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: A customized Lino Voga site¶
A Lino Voga site with a few local customizations.
Used in Lino Voga Developer Guide.
The lino_book.projects.voga2
demo project illustrates some local
Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>
) get tested
as part of our development workflow. The following
initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.
>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.voga2.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
A customized management of membership fees¶
The lino_voga.lib.roger.courses
plugin demonstrates the following rules
for handling memberships:
Membership costs 15€ per year.
Members get a discount on enrolments to courses.
Customers can freely decide whether they want to be members or not.
They become member by paying the membership fee.
To handle these rules, we have an additional field member_until
each pupil.
There is a custom data checker
>>> dd.demo_date()
datetime.date(2015, 5, 22)
>>> rt.show(courses.Pupils)
======================================== ================================= ================== ============ ===== ===== ======== ==============
Name Address Participant type Section LFV CKK Raviva Mitglied bis
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------ ------------ ----- ----- -------- --------------
Hans Altenberg (MEL) Aachener Straße, 4700 Eupen Member Yes No No 31/12/2015
Annette Arens (MEC) Alter Malmedyer Weg, 4700 Eupen Helper No Yes No 31/12/2015
Laurent Bastiaensen (ME) Am Berg, 4700 Eupen Non-member No No No 31/12/2015
Bernd Brecht (ME) Aachen, Germany Member No No No 31/12/2015
Ulrike Charlier (ME) Auenweg, 4700 Eupen Helper No No No 31/12/2015
Dorothée Demeulenaere (ME) Auf'm Rain, 4700 Eupen Non-member No No No 31/12/2016
Hedi Radermacher (ME) 4730 Raeren Non-member No No No 31/12/2015
Jean Radermacher (ME) 4730 Raeren Member No No No 31/12/2015
Marie-Louise Vandenmeulenbos (MEC) Amsterdam, Netherlands Helper No Yes No 31/12/2015
Didier di Rupo (MS) 4730 Raeren Non-member Herresbach No No No
Erna Ärgerlich (ME) 4730 Raeren Member No No No 31/12/2015
Otto Östges (MCS) 4730 Raeren Helper Eynatten No Yes No
======================================== ================================= ================== ============ ===== ===== ======== ==============
>>> print(dd.plugins.accounting.suppress_movements_until)
>>> rt.show(checkdata.MessagesByChecker, 'courses.MemberChecker')
============= ============================================ ==========================================
Responsible Database object Message text
------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
Robin Rood `Karl Kaivers (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Laura Laschet (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Josefine Leffin (MEL) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Marie-Louise Meier (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Alfons Radermacher (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Christian Radermacher (MEL) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Edgard Radermacher (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Guido Radermacher (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Hedi Radermacher (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Jean Radermacher (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Erna Ärgerlich (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Jean Dupont (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Marie-Louise Vandenmeulenbos (MEC) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Bernd Brecht (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
Robin Rood `Jérôme Jeanémart (ME) <…>`__ Member until 2015-12-31, but no payment.
============= ============================================ ==========================================
>>> acc = rt.models.accounting.CommonAccounts.membership_fees.get_object()
>>> print(acc)
(7310) Membership fees
>>> rt.show(accounting.MovementsByAccount, acc)
============ ==================== =========================================== ======= ============ =============
Value date Voucher Description Debit Credit Match
------------ -------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------- ------------ -------------
22/12/2015 `CSH 5/2015 <…>`__ `Faymonville Luc <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 5:1**
22/12/2015 `CSH 5/2015 <…>`__ `Groteclaes Gregory <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 5:2**
22/12/2015 `CSH 5/2015 <…>`__ `Hilgers Hildegard <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 5:3**
22/12/2015 `CSH 5/2015 <…>`__ `Jacobs Jacqueline <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 5:4**
22/12/2015 `CSH 5/2015 <…>`__ `Jonas Josef <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 5:5**
22/11/2015 `CSH 4/2015 <…>`__ `Dobbelstein-Demeulenaere Dorothée <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 4:1**
22/11/2015 `CSH 4/2015 <…>`__ `Emonts Daniel <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 4:3**
22/11/2015 `CSH 4/2015 <…>`__ `Engels Edgar <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 4:4**
22/11/2015 `CSH 4/2015 <…>`__ `Evers Eberhart <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 4:2**
22/10/2015 `CSH 3/2015 <…>`__ `Demeulenaere Dorothée <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 3:2**
22/10/2015 `CSH 3/2015 <…>`__ `Dericum Daniel <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 3:1**
22/02/2015 `CSH 2/2015 <…>`__ `Charlier Ulrike <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 2:1**
22/01/2015 `CSH 1/2015 <…>`__ `Altenberg Hans <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 1:2**
22/01/2015 `CSH 1/2015 <…>`__ `Arens Annette <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 1:1**
22/01/2015 `CSH 1/2015 <…>`__ `Bastiaensen Laurent <…>`__ 15,00 **CSH 1:3**
**Balance -225.00 (15 movements)** **225,00**
============ ==================== =========================================== ======= ============ =============
Django and the VatVoucher model mixin¶
This section is no longer needed since 20230829. It helped us to discover that
when you call contenttypes.ContentType.objects.get_for_model()
with an
abstract Model class, Django creates a contenttype database record. We then
optimized lino_react.react.Renderer.actor2json()
to not fall into that pit
The code snippets in this section are not actively tested, but you may remove
the #doctest: +SKIP
and play.
