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About site data

Site data in Lino is either JavaScript modules or JSON objects or a combination of both, which are loaded by the browser and act as the interface in communication between the browser and the Lino application on the server side.

Site data is managed differently depending on the frontend that lino uses. Here, we go over how our two major frontends (lino.modlib.extjs and lino_react.react) manage site data.

Environment specifics

Lino stores the timestamp of the latest modification of the application instance and site data knows about this modification timestamp, which is used in updating the frontend. There are different methods of taking the modification timestamp depending on the environment type (whether production or development). To be precise, lino takes the modification timestamp from either the settings.py file’s st_mtime (in case it is a production server) or any of the file’s (watched by runserver command) st_mtime that was modified on the latest. The later feature is available only when the Site.is_demo_site attribute is set to True.

NB: If the application frontend does NOT require loading any site data you should simply set the value of the Site.never_build_site_cache attribute to True in your settings.py file.

ExtJS specifics

The main site data component in extjs is a JavaScript module specific to a user type and a language with a name of the following format lino_xxx_xx.js where former xxx is a three digit string that indicate the user type and the later xx indicates the language code of the user for example en for english.

Extjs is build in a way so that such lino_xxx_xx.js files are loaded in a script tag on the HTML document header. In case of an update (when lino finds a new modification timestamp) lino rebuilds such lino_xxx_xx.js file and reloads the site root to reflect the code changes in the frontend immediately.

React specifics

The latest build of Lino react is dumped into a file named main.js (the actual react application). All lino applications using Lino react frontend loads the main.js into a script tag on the HTML document header.

Site data for Lino react are build into some JSON files (with .json extension). There are two categories of such JSON files, ones we internally call site data, files of the format lino_xxx_xx.json, and the others we internally call actor data, files of the format Lino_applabel.Actorname_xxx_xx.json. See the paragraph here the understand what xxx_xx on the filenames mean. Lino react loads and caches these site data and actor data files on the run. Due to the complicated nature of how Lino react manages these cached data, in case of an update (when new modification timestamp found by lino application), it is hard to clean up the caches from the browser with application code (JavaScript). Hence, we require two HTTP request-response cycles for cleaning up and updating the frontend using the Clear-Site-Data response header. These HTTP request-response cycles are explained below:

  • first request:

A parameter lv with the value of the latest modification timestamp, which is stored in the cached JSONs, is added to every GET request by Lino react.

  • first response:

When a difference is found by the lino application comparing lv from GET request and the server’s latest modification timestamp, then this response occur, which only says that a version mismatch is found (in JSON format, like so: {‘version_mismatch’: True}).

At this stage adding the Clear-Site-Data header to the response (potentially) will NOT clean up the whole site for the origin of the GET request (potentially) might NOT be the site root (url / or scheme//host/), which will only clean up caches that are stored under the GET request’s origin.

  • second request:

This request is made only when the JSON response contains a key version_mismatch of True boolean value.

A GET request made to the site root (url /) with a parameter named update_found.

  • second response:

When a lino application finds a GET request made to the site root containing the update_found parameter, it adds the Clear-Site-Data header to the usual response, which is able to successfully clean up the frontend for the origin of the request is the site root.


Writing this up and thinking, I have a feeling that we can do the cleaing up and updating on only one HTTP request-response cycle if we compute the difference in modification timestamps on the frontend rather then doing in on the backend. Maybe something for later (a TODO).