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Simulating a release on PyPI

Before actually publishing a new version of Lino on PyPI, we want to test whether the process of packaging and installing causes issues which do not exist when using a clone of the source repositories. Because once a package has been published on http://pypi.python.org, you cannot update it any more without increasing the version number.

Here is how to test a Lino installation using your unofficial local copy of PyPI.

Check whether your sdist_dir is correctly set in your ~/.invoke.py. It should be some value like:

sdist_dir = '/home/joe/mypackages/{prj}'

Use the inv sdist command (and pp) to generate distribution packages for all our projects:

$ pp inv sdist

The package files will be created in your sdist_dir.

Now start a local pypi server that will simulate the public pypi:

$ pip install pypiserver
$ pypi-server -p 8080 /home/joe/mypackages

Where /home/joe/mypackages is what you specified in your sdist_dir. This will run the server which waits for incoming requests. Leave it waiting.

Open another terminal create a new virgin virtualenv and activate it:

$ virtualenv env
$ . env/bin/activate

Install lino_cosi as described in Install your Lino developer environment, but with the difference that we specify --index-url (tell pip to use our local pypi server) --extra-index-url (tell pip to use the official pypi server for packages that don’t exist on the local server):

$ pip install --index-url http://localhost:8080/simple --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple lino_cosi

Note: the word “simple” comes from PEP 503.

Note how dependencies are resolved: lino_xl and lino are downloaded from localhost while packages like Django, Sphinx etc. are downloaded from python.org.

If the installation worked, continue as described in Install your Lino developer environment:

$ cd ~/tmp
$ mkdir mylino
$ touch mylino/__init__.py
$ echo "from lino_cosi.lib.cosi.settings import *" > mylino/settings.py
$ echo "SITE = Site(globals())" >> mylino/settings.py
$ echo "DEBUG = True" >> mylino/settings.py

Then we initialize and populate the demo database:

$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mylino.settings
$ export PYTHONPATH=.
$ django-admin prep

And finally we launch a development server:

$ django-admin runserver

Sign in as some user and play around in the application in order to check whether this is what a new Lino user should see.

If everything is okay, you can continue and publish