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Choosing the pytest runner

A repository can specify a test_command setting in its tasks.py file. The default value runs python -m unittest discover -s tests (unless there is no directory named tests, in which case it does nothing).

In the Developer Guide repository we use pytest instead of the default. So before saying inv test in book you must install the following Python packages:

$ pip install pytest pytest-html pytest-forked pytest-env

We do not use any pytest-specific features in order to remain testable with other test runners. The only reason for using pytest is that its reporting is more convenient: when a testcase fails, it shows the filename of the failure immediately, while unittest shows only an F instead of a dot (.).

We need pytest-forked (which adds the --forked option) because otherwise pytest would run all doctests in a single process. They must run in separate subprocesses because you cannot unload Django settings once they have been loaded.

We do not use pytest-xdist because each test must run in a subprocess, but we set --numprocesses to 1 because running multiple tests at the same time can cause side effects.