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watch – Watching database changes

The lino_book.projects.watch demo project illustrates some local customizations.

This tutorial explains how to use the lino.modlib.changes plugin for logging changes to individual rows of database tables and implementing a kind of audit trail.

This tutorial is a tested document and uses the lino_book.projects.watch sample application:

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.watch.settings')

To enable database change watching, you add lino.modlib.changes to your get_installed_plugins and then register “change watchers” for every type of change you want to watch.

The example in this tutorial uses the lino_xl.lib.contacts module. It also adds a model Entry as an example of a watched slave model.

The “master” of a change watcher is the object to which every change should be attributed. In this example the master is Partner: every tracked change to Entry, Partner or Company will be assigned to their Partner record.

In the settings.py file we define our own subclass of Site, with a setup_actions method to call watch_changes.

from lino.projects.std.settings import *

class Site(Site):

    is_demo_site = True
    demo_fixtures = "std demo demo2"
    languages = 'en'
    # default_user = "robin"
    user_types_module = 'lino_xl.lib.xl.user_types'
    # default_ui = "lino_react.react"

    def get_installed_plugins(self):

        yield super().get_installed_plugins()
        yield 'lino_xl.lib.contacts'
        yield 'lino.modlib.changes'
        yield 'lino.modlib.users'
        yield 'lino_book.projects.watch.entries'
        # yield 'lino_xl.lib.notes'

    def setup_actions(self):
        # watch changes to Partner, Company and Entry
        # objects, grouped to their respective Partner.


        from lino.modlib.changes.utils import watch_changes as wc
        wc(self.models.contacts.Company, master_key='partner_ptr')
        wc(self.models.entries.Entry, master_key='company__partner_ptr')
        # wc(self.models.notes.Note, master_key='company__partner_ptr')

SITE = Site(globals())

DEBUG = True

The entries/models.py file defines the Entry model and its data tables:

from django.db import models
from lino.api import dd, _

from lino.modlib.users.mixins import My, UserAuthored

class Entry(UserAuthored):

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _("Entry")
        verbose_name_plural = _("Entries")

    subject = models.CharField(_("Subject"), blank=True, max_length=200)
    body = dd.RichTextField(_("Body"), blank=True)
    company = dd.ForeignKey('contacts.Company')

class Entries(dd.Table):
    model = Entry

    detail_layout = """
    id user

    insert_layout = """

class EntriesByCompany(Entries):
    master_key = 'company'

class MyEntries(My, Entries):

# @dd.receiver(dd.post_startup)
# def my_change_watchers(sender, **kw):

The tests/test_basics.py file contains a unit test:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-2019 Rumma & Ko Ltd
# License: GNU Affero General Public License v3 (see file COPYING for details)
"""Basic tests.

This module is part of the Lino test suite. You can test only this
module by issuing either::

  $ go watch
  $ python manage.py test tests.test_basics


from django.conf import settings

from lino.utils.djangotest import RemoteAuthTestCase
from lino.core.callbacks import popCallBack, applyCallbackChoice

class QuickTest(RemoteAuthTestCase):

    # fixtures = ['demo', 'demo2']
    maxDiff = None

    def test_this(self):

        from lino.api import rt
        from lino.core.renderer import TestRenderer

        UserTypes = rt.models.users.UserTypes

        ses = rt.login('robin',

        s = ses.show('changes.Changes')
        self.assertEqual(s, "No data to display")

        rr = rt.models.contacts.Companies.required_roles

        # We create a new organization:

        url = '/api/contacts/Companies'
        data = dict(an='submit_insert', name='My pub')
        res = self.post_json_dict('robin', url, data)
                         'Organization "My pub" has been created.')

        s = ses.show('changes.Changes',
                     column_names="id type master object diff")
        # print(s)
        expected = """\
==== ============= ================ ================ ===============================================
 ID   Change Type   Master           Object           Changes
---- ------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------------------
 1    Create        `My pub <…>`__   `My pub <…>`__   Company(id=100,name='My pub',partner_ptr=100)
==== ============= ================ ================ ===============================================

        self.assertEqual(s, expected)

        url = '/api/contacts/Companies/100'
        data = "an=submit_detail&name=Our%20pub"
        res = self.put_json_dict('robin', url, data)
                         'Organization "Our pub" has been updated.')

