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in Lino Voga¶
Lino Voga uses the checkdata plugin for managing data problem messages.
Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>
) get tested
as part of our development workflow. The following
initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.
>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.voga2.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
Data checkers available in Lino Voga¶
In the web interface you can select
to see a table of all available checkers.>>> show_menu_path(checkdata.Checkers)
Explorer --> System --> Data checkers
>>> rt.show(checkdata.Checkers)
=================================== ========================================================
value text
----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
accounting.VoucherChecker Check integrity of ledger vouchers
beid.SSINChecker Check for invalid SSINs
cal.ConflictingEventsChecker Check for conflicting calendar entries
cal.EventGuestChecker Entries without participants
cal.LongEntryChecker Too long-lasting calendar entries
cal.ObsoleteEventTypeChecker Obsolete generated calendar entries
countries.PlaceChecker Check data of geographical places
courses.MemberChecker Check membership payments
finan.FinancialVoucherItemChecker Check for invalid account/partner combination
linod.SystemTaskChecker Check for missing system tasks
memo.PreviewableChecker Check for previewables needing update
phones.ContactDetailsOwnerChecker Check for mismatches between contact details and owner
printing.CachedPrintableChecker Check for missing target files
sepa.BankAccountChecker Check for partner mismatches in bank accounts
system.BleachChecker Find unbleached html content
uploads.UploadChecker Check metadata of upload files
uploads.UploadsFolderChecker Find orphaned files in uploads folder
vat.VatColumnsChecker Check VAT columns configuration
vat.VatIdChecker Validate VAT id from online registry
=================================== ========================================================
More information about each checker in the corresponding plugin specs (e.g.
is defined in
and hence documented in beid : Belgian ID card holders)