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Lino and XML


Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>) get tested as part of our development workflow. The following initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.

>>> from lino_book.projects.cosi1.startup import *

Payment orders

See Write an XML file of a payment order.

Intracom statements

Peppol documents

Peppol documents means invoices and credit notes, both sales and purchases.

While Payment orders and Intracom statements still have a button that opens the generated XML file in a new browser window, this is actually just a temporary solution. Actually the end user shouldn’t even see these files.

So unlike payment orders and Intracom statements, Peppol documents use the new lino.modlib.jinja.XMLMaker model mixin.

>>> for m in rt.models_by_base(jinja.XMLMaker):
...     if m.xml_file_template:
...         print(full_model_name(m), m.xml_file_template, m.xml_validator_file)
trading.VatProductInvoice vat/peppol-ubl.xml .../lino_xl/lib/vat/XSD/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL.sch
vat.VatAccountInvoice vat/peppol-ubl.xml .../lino_xl/lib/vat/XSD/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL.sch

The following starts as in Outbound documents to find our latest sales invoice and call XmlMaker.make_xml_file() on it, but then we focus on validation.

>>> ar = rt.login()
>>> qs = trading.VatProductInvoice.objects.filter(journal__ref="SLS")
>>> obj = qs.order_by("accounting_period__year", "number").last()
>>> obj
VatProductInvoice #177 ('SLS 15/2015')

XmlMaker.make_xml_file() renders the XML file and then validates it:

>>> xmlfile, url = obj.make_xml_file(ar)
Make .../cosi1/media/xml/2015/SLS-177.xml from SLS 15/2015 ...
Validate SLS-177.xml against .../lino_xl/lib/vat/XSD/PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL.sch ...

We can see that the jinja.XmlMaker.xml_validator_file() points to the file PEPPOL-EN16931-UBL.sch, which is an unmodified copy from https://docs.peppol.eu/poacc/billing/3.0/

Despite the logger message, jinja.XmlMaker.make_xml_file() currently does nothing when the validator file ends with “.sch”.

This is because we didn’t yet find a way to run Schematron validation under Python. See Schematron validation for more about this.