        output = ses.show('changes.Changes',
                          column_names="id type master object diff")
        # print(output)
        expected = """\
==== ============= ================= ================= ===============================================
 ID   Change Type   Master            Object            Changes
---- ------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------------------------------------
 2    Update        `Our pub <…>`__   `Our pub <…>`__   name : 'My pub' --> 'Our pub'
 1    Create        `Our pub <…>`__   `Our pub <…>`__   Company(id=100,name='My pub',partner_ptr=100)
==== ============= ================= ================= ===============================================
        self.assertEqual(output, expected)

        # We add an entry:

        url = '/api/entries/Entries'
        data = dict(an='submit_insert', subject='test', companyHidden=100)
        res = self.post_json_dict('robin', url, data)
                         'Entry "Entry object (1)" has been created.')

        output = ses.show('changes.Changes',
                          column_names="id type master object diff")
        # print(output)
        expected = """\
==== ============= ================= ========================== ===============================================
 ID   Change Type   Master            Object                     Changes
---- ------------- ----------------- -------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
 3    Create        `Our pub <…>`__   `Entry object (1) <…>`__   Entry(id=1,user=1,subject='test',company=100)
 2    Update        `Our pub <…>`__   `Our pub <…>`__            name : 'My pub' --> 'Our pub'
 1    Create        `Our pub <…>`__   `Our pub <…>`__            Company(id=100,name='My pub',partner_ptr=100)
==== ============= ================= ========================== ===============================================

        self.assertEqual(output, expected)

        # Now we delete the entry:

        url = '/api/entries/Entries/1'
        data = dict(an='delete_selected', sr=1)
        res = self.get_json_dict('robin', url, data)
            res.message, """\
You are about to delete 1 Entry
(Entry object (1)). Are you sure?""")

        # We answer "yes":
        applyCallbackChoice(res, data, "yes")
        # url = "/callbacks/{0}/yes".format(res['xcallback']['id'])
        # print(data)
        res = self.get_json_dict('robin', url, data)
        # print(res)
        # r = test_client.get(url)
        self.assertEqual(res.success, True)
        self.assertEqual(res.record_deleted, True)

        output = ses.show('changes.Changes',
                          column_names="id type master object diff")
        # print(output)
        expected = """\
==== ============= ================= ================= ===============================================
 ID   Change Type   Master            Object            Changes
---- ------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------------------------------------
 4    Delete        `Our pub <…>`__                     Entry(id=1,user=1,subject='test',company=100)
 3    Create        `Our pub <…>`__                     Entry(id=1,user=1,subject='test',company=100)
 2    Update        `Our pub <…>`__   `Our pub <…>`__   name : 'My pub' --> 'Our pub'
 1    Create        `Our pub <…>`__   `Our pub <…>`__   Company(id=100,name='My pub',partner_ptr=100)
==== ============= ================= ================= ===============================================
        self.assertEqual(output, expected)

        # Note how the `object` column of the first two rows in above
        # table is empty. That's because the entry object has been
        # deleted, so it does no longer exist in the database and Lino
        # cannot point to it. But note also that `object` is a
        # "nullable Generic ForeignKey", the underlying fields
        # `object_id` and `object_type` still contain their
        # values. Here is the same table with "Object" split into its
        # components:

        output = ses.show(
            column_names="id type master object_type object_id diff")
        # print(output)
        expected = """\
==== ============= ================= ============== =========== ===============================================
 ID   Change Type   Master            Object type    object id   Changes
---- ------------- ----------------- -------------- ----------- -----------------------------------------------
 4    Delete        `Our pub <…>`__   Entry          1           Entry(id=1,user=1,subject='test',company=100)
 3    Create        `Our pub <…>`__   Entry          1           Entry(id=1,user=1,subject='test',company=100)
 2    Update        `Our pub <…>`__   Organization   100         name : 'My pub' --> 'Our pub'
 1    Create        `Our pub <…>`__   Organization   100         Company(id=100,name='My pub',partner_ptr=100)
==== ============= ================= ============== =========== ===============================================
        self.assertEqual(output, expected)

