saturday   | Sunday     |
| `All day   | **5****New | **6****New | **7****New | **8****New | **9****New | **10****Ne | **11****Ne |
| <…>`__     | **         | **         | **         | **         | **         | w**        | w**        |
| `AM <…>`__ |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
| `PM <…>`__ |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |