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The show()
This documents shows how to use the ar.show
Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>
) get tested
as part of our development workflow. The following
initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.
>>> import lino
>>> lino.startup('lino_book.projects.avanti1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> rt.login('robin').show(cal.EntryStates)
======= ============ ============ ============= ============= ======== ============= =========
value name text Button text Fill guests Stable Transparent No auto
------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- -------- ------------- ---------
10 suggested Suggested ? Yes No No No
20 draft Draft ☐ Yes No No No
50 took_place Took place ☑ No Yes No No
70 cancelled Cancelled ☒ No Yes Yes Yes
======= ============ ============ ============= ============= ======== ============= =========
>>> rt.show(cal.EntryStates)
======= ============ ============ ============= ============= ======== ============= =========
value name text Button text Fill guests Stable Transparent No auto
------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- -------- ------------- ---------
10 suggested Suggested ? Yes No No No
20 draft Draft ☐ Yes No No No
50 took_place Took place ☑ No Yes No No
70 cancelled Cancelled ☒ No Yes Yes Yes
======= ============ ============ ============= ============= ======== ============= =========
>>> rt.show(courses.Topics)
==== ================== ================== ==================
ID Designation Designation (de) Designation (fr)
---- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
1 Citizen course Citizen course Citizen course
2 Language courses Language courses Language courses
==== ================== ================== ==================
>>> rt.show(courses.Topics, show_links=True)
=========== ================== ================== ==================
ID Designation Designation (de) Designation (fr)
----------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
`1 <…>`__ Citizen course Citizen course Citizen course
`2 <…>`__ Language courses Language courses Language courses
=========== ================== ================== ==================
>>> rt.show(courses.Topics, show_urls=True)
================================= ================== ================== ==================
ID Designation Designation (de) Designation (fr)
--------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
`1 </#/api/courses/Topics/1>`__ Citizen course Citizen course Citizen course
`2 </#/api/courses/Topics/2>`__ Language courses Language courses Language courses
================================= ================== ================== ==================
Links in displayfield columns are shown even when show_links is not specified (that’s actually a bug but nobody has complained about it so far):
>>> language_courses = courses.Topic.objects.get(pk=2)
>>> rt.show(courses.ActivitiesByTopic, language_courses)
====================================== =========== ============= ================== =========== ============= =========== ========
Activity When Times Available places Confirmed Free places Requested Trying
-------------------------------------- ----------- ------------- ------------------ ----------- ------------- ----------- --------
`Alphabetisation (16/01/2017) <…>`__ Every day 09:00-12:00 5 3 0 3 2
`Alphabetisation (16/01/2017) <…>`__ Every day 14:00-17:00 15 2 0 4 13
`Alphabetisation (16/01/2017) <…>`__ Every day 18:00-20:00 15 12 0 11 3
**Total (3 rows)** **35** **17** **0** **18** **18**
====================================== =========== ============= ================== =========== ============= =========== ========
>>> rt.show(courses.LinesByTopic, language_courses)
==================== ====================== ====================== ====================== ================== ============ ===================== ===================== ============ ==============
Reference Designation Designation (de) Designation (fr) Topic Layout Calendar entry type Manage presences as Recurrency Repeat every
-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------ ------------ --------------------- --------------------- ------------ --------------
Alphabetisation Alphabetisation Alphabetisation Language courses Activities Lesson Pupil weekly 1
German A1+ German A1+ German A1+ Language courses Activities Lesson Pupil weekly 1
German A2 German A2 German A2 Language courses Activities Lesson Pupil weekly 1
German A2 (women) German A2 (women) German A2 (women) Language courses Activities Lesson Pupil weekly 1
German for beginners German for beginners German for beginners Language courses Activities Lesson Pupil weekly 1
**Total (5 rows)** **5**
==================== ====================== ====================== ====================== ================== ============ ===================== ===================== ============ ==============
The show()
function does no permission checking. The following two
examples get the same result:
>>> rt.show(courses.AllActivities, show_links=True)
========================= ============ ======================= ================== =========== =============
Activity line Start date Instructor Author When Times
------------------------- ------------ ----------------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------
`Alphabetisation <…>`__ 16/01/2017 `Laura Lieblig <…>`__ `nelly <…>`__ Every day 18:00-20:00
`Alphabetisation <…>`__ 16/01/2017 `Laura Lieblig <…>`__ `nathalie <…>`__ Every day 14:00-17:00
`Alphabetisation <…>`__ 16/01/2017 `Laura Lieblig <…>`__ `martina <…>`__ Every day 09:00-12:00
========================= ============ ======================= ================== =========== =============
>>> rt.login('robin').show(courses.AllActivities, show_links=True)
========================= ============ ======================= ================== =========== =============
Activity line Start date Instructor Author When Times
------------------------- ------------ ----------------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------
`Alphabetisation <…>`__ 16/01/2017 `Laura Lieblig <…>`__ `nelly <…>`__ Every day 18:00-20:00
`Alphabetisation <…>`__ 16/01/2017 `Laura Lieblig <…>`__ `nathalie <…>`__ Every day 14:00-17:00
`Alphabetisation <…>`__ 16/01/2017 `Laura Lieblig <…>`__ `martina <…>`__ Every day 09:00-12:00
========================= ============ ======================= ================== =========== =============
But for certain tables there is a difference between being signed in or not. For example when the table needs to know the user.
>>> rt.show(courses.MyCoursesGiven)
Error while executing <ActionRequest courses.MyCoursesGiven.grid({'known_values':
{'teacher': <lino.core.auth.utils.AnonymousUser object at ...>}, 'user': 'anonymous'})>:
Field 'id' expected a number but got <lino.core.auth.utils.AnonymousUser object at ...>.
(Subsequent warnings will be silenced.)
Field 'id' expected a number but got <lino.core.auth.utils.AnonymousUser object at ...>.
(set catch_layout_exceptions to see details)
>>> rt.login('laura').show(courses.MyCoursesGiven)
============ ====================================== =========== ============= ====== =============
Start date Activity When Times Room Workflow
------------ -------------------------------------- ----------- ------------- ------ -------------
16/01/2017 `Alphabetisation (16/01/2017) <…>`__ Every day 09:00-12:00 **Started**
16/01/2017 `Alphabetisation (16/01/2017) <…>`__ Every day 14:00-17:00 **Started**
16/01/2017 `Alphabetisation (16/01/2017) <…>`__ Every day 18:00-20:00 **Started**
============ ====================================== =========== ============= ====== =============
>>> obj = courses.Course.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> rt.login('laura').show('cal.EntriesByController', obj)
February 2017: `Fri 24. <…>`__? `Thu 23. <…>`__? `Tue 21. <…>`__? `Mon 20. <…>`__? `Fri 17. <…>`__? `Thu 16. <…>`__? `Tue 14. <…>`__? `Mon 13. <…>`__? `Fri 10. <…>`__? `Thu 09. <…>`__? `Tue 07. <…>`__☑ `Mon 06. <…>`__☑ `Fri 03. <…>`__☒ `Thu 02. <…>`__☑
January 2017: `Tue 31. <…>`__☑ `Mon 30. <…>`__☑ `Fri 27. <…>`__☑ `Thu 26. <…>`__☑ `Tue 24. <…>`__☑ `Mon 23. <…>`__☑ `Fri 20. <…>`__☑ `Thu 19. <…>`__☒ `Tue 17. <…>`__☑ `Mon 16. <…>`__☑
Suggested : 10 , Draft : 0 , Took place : 12 , Cancelled : 2 **New**
Even though Nathalie is author of the morning course, it is Laura (the teacher) who is responsible for the individual events.
