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Remote fields¶
This page explains a concept we call remote fields.
Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>
) get tested
as part of our development workflow. The following
initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.
>>> from lino_book.projects.cosi1.startup import *
>>> from django.db.models import Q
>>> translation.activate("en")
Django has lookups that span relationships¶
Let’s say you want to see your sales invoices to clients in Eupen.
For this you can do the following:
>>> eupen = countries.Place.objects.get(name="Eupen")
>>> qs = trading.VatProductInvoice.objects.filter(partner__city=eupen)
>>> qs.count()
Above code is equivalent to (but more efficient than) the following code:
>>> len([invoice for invoice in trading.VatProductInvoice.objects.all()
... if invoice.partner.city == eupen])
This is plain Django knowledge, documented in Lookups that span relationships.
Lino extends this idea by allowing to also specify layout elements using this syntax.
For example if you want, in your trading.Invoices
table, a column showing
the city of the partner of each invoice, you can simply specify
as a field name in your column_names
>>> rt.show(trading.Invoices,
... column_names="id partner partner__city total_incl", limit=5)
===== ================== ============= ==============
ID Partner Locality Total to pay
----- ------------------ ------------- --------------
177 da Vinci David 4730 Raeren 1 314,03
176 da Vinci David 4730 Raeren 647,35
175 di Rupo Didier 4730 Raeren 338,80
174 Radermacher Jean 4730 Raeren 822,57
173 Radermacher Inge 4730 Raeren 2 468,18
**5 590,93**
===== ================== ============= ==============
- remote field¶
A field-like object that points to a field on a related model.
An instance of
, created during startup for each layout element with a name that contains at least one double underscore.A chain of subfields to be walked through for each row.
The intermediate subfields of a remote field must be pointers (either ForeignKey or OneToOneField). The last subfield is called the leaf field.
The leaf field can be a normal database field or a virtual field.
- leaf field¶
The last subfield of a remote field. This field determines the return type of the remote field itself.
- remote virtual field¶
A remote field that points to a virtual field.
You can use remote fields also in a detail layout. When all their
intermeditate subfields are OneToOneField, they are editable. For example the
detail layout of partners in Lino Voga has a field
where you can set the paper type to be used for this
partner in new invoices. In this case, Partner.salesrule
is a
OneToOneField pointing to the one and only
instance for this partner.
You can also use remote fields as actor parameters. This is useful mostly
when the leaf field is either a ForeignKey or a ChoiceListField. For
example, lino_xl.lib.orders.Order.get_simple_parameters()
as simple actor parameter:
class Order(...):
def get_simple_parameters(cls):
for f in super(Order, cls).get_simple_parameters():
yield f
yield 'journal__room'
You can even use a remote field pointing to a virtual field as
actor parameter, But that virtual field must have a return_type
of ForeignKey, and you must also
write a lino.core.model.Model.setup_parameters()
method on your model that
defines this field. That’s because remote fields are kind of volatile fields
that get created on the fly when a layout asks for them. In Lino Presto we
have a usage example where we add a parameter field project__municipality
tables on the cal.Event
model. That why we extend the
from lino.core.fields import make_remote_field
def setup_parameters(cls, params):
super(Event, cls).setup_parameters(params)
params['project__municipality'] = make_remote_field(cls, 'project__municipality')
def get_request_queryset(cls, ar, **filter):
qs = super(Event, cls).get_request_queryset(ar, **filter)
pv = ar.param_values
if pv.project__municipality:
places = pv.project__municipality.whole_clan()
qs = qs.filter(project__isnull=False, project__city__in=places)
return qs
Some general documentation about catch_layout_exceptions
This setting tells Lino what to do when it encounters a wrong field name in a layout specification. It will anyway raise an Exception, but the difference is the content of the error message.
The default value for this setting is True. In that case the error message reports only a summary of the original exception and tells you in which layout it happens. Because that’s your application code and probably the place where the bug is hidden.
>>> settings.SITE.catch_layout_exceptions
For example:
>>> rt.show(trading.Invoices,
... column_names="id partner foo total_incl")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: Invalid data element 'foo' in lino.core.layouts.ColumnsLayout on lino_xl.lib.trading.ui.Invoices
>>> rt.show(trading.Invoices,
... column_names="id partner partner__foo total_incl")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: Invalid data element 'partner__foo' in lino.core.layouts.ColumnsLayout on lino_xl.lib.trading.ui.Invoices
>>> settings.SITE.catch_layout_exceptions = False
>>> rt.show(trading.Invoices,
... column_names="id partner partner__foo total_incl")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: Invalid RemoteField contacts.Partner.partner__foo (no field foo in contacts.Partner)
Skipped because after 20200430 there is no longer a difference in the exception message.
Note that Lino’s remote field has nothing to do with Django’s
of a ForeignKey field.