The contenttypes framework seems to sometimes create an entry for the VatVoucher model mixin although this is an abstract model.
>>> from django.apps import apps
>>> cts = set([ct.model_class() for ct in contenttypes.ContentType.objects.all()])
>>> for m in apps.get_models():
... if m in cts:
... cts.remove(m)
>>> cts
>>> for ct in contenttypes.ContentType.objects.all():
... if ct.model_class() is None:
... print(ct)
This is caused by the following method:
>>> get_for_model = contenttypes.ContentType.objects.get_for_model
When passing a non-existed Model class (that is abstract) it creates a contenttype database record. For example see how the contenttype count increasing when looking up abstract models:
>>> contenttypes.ContentType.objects.count()
>>> users.UserAuthored._meta.abstract, contenttypes.ContentType.objects.filter(model="userauthored").count()
(True, 0)
Now see when we look it up using get_for_model method:
>>> get_for_model(users.UserAuthored)
<ContentType: userauthored>
>>> contenttypes.ContentType.objects.count()
And there’s one more contenttype object.
Database structure¶
>>> from lino.utils.diag import analyzer
>>> analyzer.show_db_overview()
49 plugins: lino, about, jinja, react, printing, system, help, users, office, xl, countries, contacts, phones, lists, beid, contenttypes, gfks, linod, checkdata, cal, courses, products, rooms, memo, excerpts, periods, weasyprint, uploads, accounting, bevats, vat, trading, summaries, storage, invoicing, finan, sepa, notes, outbox, voga, export_excel, calview, wkhtmltopdf, appypod, changes, bootstrap3, publisher, staticfiles, sessions.
95 models:
=========================== ============================== ========= =======
Name Default table #fields #rows
--------------------------- ------------------------------ --------- -------
accounting.Account accounting.Accounts 18 21
accounting.Journal accounting.Journals 27 10
accounting.LedgerInfo accounting.LedgerInfoTable 2 0
accounting.MatchRule accounting.MatchRules 3 33
accounting.Movement accounting.Movements 11 1453
accounting.PaymentTerm accounting.PaymentTerms 11 8
accounting.Voucher accounting.AllVouchers 8 423
bevats.Declaration bevats.Declarations 28 15
cal.Calendar cal.Calendars 6 8
cal.EntryRepeater cal.EntryRepeaterTable 17 0
cal.Event cal.Events 25 1171
cal.EventPolicy cal.EventPolicies 20 6
cal.EventType cal.EventTypes 24 10
cal.Guest cal.Guests 6 0
cal.GuestRole cal.GuestRoles 5 3
cal.RecurrentEvent cal.RecurrentEvents 22 16
cal.RemoteCalendar cal.RemoteCalendars 7 0
cal.Room cal.Rooms 11 7
cal.Subscription cal.Subscriptions 4 35
cal.Task cal.Tasks 16 0
calview.DailyPlannerRow calview.DailyPlannerRows 7 2
changes.Change changes.Changes 10 0
checkdata.Message checkdata.Messages 6 23
contacts.Company contacts.Companies 26 31
contacts.CompanyType contacts.CompanyTypes 7 16
contacts.Partner contacts.Partners 24 103
contacts.Person contacts.Persons 42 72
contacts.Role contacts.Roles 4 3
contacts.RoleType contacts.RoleTypes 5 5
contenttypes.ContentType gfks.ContentTypes 3 95
countries.Country countries.Countries 6 10
countries.Place countries.Places 9 80
courses.Course courses.Activities 34 26
courses.CourseType courses.CourseTypes 5 0
courses.Enrolment courses.Enrolments 17 95
courses.Line courses.Lines 25 10
courses.Pupil courses.Pupils 51 35
courses.PupilType courses.PupilTypes 5 3
courses.Slot courses.Slots 5 0
courses.Teacher courses.Teachers 44 9
courses.TeacherType courses.TeacherTypes 5 4
courses.Topic courses.Topics 4 5
excerpts.Excerpt excerpts.Excerpts 11 ...