>>> rt.login('laura').show('cal.MyEntries')
====================================== ======== ===================================
Calendar entry Client Workflow
-------------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------
`Lesson 19 (16.02.2017 09:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 19 (16.02.2017 14:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 19 (16.02.2017 18:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 20 (17.02.2017 09:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 20 (17.02.2017 14:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 20 (17.02.2017 18:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 21 (20.02.2017 09:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 21 (20.02.2017 14:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 21 (20.02.2017 18:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 22 (21.02.2017 09:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 22 (21.02.2017 14:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 22 (21.02.2017 18:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 23 (23.02.2017 09:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 23 (23.02.2017 14:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 23 (23.02.2017 18:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 24 (24.02.2017 09:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 24 (24.02.2017 14:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
`Lesson 24 (24.02.2017 18:00) <…>`__ [▽] **? Suggested** → [☐] [☑] [☒]
====================================== ======== ===================================
>>> rt.show(courses.ReminderStates)
======= =========== =========== =============
value name text Button text
------- ----------- ----------- -------------
10 draft Draft
20 sent Sent
30 ok OK
40 final Final
90 cancelled Cancelled
======= =========== =========== =============
>>> rt.login("romain").show(courses.DitchingEnrolments)
============== ================================= ============================== =================
Missing rate Participant Activity Primary coach
-------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------
54,17 ABID Abdul Báásid (162/romain) Alphabetisation (16/01/2017) Romain Raffault
54,17 CISSE Chátá (150/romain) Alphabetisation (16/01/2017) Romain Raffault
50,00 BEK-MURZIN Agápiiá (160/romain) Alphabetisation (16/01/2017) Romain Raffault
============== ================================= ============================== =================
>>> obj = courses.Course.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> rt.login('rolf').show('courses.EnrolmentsByCourse', obj, show_urls=True)
=============================================== =================================================================== ======== ============= ========== =========== ======== ============== ================================================== ==============
ID Participant Gender Nationality Age Childcare Remark Missing rate Workflow Municipality
----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------- ---------- ----------- -------- -------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------
`31 </#/api/courses/EnrolmentsByCourse/31>`__ `ARNOLD Alexei (129/nathalie) </#/api/avanti/Clients/129>`__ Male 28 years No 50,00 **Confirmed** → [Cancelled] [Requested] [Trying] 4700 Eupen
`25 </#/api/courses/EnrolmentsByCourse/25>`__ `ABDELNOUR Aámir (125/nelly) </#/api/avanti/Clients/125>`__ Male 28 years No **Requested** → [Confirm] [Cancelled] [Trying] 4700 Eupen
`22 </#/api/courses/EnrolmentsByCourse/22>`__ `ARENT Afánásiiá (124/robin) </#/api/avanti/Clients/124>`__ Female 27 years No 50,00 **Trying** → [Requested] 4700 Eupen
`19 </#/api/courses/EnrolmentsByCourse/19>`__ `DEMEULENAERE Dorothée (121/nelly) </#/api/avanti/Clients/121>`__ Female unknown No **Confirmed** → [Cancelled] [Requested] [Trying] 4700 Eupen
`13 </#/api/courses/EnrolmentsByCourse/13>`__ `ABBASI Aáishá (118/romain) </#/api/avanti/Clients/118>`__ Female 20 years No **Requested** → [Confirm] [Cancelled] [Trying] 4700 Eupen
`10 </#/api/courses/EnrolmentsByCourse/10>`__ `ALEKSANDROV Akim (116/nathalie) </#/api/avanti/Clients/116>`__ Male 18 years No **Trying** → [Requested] 4700 Eupen
`7 </#/api/courses/EnrolmentsByCourse/7>`__ `ABBAS Aábid (115/nelly) </#/api/avanti/Clients/115>`__ Male 17 years No **Confirmed** → [Cancelled] [Requested] [Trying] 4700 Eupen
`1 </#/api/courses/EnrolmentsByCourse/1>`__ `ABEZGAUZ Adrik (112/nelly) </#/api/avanti/Clients/112>`__ Male 16 years No **Requested** → [Confirm] [Cancelled] [Trying] 4700 Eupen
=============================================== =================================================================== ======== ============= ========== =========== ======== ============== ================================================== ==============
>>> kwargs = dict(column_names="id user owner", limit=3,
... display_mode=DISPLAY_MODE_GRID)
>>> rt.login("robin").show(comments.Comments, **kwargs)
==== ========== ===================================
ID Author Topic
---- ---------- -----------------------------------
1 audrey `BALLO Armáni (179/romain) <…>`__
2 martina `BALLO Armáni (179/romain) <…>`__
3 nathalie `BALLO Armáni (179/romain) <…>`__
==== ========== ===================================
>>> kwargs.update(show_urls=True)
>>> rt.login("robin").show(comments.Comments, **kwargs)
==================================== ======================================== ===========================================================
ID Author Topic
------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
`1 </#/api/comments/Comments/1>`__ `audrey </#/api/users/AllUsers/7>`__ `BALLO Armáni (179/romain) </#/api/avanti/Clients/179>`__
`2 </#/api/comments/Comments/2>`__ `martina </#/api/users/AllUsers/8>`__ `BALLO Armáni (179/romain) </#/api/avanti/Clients/179>`__
`3 </#/api/comments/Comments/3>`__ `nathalie </#/api/users/AllUsers/5>`__ `BALLO Armáni (179/romain) </#/api/avanti/Clients/179>`__
==================================== ======================================== ===========================================================