        # Until 20150626 only the
        # :attr:`object<lino.modlib.changes.models.Change.object>` was nullable,
        # not the :attr:`master<lino.modlib.changes.models.Change.master>`.  But
        # now you can also delete the master, and all change records will still
        # remain:

        url = '/api/contacts/Companies/100'
        data = dict(an='delete_selected', sr=100)
        res = self.get_json_dict('robin', url, data)
        applyCallbackChoice(res, data, "yes")
        # url = "/callbacks/{0}/yes".format(res.xcallback['id'])
        self.get_json_dict('robin', url, data)

        output = ses.show('changes.Changes',
                          column_names="id type master object diff")
        # print(output)
        expected = """\
==== ============= ======== ======== ================================================
 ID   Change Type   Master   Object   Changes
---- ------------- -------- -------- ------------------------------------------------
 5    Delete                          Company(id=100,name='Our pub',partner_ptr=100)
 4    Delete                          Entry(id=1,user=1,subject='test',company=100)
 3    Create                          Entry(id=1,user=1,subject='test',company=100)
 2    Update                          name : 'My pub' --> 'Our pub'
 1    Create                          Company(id=100,name='My pub',partner_ptr=100)
==== ============= ======== ======== ================================================
        self.assertEqual(output, expected)

        # Of course these change records are now considered broken GFKs:

        output = ses.show('gfks.BrokenGFKs')
        # print(output)
        expected = """\
================ ================= ============================================================= ========
 Database model   Database object   Message                                                       Action
---------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- --------
 `Change <…>`__   `#1 <…>`__        Invalid primary key 100 for contacts.Partner in `master_id`   clear
 `Change <…>`__   `#2 <…>`__        Invalid primary key 100 for contacts.Partner in `master_id`   clear
 `Change <…>`__   `#3 <…>`__        Invalid primary key 100 for contacts.Partner in `master_id`   clear
 `Change <…>`__   `#4 <…>`__        Invalid primary key 100 for contacts.Partner in `master_id`   clear
 `Change <…>`__   `#5 <…>`__        Invalid primary key 100 for contacts.Partner in `master_id`   clear
 `Change <…>`__   `#1 <…>`__        Invalid primary key 100 for contacts.Company in `object_id`   clear
 `Change <…>`__   `#2 <…>`__        Invalid primary key 100 for contacts.Company in `object_id`   clear
 `Change <…>`__   `#3 <…>`__        Invalid primary key 1 for entries.Entry in `object_id`        clear
 `Change <…>`__   `#4 <…>`__        Invalid primary key 1 for entries.Entry in `object_id`        clear
 `Change <…>`__   `#5 <…>`__        Invalid primary key 100 for contacts.Company in `object_id`   clear
================ ================= ============================================================= ========
        self.assertEqual(output, expected)

        # There open questions regarding these change records:

        # - Do we really never want to remove them? Do we really want a nullable
        #   master field? Should this option be configurable?
        # - How to tell :class:`lino.modlib.gfks.models.BrokenGFKs` to
        #   differentiate them from ?
        # - Should :meth:`get_broken_generic_related
        #   <lino.core.kernel.Kernel.get_broken_generic_related>` suggest to
        #   "clear" nullable GFK fields?

Here is our demo fixture, which partly reproduces what we are doing in the temporary database during djangotests:

from lino.api import rt
from lino.core.diff import ChangeWatcher
from lino.core.utils import PseudoRequest

def objects():

    Company = rt.models.contacts.Company

    ar = rt.login(request=PseudoRequest("robin"))

    obj = Company(name="My pub")

    cw = ChangeWatcher(obj)
    obj.name = "Our pub"
    obj.save_watched_instance(ar, cw)

    # obj.delete_instance(ar)

    # this is a special fixture : it creates objects as a side effect
    # but does not yield them.
    return []
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> rt.show('changes.Changes')
==== ============ ============================ ============= ============== =========== ============= =========== =============================================== ======== ================= =================
 ID   Author       time                         Change Type   Object type    object id   Master type   master id   Changes                                         Fields   Object            Master
---- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------- -------------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------- -------- ----------------- -----------------
 2    Robin Rood   ...                          Update        Organization   181         Partner       181         name : 'My pub' --> 'Our pub'                   name     `Our pub <…>`__   `Our pub <…>`__
 1    Robin Rood   ...                          Create        Organization   181         Partner       181         Company(id=181,name='My pub',partner_ptr=181)            `Our pub <…>`__   `Our pub <…>`__
==== ============ ============================ ============= ============== =========== ============= =========== =============================================== ======== ================= =================