excerpts.ExcerptType excerpts.ExcerptTypes 17 15
finan.BankStatement finan.BankStatements 16 21
finan.BankStatementItem finan.BankStatementItemTable 9 368
finan.JournalEntry finan.FinancialVouchers 14 0
finan.JournalEntryItem finan.JournalEntryItemTable 9 0
finan.PaymentOrder finan.PaymentOrders 15 16
finan.PaymentOrderItem finan.PaymentOrderItemTable 9 127
invoicing.FollowUpRule invoicing.FollowUpRules 5 4
invoicing.Item invoicing.Items 10 16
invoicing.Plan invoicing.Plans 8 1
invoicing.SalesRule invoicing.SalesRules 3 4
invoicing.Tariff invoicing.Tariffs 8 0
invoicing.Task invoicing.Tasks 28 1
linod.SystemTask linod.SystemTasks 24 5
lists.List lists.Lists 7 8
lists.ListType lists.ListTypes 4 3
lists.Member lists.Members 5 103
memo.Mention memo.Mentions 5 0
notes.EventType notes.EventTypes 8 1
notes.Note notes.Notes 16 100
notes.NoteType notes.NoteTypes 11 3
outbox.Attachment outbox.Attachments 4 0
outbox.Mail outbox.Mails 8 63
outbox.Recipient outbox.Recipients 6 63
periods.StoredPeriod periods.StoredPeriods 7 17
periods.StoredYear periods.StoredYears 5 7
phones.ContactDetail phones.ContactDetails 8 79
products.Category products.Categories 15 5
products.PriceRule products.PriceRules 4 0
products.Product products.Products 21 12
publisher.Page publisher.Pages 15 18
rooms.Booking rooms.Bookings 24 3
sepa.Account sepa.Accounts 6 25
sessions.Session users.Sessions 3 ...
storage.Component storage.Components 4 3
storage.DeliveryItem storage.DeliveryItems 8 0
storage.DeliveryNote storage.DeliveryNotes 14 0
storage.Filler storage.Fillers 6 19
storage.Movement storage.Movements 10 264
storage.Provision storage.Provisions 5 0
storage.TransferRule storage.TransferRules 5 0
system.SiteConfig system.SiteConfigs 12 1
trading.InvoiceItem trading.InvoiceItems 15 582
trading.PaperType trading.PaperTypes 5 2
trading.VatProductInvoice trading.Invoices 27 252
uploads.Upload uploads.Uploads 12 9
uploads.UploadType uploads.UploadTypes 8 1
uploads.Volume uploads.Volumes 4 1
users.Authority users.Authorities 3 0
users.User users.AllUsers 21 6
vat.InvoiceItem vat.InvoiceItemTable 9 187
vat.VatAccountInvoice vat.Invoices 20 119
=========================== ============================== ========= =======
Foreign Keys and their on_delete setting¶
Here is a list of foreign keys in Lino Voga and their on_delete behaviour. See also Customize delete behaviour.
