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cms1 : a content management system

A demo project showing a Lino CMS.

It includes a page with usage examples of the [upload] and [gallery] commands. To see it, say go cms1 followed by pm runserver and then point your browser to

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.cms1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> mp = settings.SITE.plugins.memo.parser
>>> rt.models.uploads.Upload.objects.get(pk=1)
Upload #1 ('Murder on the orient express cover')
>>> print(mp.parse("[upload 1] Some text."))
<a href="/admin/#/api/uploads/Uploads/1" target="_blank"/><img
src="/media/uploads/2022/09/MurderontheOrientExpress.jpg" style="padding:4px;
height:30ex" title="Murder on the orient express cover"/></a> Some text.
>>> print(mp.parse("[upload 1 My caption] Some text."))
<a href="/admin/#/api/uploads/Uploads/1" target="_blank"/><img src="/media/uploads/2022/09/MurderontheOrientExpress.jpg" style="padding:4px; height:30ex" title="My caption"/></a> Some text.
>>> print(mp.parse("[upload 1 thumb|My caption] Some text."))
<a href="/admin/#/api/uploads/Uploads/1" target="_blank"/><img
style="padding:4px; float:right; height:30ex" title="My caption"/></a> Some text.
>>> print(mp.parse("[upload 1 thumb|right|My caption] Some text."))
<a href="/admin/#/api/uploads/Uploads/1" target="_blank"/><img
src="/media/uploads/2022/09/MurderontheOrientExpress.jpg" style="padding:4px;
float:right; height:30ex" title="My caption"/></a> Some text.
>>> print(mp.parse("[upload 1 right|thumb|My caption] Some text."))
[ERROR Invalid format name 'right' (allowed names are ('thumb', 'tiny', 'wide',
'solo', 'duo', 'trio')). in '[upload 1 right|thumb|My caption]' at position
0-33] Some text.
>>> print(mp.parse("[upload 1 thumb|right|] Some text."))
<a href="/admin/#/api/uploads/Uploads/1" target="_blank"/><img src="/media/uploads/2022/09/MurderontheOrientExpress.jpg" style="padding:4px; float:right; height:30ex" title="Murder on the orient express cover"/></a> Some text.

The only difference between thumb and tiny is the size of the image. For thumb it has a height of 10em and for tiny the height is 5em.

We don’t specify the width in order to let the browser compute it. We specify the height and not the width because we don’t care about whether the image is landscape or portrait.

>>> print(mp.parse("[upload 1 tiny|My caption] Some text."))
<a href="/admin/#/api/uploads/Uploads/1" target="_blank"/><img src="/media/uploads/2022/09/MurderontheOrientExpress.jpg" style="padding:4px; float:right; height:15ex" title="My caption"/></a> Some text.
>>> print(mp.parse("[upload 1 wide|A wide image] Some text."))
<a href="/admin/#/api/uploads/Uploads/1" target="_blank"/><img src="/media/uploads/2022/09/MurderontheOrientExpress.jpg" style="padding:4px; width:100%" title="A wide image"/></a> Some text.

Spaces around the pipe character don’t count:

>>> print(mp.parse("[upload 1 wide | A wide image] Some text."))
<a href="/admin/#/api/uploads/Uploads/1" target="_blank"/><img src="/media/uploads/2022/09/MurderontheOrientExpress.jpg" style="padding:4px; width:100%" title="A wide image"/></a> Some text.

The syntax is given by the rstgen.sphinxconf.sigal_image.parse_image_spec() function.

Don’t read me

The following request had caused a traceback:

>>> res = test_client.get("/r/11")
>>> txt = beautiful_soup(res.content.decode()).text
>>> "Private collection by Luc Saffre" in txt

But let’s extend above test to systematically loop over all publisher locations and GET each item:

>>> for loc, dv in dd.plugins.publisher.locations:
...     for obj in dv.model.objects.all():
...         url = "/{}/{}".format(loc, obj.pk)
...         res = test_client.get(url)
...         if res.status_code not in {200, 302}:
...             print(url, "failed with", res.status_code)