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publisher : render database content as styled html

The lino.modlib.publisher plugin adds the notion of content pages used to produce the pages of websites or books.

It doesn’t add any database model, but a choicelist, a model mixin and an action. It also adds a printing build method (lino.modlib.printing.BuildMethods).

This document contains code snippets (lines starting with >>>) that get tested as part of our development workflow.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.cms1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> from django.db.models import Q



Whether to use markup (instead of wysiwyg) for editing content.

When this is False, the body of pages gets edited using a wysiwyg editor and stored as (bleached) html.

Content pages

content page

The basic building unit of a website or book, consisting of a title and a body.

>>> rt.show('publisher.Pages', filter=Q(parent=None))
=========== ====================== ====
 Reference   Title                  ID
----------- ---------------------- ----
 index       Home                   1
 index       Startseite             2
 index       Départ                 3
             Terms and conditions   4
             Terms and conditions   5
             Terms and conditions   6
             Privacy policy         7
             Privacy policy         8
             Privacy policy         9
             Cookie settings        10
             Cookie settings        11
             Cookie settings        12
             Copyright              13
             Copyright              14
             Copyright              15
             About us               16
             Über uns               17
             À propos               18
=========== ====================== ====
>>> home = publisher.Page.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> rt.show('publisher.TranslationsByPage', master_instance=home)
(de) `Startseite <…>`__, (fr) `Départ <…>`__
>>> rt.show('publisher.TranslationsByPage', master_instance=home, nosummary=True)
=========== ============ ========== ====
 Reference   Title        Language   ID
----------- ------------ ---------- ----
 index       Startseite   de         2
 index       Départ       fr         3
=========== ============ ========== ====

When I am on the English home page, the link to translation DE will redirect me to page #25:

>>> test_client.get("/p/1?ul=de")
<HttpResponseRedirect status_code=302, "text/html; charset=utf-8", url="/p/2?ul=de">

The same happens when I am on the French home page:

>>> test_client.get("/p/3?ul=de")
<HttpResponseRedirect status_code=302, "text/html; charset=utf-8", url="/p/2?ul=de">

The previous_page fields have been updated:

>>> rt.show(publisher.Pages, column_names="id title previous_page",
... display_mode="grid", filter=Q(language="en"), language="en")
==== ====================== ======================
 ID   Title                  Previous page
---- ---------------------- ----------------------
 1    Home
 4    Terms and conditions   Conditions générales
 7    Privacy policy         Terms and conditions
 10   Cookie settings        Privacy policy
 13   Copyright              Cookie settings
 16   About us               Copyright
 19   Services               Home
 20   Prices                 Services
 21   Photos                 Prices
 22   Default formatting     Photos
 23   Thumbnail              Default formatting
 24   Thumbnail left         Thumbnail
 25   Wide                   Thumbnail left
 26   Gallery                Wide
 27   About us               Gallery
 28   Team                   About us
 29   History                Team
 30   Contact                History
 31   Terms & conditions     Contact
 58   Blog                   Terms & conditions
==== ====================== ======================

Classes reference

class lino.modlib.publisher.Page

The Django model that represents a content page.

class lino.modlib.publisher.PublisherBuildMethod

This deserves better documentation.

class lino.modlib.publisher.Publishable

Model mixin to add to models that are potentially publishable.


The name of the template to use when rendering a database row via the publisher interface.



Show this database row via the publisher interface.

Icon: 🌐

class lino.modlib.publisher.PublishableContent

Model mixin to add to models that are potentially publishable.

Inherits from Publishable.


The language of this content.


Default value is ‘draft’

Pointer to PublishingStates


Pointer to PageFillers

class lino.modlib.publisher.PublishingStates

A choicelist with the possible states of a publisher page.

>>> rt.show(publisher.PublishingStates, language="en")
======= =========== ========= ============= ========
 value   name        text      Button text   public
------- ----------- --------- ------------- --------
 10      draft       Draft                   No
 20      ready       Ready                   No
 30      published   Public                  Yes
 40      removed     Removed                 No
======= =========== ========= ============= ========
class lino.modlib.publisher.PageFillers

A choicelist with the page fillers that are available for this application.

A page filler is a hard-coded method to produce dynamic web content.

>>> rt.show(publisher.PageFillers, language="en")
========================= ====== ========================= =========================
 value                     name   text                      Data table
------------------------- ------ ------------------------- -------------------------
 blogs.LatestEntries              blogs.LatestEntries       blogs.LatestEntries
 comments.RecentComments          comments.RecentComments   comments.RecentComments
========================= ====== ========================= =========================
class lino.modlib.publisher.SpecialPages

A choicelist with the special pages available on this site.

>>> rt.show(publisher.SpecialPages, language="en")
=========== ====================== ======================================
 name        text                   Pages
----------- ---------------------- --------------------------------------
 home        Home                   `en <…>`__ | `de <…>`__ | `fr <…>`__
 terms       Terms and conditions   `en <…>`__ | `de <…>`__ | `fr <…>`__
 privacy     Privacy policy         `en <…>`__ | `de <…>`__ | `fr <…>`__
 cookies     Cookie settings        `en <…>`__ | `de <…>`__ | `fr <…>`__
 copyright   Copyright              `en <…>`__ | `de <…>`__ | `fr <…>`__
 about       About us               `en <…>`__ | `de <…>`__ | `fr <…>`__
=========== ====================== ======================================



A tuple of 2-tuples (loc, cls) where loc is a location string and cls a data table.

>>> pprint(dd.plugins.publisher.locations)
(('b', lino_xl.lib.blogs.models.LatestEntries),
 ('p', lino.modlib.publisher.ui.Pages),
 ('r', lino.modlib.uploads.models.Uploads),
 ('s', lino_xl.lib.sources.models.Sources),
 ('t', lino_xl.lib.topics.models.Topics),
 ('u', lino.modlib.users.ui.Users))

When setting this setting (usually in a get_plugin_configs() method), the application developer should specify the data tables using their names. The above locations have been set in lino_cms.lib.cms.settings as follows:

yield ('publisher', 'locations', (
    ('b', 'blogs.LatestEntries'),
    ('p', 'publisher.Pages'),
    ('t', 'topics.Topics'),
    ('u', 'users.Users')))