>>> from lino.utils.diag import analyzer
>>> print(analyzer.show_foreign_keys())
- accounting.Account :
- PROTECT : accounting.Journal.account, accounting.MatchRule.account, accounting.Movement.account, finan.BankStatement.item_account, finan.BankStatementItem.account, finan.JournalEntry.item_account, finan.JournalEntryItem.account, finan.PaymentOrder.item_account, finan.PaymentOrderItem.account, vat.InvoiceItem.account
- accounting.Journal :
- CASCADE : accounting.MatchRule.journal, invoicing.FollowUpRule.source_journal
- PROTECT : accounting.Voucher.journal, invoicing.Task.target_journal, storage.TransferRule.journal
- accounting.PaymentTerm :
- PROTECT : bevats.Declaration.payment_term, contacts.Partner.payment_term, courses.Course.payment_term, trading.VatProductInvoice.payment_term, vat.VatAccountInvoice.payment_term
- accounting.Voucher :
- CASCADE : accounting.Movement.voucher, storage.Movement.voucher
- PROTECT : bevats.Declaration.voucher_ptr, finan.BankStatement.voucher_ptr, finan.JournalEntry.voucher_ptr, finan.PaymentOrder.voucher_ptr, storage.DeliveryNote.voucher_ptr, trading.VatProductInvoice.voucher_ptr, vat.VatAccountInvoice.voucher_ptr
- SET_NULL : invoicing.Item.invoice
- cal.Calendar :
- CASCADE : cal.Subscription.calendar
- PROTECT : cal.Room.calendar, system.SiteConfig.site_calendar
- cal.Event :
- CASCADE : cal.Guest.event
- PROTECT : cal.EntryRepeater.cal_entry
- cal.EventType :
- PROTECT : cal.Event.event_type, cal.EventPolicy.event_type, cal.RecurrentEvent.event_type, courses.Line.event_type, products.PriceRule.selector, rooms.Booking.event_type, system.SiteConfig.default_event_type, users.User.event_type
- cal.GuestRole :
- PROTECT : cal.Guest.role, courses.Line.guest_role, system.SiteConfig.pupil_guestrole
- cal.Room :
- PROTECT : cal.Event.room, courses.Course.room, rooms.Booking.room
- contacts.Company :
- PROTECT : accounting.Journal.partner, cal.Room.company, contacts.Role.company, courses.Line.company, excerpts.Excerpt.company, notes.Note.company, rooms.Booking.company, system.SiteConfig.site_company
- contacts.CompanyType :
- PROTECT : contacts.Company.type
- contacts.Partner :
- CASCADE : contacts.Company.partner_ptr, contacts.Person.partner_ptr, invoicing.Item.partner, invoicing.SalesRule.partner, lists.Member.partner, phones.ContactDetail.partner, sepa.Account.partner
- PROTECT : accounting.Movement.partner, bevats.Declaration.partner, finan.BankStatementItem.partner, finan.JournalEntryItem.partner, finan.PaymentOrderItem.partner, invoicing.Plan.partner, invoicing.SalesRule.invoice_recipient, outbox.Recipient.partner, storage.DeliveryNote.partner, storage.Filler.partner, storage.Movement.partner, storage.Provision.partner, trading.VatProductInvoice.partner, users.User.partner, vat.VatAccountInvoice.partner
- contacts.Person :
- CASCADE : courses.Pupil.person_ptr, courses.Teacher.person_ptr
- PROTECT : cal.Guest.partner, cal.Room.contact_person, contacts.Role.person, courses.Line.contact_person, excerpts.Excerpt.contact_person, notes.Note.contact_person, rooms.Booking.contact_person
- contacts.RoleType :
- PROTECT : cal.Room.contact_role, contacts.Role.type, courses.Line.contact_role, excerpts.Excerpt.contact_role, notes.Note.contact_role, rooms.Booking.contact_role
- contenttypes.ContentType :
- PROTECT : cal.Event.owner_type, cal.Task.owner_type, changes.Change.master_type, changes.Change.object_type, checkdata.Message.owner_type, excerpts.Excerpt.owner_type, excerpts.ExcerptType.content_type, invoicing.FollowUpRule.invoice_generator, invoicing.Item.generator_type, memo.Mention.owner_type, memo.Mention.target_type, notes.Note.owner_type, outbox.Attachment.owner_type, outbox.Mail.owner_type, storage.DeliveryItem.invoiceable_type, trading.InvoiceItem.invoiceable_type, uploads.Upload.owner_type
- countries.Country :
- PROTECT : contacts.Partner.country, contacts.Person.birth_country, contacts.Person.nationality, countries.Place.country
