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This document specifies how the lino_tera.lib.contacts plugin is being used in Lino Tera.

This page is a tested document and the following instructions are used for initialization:

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.lydia.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> dd.plugins.contacts
lino_tera.lib.contacts (extends_models=['Person'], needs_plugins=['lino_xl.lib.countries', 'lino.modlib.system'])
class lino_tera.lib.contacts.Partner

The residence used to determine the fee for invoicing.

>>> rt.show(courses.Residences)
======= ======== =========
 value   name     text
------- -------- ---------
 10      inside   Inside
 20      ouside   Outside
======= ======== =========

The income category used to determine the fee for invoicing.

>>> rt.show(courses.IncomeCategories)
======= ====== ======
 value   name   text
------- ------ ------
 10             A
 20             B
 30             C
 40             D
 50             E
======= ====== ======

The family composition used to determine the fee for invoicing.

>>> rt.show(courses.HouseholdCompositions)
======= =============== ====================================
 value   name            text
------- --------------- ------------------------------------
 10      no_child        No participant below 18
 20      one_child       One participant below 18
 30      more_children   More than one participant below 18
======= =============== ====================================