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lets1 : First prototype of the LETS tutorial

A demo project that will be used the new LETS tutorial. Started as a copy of lino_lets

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.lets1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> ses = rt.login('robin')
>>> walk_menu_items('robin')  
- Members --> Members : 10
- Market --> Products : 7
- Market --> Offers : 6
- Market --> Demands : 4
- Configure --> System --> Members : 10
- Configure --> System --> Site Parameters : (not tested)
- Configure --> Market --> Places : 5
- Explorer --> System --> Authorities : 1
- Explorer --> System --> User types : 3
- Explorer --> System --> User roles : 2
- Explorer --> Market --> Delivery units : 4
- Site --> About : (not tested)
- Site --> User sessions : ...
>>> ses.show("market.ActiveProducts")
========================= ========================================= =========================================
 Designation               Offers                                    Demands
------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
 Bread                     <div>*Fred*, <b>New</b> </div>            <div><b>New</b> </div>
 Buckwheat                 <div>*Fred*, *Anne*, <b>New</b> </div>    <div>*Henri*, <b>New</b> </div>
 Eggs                      <div><b>New</b> </div>                    <div>*Henri*, *Mari*, <b>New</b> </div>
 Electricity repair work   <div>*Henri*, *Argo*, <b>New</b> </div>   <div><b>New</b> </div>
========================= ========================================= =========================================
>>> ses.show("users.AllUsers")
============ ========== =================================================== =============================================
 First name   Place      Offers                                              Demands
------------ ---------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
 Anne         Tallinn    <div>*Buckwheat*, <b>New</b> </div>                 <div><b>New</b> </div>
 Argo         Haapsalu   <div>*Electricity repair work*, <b>New</b> </div>   <div><b>New</b> </div>
 Fred         Tallinn    <div>*Bread*, *Buckwheat*, <b>New</b> </div>        <div><b>New</b> </div>
 Henri        Tallinn    <div>*Electricity repair work*, <b>New</b> </div>   <div>*Buckwheat*, *Eggs*, <b>New</b> </div>
 Jaanika      Tallinn    <div><b>New</b> </div>                              <div><b>New</b> </div>
 Katrin       Vigala     <div><b>New</b> </div>                              <div><b>New</b> </div>
 Mari         Tartu      <div><b>New</b> </div>                              <div>*Eggs*, <b>New</b> </div>
 Peter        Vigala     <div><b>New</b> </div>                              <div><b>New</b> </div>
 Robin                   <div><b>New</b> </div>                              <div><b>New</b> </div>
============ ========== =================================================== =============================================