- countries.Place :
- PROTECT : contacts.Partner.city, contacts.Partner.region, countries.Place.parent
- courses.Course :
- PROTECT : courses.Enrolment.course, invoicing.Plan.order
- courses.CourseType :
- PROTECT : courses.Line.course_type
- courses.Line :
- PROTECT : courses.Course.line
- courses.Pupil :
- PROTECT : courses.Enrolment.pupil
- courses.PupilType :
- PROTECT : courses.Pupil.pupil_type
- courses.Slot :
- PROTECT : courses.Course.slot
- courses.Teacher :
- PROTECT : courses.Course.teacher
- courses.TeacherType :
- PROTECT : courses.Teacher.teacher_type
- courses.Topic :
- PROTECT : courses.Line.topic
- excerpts.Excerpt :
- SET_NULL : bevats.Declaration.printed_by, courses.Enrolment.printed_by, finan.BankStatement.printed_by, finan.JournalEntry.printed_by, finan.PaymentOrder.printed_by, storage.DeliveryNote.printed_by, trading.VatProductInvoice.printed_by
- excerpts.ExcerptType :
- PROTECT : excerpts.Excerpt.excerpt_type
- finan.BankStatement :
- CASCADE : finan.BankStatementItem.voucher
- finan.JournalEntry :
- CASCADE : finan.JournalEntryItem.voucher
- finan.PaymentOrder :
- CASCADE : finan.PaymentOrderItem.voucher
- invoicing.Plan :
- CASCADE : invoicing.Item.plan
- invoicing.Task :
- CASCADE : invoicing.FollowUpRule.invoicing_task
- PROTECT : invoicing.Plan.invoicing_task
- lists.List :
- CASCADE : lists.Member.list
- lists.ListType :
- PROTECT : lists.List.list_type
- notes.EventType :
- PROTECT : notes.Note.event_type, system.SiteConfig.system_note_type
- notes.NoteType :
- PROTECT : notes.Note.type
- outbox.Mail :
- CASCADE : outbox.Attachment.mail, outbox.Recipient.mail
- periods.StoredPeriod :
- PROTECT : accounting.Voucher.accounting_period, bevats.Declaration.end_period, bevats.Declaration.start_period
- periods.StoredYear :
- PROTECT : periods.StoredPeriod.year
- products.Category :
- PROTECT : courses.Line.fees_cat, courses.Line.options_cat, products.Category.parent, products.Product.category
- products.Product :
- PROTECT : cal.Room.fee, courses.Course.fee, courses.Enrolment.fee, courses.Enrolment.option, courses.Line.fee, invoicing.Tariff.product, products.PriceRule.product, storage.Component.child, storage.Component.parent, storage.DeliveryItem.product, storage.Filler.provision_product, storage.Movement.product, storage.Provision.product, trading.InvoiceItem.product
- publisher.Page :
- PROTECT : publisher.Page.parent, publisher.Page.previous_page, publisher.Page.translated_from
- sepa.Account :
- PROTECT : accounting.Journal.sepa_account, finan.PaymentOrderItem.bank_account
- storage.DeliveryNote :
- CASCADE : storage.DeliveryItem.voucher
- trading.PaperType :
- PROTECT : courses.Course.paper_type, invoicing.SalesRule.paper_type, trading.VatProductInvoice.paper_type
- trading.VatProductInvoice :
- CASCADE : trading.InvoiceItem.voucher
- uploads.UploadType :
- PROTECT : uploads.Upload.type
- uploads.Volume :
- PROTECT : accounting.Journal.uploads_volume, uploads.Upload.volume
- users.User :
- CASCADE : accounting.LedgerInfo.user, cal.Subscription.user
- PROTECT : accounting.Voucher.user, cal.Event.assigned_to, cal.Event.user, cal.RecurrentEvent.user, cal.Task.user, changes.Change.user, checkdata.Message.user, courses.Course.user, courses.Enrolment.user, excerpts.Excerpt.user, invoicing.Plan.user, invoicing.Task.user, notes.Note.user, outbox.Mail.user, rooms.Booking.user, uploads.Upload.user, users.Authority.authorized, users.Authority.user
- vat.VatAccountInvoice :
- CASCADE : vat.InvoiceItem.voucher
Here is the output of walk_menu_items
for this demo project.
>>> from lino.core.roles import Explorer
>>> rt.login("robin").get_user().user_type.has_required_roles([Explorer])
>>> walk_menu_items('robin', severe=True)
- Contacts --> Persons : 73
- Contacts --> Organizations : 32
- Contacts --> Partner Lists : 9
- Office --> Data problem messages assigned to me : 22
- Office --> My Notes : 34
- Office --> My Outbox : 64
- Office --> My Excerpts : ...
