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>>> from lino_book.projects.noi1r.startup import *
>>> from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
>>> from django.contrib.staticfiles.storage import staticfiles_storage

Static files

For some reason the Django test client doesn’t find static files until 20221019.

>>> test_client.get("/media/cache/js/lino_900_en.js")
<FileResponse status_code=200, "text/javascript">

‘TableRequest’ object has no attribute ‘obj2str’

The following snippets failed on 2023-02-16

>>> rt.login("robin").show(contacts.Roles)
==== ========== ===================== =====================
 ID   Function   Person                Organization
---- ---------- --------------------- ---------------------
 1    CEO        Annette Arens         Bäckerei Ausdemwald
 2    CEO        Erna Ärgerlich        Garage Mergelsberg
 3    CEO        Erna Ärgerlich        Rumma & Ko OÜ
 4               Andreas Arens         Rumma & Ko OÜ
 5               Annette Arens         Bäckerei Ausdemwald
 6               Hans Altenberg        Bäckerei Mießen
 7               Alfons Ausdemwald     Bäckerei Schmitz
 8               Laurent Bastiaensen   Garage Mergelsberg
==== ========== ===================== =====================

#5739 (Oops, get_atomizer() returned None)

The following snippet reproduces an example of #5739 (Oops, get_atomizer(…) returned None). It’s not urgent because it disappears after simply hitting Ctrl+R. TODO: Understand and explain what’s going on. Hint: it might be related to the fact that actors are class objects and no instances. Setting the lazy attribute _lino_atomizer on an actor will set it for all subclasses as well.

>>> erna = contacts.Role.objects.get(pk=2).person
>>> print(erna.pk)
>>> url  = "values/contacts/Persons/{}/contacts.RolesByPerson".format(erna.pk)

Lino does “Oops” only the first time, and from then on does its job.

>>> demo_get('robin', url, None, -1)
GET /values/contacts/Persons/168/contacts.RolesByPerson for user Robin Rood got
{'data': 'Oops, get_atomizer(lino_xl.lib.contacts.models.Persons, '
         "lino_xl.lib.contacts.models.RolesByPerson, 'contacts.RolesByPerson') "
         'returned None'}
>>> demo_get('robin', url, None, -1)
GET /values/contacts/Persons/168/contacts.RolesByPerson for user Robin Rood got
{'data': '<div class="htmlText"><a href="javascript:window.App.runAction({ '
         '&quot;actorId&quot;: &quot;contacts.Companies&quot;, &quot;an&quot;: '
         '&quot;detail&quot;, &quot;rp&quot;: null, &quot;status&quot;: { '
         '&quot;record_id&quot;: 104 } })" style="text-decoration:none">Garage '
         'Mergelsberg (CEO)</a>, <a href="javascript:window.App.runAction({ '
         '&quot;actorId&quot;: &quot;contacts.Companies&quot;, &quot;an&quot;: '
         '&quot;detail&quot;, &quot;rp&quot;: null, &quot;status&quot;: { '
         '&quot;record_id&quot;: 100 } })" style="text-decoration:none">Rumma '
         '&amp; Ko OÜ (CEO)</a>, <a href="javascript:window.App.runAction({ '
         '&quot;actorId&quot;: &quot;contacts.RolesByPerson&quot;, '
         '&quot;an&quot;: &quot;insert&quot;, &quot;onMain&quot;: false, '
         '&quot;rp&quot;: null, &quot;status&quot;: { &quot;base_params&quot;: '
         '{ &quot;mk&quot;: 168, &quot;mt&quot;: 10 }, '
         '&quot;data_record&quot;: { &quot;data&quot;: { &quot;company&quot;: '
         'null, &quot;companyHidden&quot;: null, &quot;disabled_fields&quot;: '
         '{  }, &quot;type&quot;: null, &quot;typeHidden&quot;: null }, '
         '&quot;phantom&quot;: true, &quot;title&quot;: &quot;Insert a new '
         'Contact person&quot; }, &quot;record_id&quot;: null } })" '
         'title="Insert a new Contact person." class="pi pi-plus-circle"></a> '
         '<a href="javascript:window.App.runAction({ &quot;actorId&quot;: '
         '&quot;contacts.RolesByPerson&quot;, &quot;an&quot;: '
         '&quot;open_help&quot;, &quot;onMain&quot;: false, &quot;rp&quot;: '
         'null, &quot;status&quot;: { &quot;base_params&quot;: { '
         '&quot;mk&quot;: 168, &quot;mt&quot;: 10 } } })" title="Open Help '
         'Window" style="text-decoration:none">?</a> </div>'}