- Office --> My Upload files : 3
- Calendar --> My appointments : 110
- Calendar --> Overdue appointments : 25
- Calendar --> My unconfirmed appointments : 12
- Calendar --> My tasks : 1
- Calendar --> My guests : 1
- Calendar --> My presences : 1
- Calendar --> My overdue appointments : 5
- Calendar --> Public calendar entries : 539
- Calendar --> Bookings : 4
- Calendar --> Calendar : (not tested)
- Activities --> Participants : 36
- Activities --> Instructors : 10
- Activities --> Courses : 24
- Activities --> Hikes : 1
- Activities --> Journeys : 4
- Activities --> Topics : 6
- Activities --> Activity lines : 11
- Activities --> Pending requested enrolments : 11
- Activities --> Pending confirmed enrolments : 79
- Sales --> My invoicing plan : (not tested)
- Sales --> Sales invoices (SLS) : (not tested)
- Sales --> Sales credit notes (SLC) : (not tested)
- Publisher --> Pages : 19
- Accounting --> Purchases --> Purchase invoices (PRC) : (not tested)
- Accounting --> Wages --> Paychecks (SAL) : (not tested)
- Accounting --> Financial --> Bestbank Payment Orders (PMO) : (not tested)
- Accounting --> Financial --> Cash book (CSH) : (not tested)
- Accounting --> Financial --> Bestbank (BNK) : (not tested)
- Accounting --> VAT --> VAT declarations (VAT) : (not tested)
- Accounting --> Miscellaneous transactions --> Miscellaneous transactions (MSC) : (not tested)
- Accounting --> Miscellaneous transactions --> Preliminary transactions (PRE) : (not tested)
- Reports --> Activities --> Status Report : (not tested)
- Reports --> Sales --> Due invoices : 3
- Reports --> Accounting --> Debtors : 1
- Reports --> Accounting --> Creditors : 9
- Reports --> VAT --> Intra-Community purchases : 51
- Reports --> VAT --> Intra-Community sales : 0
- Configure --> System --> Users : 7
- Configure --> System --> Site configuration : (not tested)
- Configure --> System --> System tasks : 6
- Configure --> Places --> Countries : 11
- Configure --> Places --> Places : 81
- Configure --> Contacts --> Legal forms : 17
- Configure --> Contacts --> Functions : 6
- Configure --> Contacts --> List Types : 4
- Configure --> Calendar --> Calendars : 9
- Configure --> Calendar --> Rooms : 8
- Configure --> Calendar --> Recurring events : 17
- Configure --> Calendar --> Guest roles : 4
- Configure --> Calendar --> Calendar entry types : 11
- Configure --> Calendar --> Recurrency policies : 7
- Configure --> Calendar --> Remote Calendars : 1
- Configure --> Calendar --> Planner rows : 3
- Configure --> Activities --> Activity types : 1
- Configure --> Activities --> Instructor types : 5
- Configure --> Activities --> Participant types : 4
- Configure --> Activities --> Timetable Slots : 1
- Configure --> Fees --> Fees : 13
- Configure --> Fees --> Fee categories : 6
- Configure --> Sales --> Paper types : 3
- Configure --> Sales --> Flatrates : 1
- Configure --> Sales --> Follow-up rules : 5
- Configure --> Sales --> Invoicing tasks : 2
- Configure --> Office --> Note Types : 4
- Configure --> Office --> Event Types : 2
- Configure --> Office --> Excerpt Types : 16
- Configure --> Office --> Library volumes : 2
- Configure --> Office --> Upload types : 2
- Configure --> Publisher --> Special pages : 6
- Configure --> Accounting --> Fiscal years : 8
- Configure --> Accounting --> Accounting periods : 18
- Configure --> Accounting --> Accounts : 22
- Configure --> Accounting --> Journals : 11
- Configure --> Accounting --> Payment terms : 9
- Explorer --> System --> Authorities : 1
- Explorer --> System --> User types : 6
- Explorer --> System --> User roles : 30
- Explorer --> System --> Data checkers : 19
- Explorer --> System --> Data problem messages : 23
- Explorer --> System --> Changes : 0
- Explorer --> System --> content types : 96
- Explorer --> System --> Background procedures : 6
- Explorer --> Contacts --> Contact persons : 4
- Explorer --> Contacts --> Partners : 104
- Explorer --> Contacts --> Contact detail types : 6
- Explorer --> Contacts --> Contact details : 80
- Explorer --> Contacts --> List memberships : 104
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Calendar entries : 857
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Tasks : 1
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Presences : 1
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Subscriptions : 36
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Entry states : 4
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Presence states : 5
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Task states : 5
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Planner columns : 2
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Display colors : 25
- Explorer --> Activities --> Activities : 27
- Explorer --> Activities --> Enrolments : 89
- Explorer --> Activities --> Enrolment states : 4
- Explorer --> Activities --> Course layouts : 3
- Explorer --> Activities --> Activity states : 4
- Explorer --> Sales --> Price factors : 0
- Explorer --> Sales --> Sales invoices : 253
- Explorer --> Sales --> Sales invoice items : 582
- Explorer --> Sales --> Invoicing plans : 2
- Explorer --> Sales --> Sales rules : 5
- Explorer --> Financial --> Bank Statements : 22
- Explorer --> Financial --> Journal Entries : 1
- Explorer --> Financial --> Payment Orders : 17
- Explorer --> SEPA --> Bank accounts : 26
- Explorer --> Office --> Notes : 101
- Explorer --> Office --> Outgoing messages : 64
- Explorer --> Office --> Attachments : 1
- Explorer --> Office --> Mentions : 0
- Explorer --> Office --> Excerpts : ...
- Explorer --> Office --> Upload files : 10
- Explorer --> Office --> Upload areas : 1
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Common accounts : 22
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Match rules : 34
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Vouchers : 423
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Voucher types : 7
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Movements : 1453
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Trade types : 6
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Journal groups : 6
- Explorer --> VAT --> Special Belgian VAT declarations : 16
- Explorer --> VAT --> Declaration fields : 11
- Explorer --> VAT --> VAT areas : 3
- Explorer --> VAT --> VAT regimes : 4
- Explorer --> VAT --> VAT classes : 8
- Explorer --> VAT --> VAT columns : 8
- Explorer --> VAT --> Invoices : 120
- Explorer --> VAT --> VAT rules : 10
- Site --> About : (not tested)
- Site --> User sessions : ...
Don’t read me¶
The snippets in this section are just for testing.
>>> pprint(settings.SITE.installed_plugins)
(<lino.core.plugin.Plugin lino>,
<lino.modlib.about.Plugin lino.modlib.about>,
<lino.modlib.jinja.Plugin lino.modlib.jinja(needed by lino_react.react)>,
<lino_react.react.Plugin lino_react.react(needs ['lino.modlib.jinja'])>,
<lino.modlib.printing.Plugin lino.modlib.printing(needed by lino.modlib.system)>,
<lino.modlib.system.Plugin lino.modlib.system(needed by lino.modlib.help, needs ['lino.modlib.printing'])>,
<lino.modlib.help.Plugin lino.modlib.help(needs ['lino.modlib.system'])>,
<lino.modlib.users.Plugin lino.modlib.users(needs ['lino.modlib.system'])>,
<lino.modlib.office.Plugin lino.modlib.office(needed by lino_xl.lib.countries)>,
<lino.core.plugin.Plugin lino_xl.lib.xl(needed by lino_xl.lib.countries)>,
<lino_xl.lib.countries.Plugin lino_xl.lib.countries(needs ['lino.modlib.office', 'lino_xl.lib.xl'])>,
<lino_voga.lib.contacts.Plugin lino_voga.lib.contacts(needs ['lino_xl.lib.countries', 'lino.modlib.system'])>,
<lino_xl.lib.phones.Plugin lino_xl.lib.phones>,
<lino_xl.lib.lists.Plugin lino_xl.lib.lists>,
<lino_xl.lib.beid.Plugin lino_xl.lib.beid>,
<lino.core.plugin.Plugin django.contrib.contenttypes(needed by lino.modlib.gfks)>,
<lino.modlib.gfks.Plugin lino.modlib.gfks(needed by lino.modlib.checkdata, needs ['lino.modlib.system', 'django.contrib.contenttypes'])>,
<lino.modlib.linod.Plugin lino.modlib.linod(needed by lino.modlib.checkdata)>,
<lino.modlib.checkdata.Plugin lino.modlib.checkdata(needs ['lino.modlib.users', 'lino.modlib.gfks', 'lino.modlib.office', 'lino.modlib.linod'])>,
<lino_voga.lib.cal.Plugin lino_voga.lib.cal(needs ['lino.modlib.gfks', 'lino.modlib.printing', 'lino_xl.lib.xl'])>,
<lino_voga.lib.roger.courses.Plugin lino_voga.lib.roger.courses(needs ['lino_xl.lib.cal'])>,
<lino_voga.lib.products.Plugin lino_voga.lib.products(needs ['lino_xl.lib.xl'])>,
<lino_voga.lib.rooms.Plugin lino_voga.lib.rooms>,
<lino.modlib.memo.Plugin lino.modlib.memo(needed by lino_voga.lib.trading, needs ['lino.modlib.office', 'lino.modlib.gfks'])>,
<lino_xl.lib.excerpts.Plugin lino_xl.lib.excerpts(needed by lino_xl.lib.vat, needs ['lino.modlib.gfks', 'lino.modlib.printing', 'lino.modlib.office', 'lino_xl.lib.xl'])>,
<lino.modlib.periods.Plugin lino.modlib.periods(needed by lino_xl.lib.accounting)>,
<lino.modlib.weasyprint.Plugin lino.modlib.weasyprint(needed by lino_xl.lib.accounting, needs ['lino.modlib.jinja'])>,
<lino.modlib.uploads.Plugin lino.modlib.uploads(needed by lino_xl.lib.accounting)>,
<lino_xl.lib.accounting.Plugin lino_xl.lib.accounting(needed by lino_xl.lib.vat, needs ['lino.modlib.periods', 'lino.modlib.weasyprint', 'lino_xl.lib.xl', 'lino.modlib.uploads'])>,
<lino_xl.lib.bevats.Plugin lino_xl.lib.bevats(needed by lino_xl.lib.vat, needs ['lino_xl.lib.vat'])>,
<lino_xl.lib.vat.Plugin lino_xl.lib.vat(needed by lino_voga.lib.trading, needs ['lino.modlib.checkdata', 'lino_xl.lib.excerpts'])>,
<lino_xl.lib.trading.Plugin lino_voga.lib.trading(needs ['lino.modlib.memo', 'lino_xl.lib.products', 'lino_xl.lib.vat'])>,
<lino.modlib.summaries.Plugin lino.modlib.summaries(needed by lino_xl.lib.storage)>,
<lino_xl.lib.storage.Plugin lino_xl.lib.storage(needs ['lino_xl.lib.products', 'lino.modlib.summaries'])>,
<lino_xl.lib.invoicing.Plugin lino_xl.lib.invoicing(needs ['lino_xl.lib.trading'])>,
<lino_xl.lib.finan.Plugin lino_xl.lib.finan(needs ['lino_xl.lib.accounting'])>,
<lino_xl.lib.sepa.Plugin lino_xl.lib.sepa>,
<lino_xl.lib.notes.Plugin lino_xl.lib.notes(needs ['lino.modlib.memo'])>,
<lino_xl.lib.outbox.Plugin lino_xl.lib.outbox(needs ['lino.modlib.uploads'])>,
<lino_voga.lib.voga.Plugin lino_voga.lib.voga>,
<lino.modlib.export_excel.Plugin lino.modlib.export_excel>,
<lino_xl.lib.calview.Plugin lino_xl.lib.calview(needs ['lino_xl.lib.cal'])>,
<lino.modlib.wkhtmltopdf.Plugin lino.modlib.wkhtmltopdf>,
<lino_xl.lib.appypod.Plugin lino_xl.lib.appypod>,
<lino.modlib.changes.Plugin lino.modlib.changes(needs ['lino.modlib.users', 'lino.modlib.gfks'])>,
<lino.modlib.bootstrap3.Plugin lino.modlib.bootstrap3(needed by lino.modlib.publisher, needs ['lino.modlib.jinja'])>,
<lino.modlib.publisher.Plugin lino.modlib.publisher(needs ['lino.modlib.system', 'lino.modlib.linod', 'lino.modlib.jinja', 'lino.modlib.bootstrap3'])>,
<lino.core.plugin.Plugin django.contrib.staticfiles>,
<lino.core.plugin.Plugin django.contrib.sessions>)