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storage in Noi

All code snippets on this page (lines starting with >>>) are being tested as part of our development workflow. The following snippet initializes a demo project to use throughout this page.

>>> from lino_book.projects.noi1r.startup import *


In Noi we have a single provision state called “Purchased”, which is used to express purchased credit hours. There is no physical warehouse.

>>> rt.show(storage.ProvisionStates)
======= =========== ===========
 value   name        text
------- ----------- -----------
 10      purchased   Purchased
======= =========== ===========
>>> rt.show(storage.Provisions)
==== ===================== ============= ================= ============
 ID   Partner               Product       Provision state   qty
---- --------------------- ------------- ----------------- ------------
 1    Rumma & Ko OÜ         Hourly rate   Purchased         10:00
 2    Bäckerei Ausdemwald   Hourly rate   Purchased         3:06
 3    Bäckerei Mießen       Hourly rate   Purchased         28:15
 4    Bäckerei Schmitz      Hourly rate   Purchased         90:00
 5    Garage Mergelsberg    Hourly rate   Purchased         10:00
==== ===================== ============= ================= ============
>>> rt.show(storage.Fillers)
==== ===================== ================= ================ =============== ============
 ID   Partner               Provision state   Wanted product   Minimum asset   Fill asset
---- --------------------- ----------------- ---------------- --------------- ------------
 1    Rumma & Ko OÜ         Purchased         Hourly rate      2:00            10:00
 2    Bäckerei Ausdemwald   Purchased         Hourly rate      2:00            20:00
 3    Bäckerei Mießen       Purchased         Hourly rate      2:00            50:00
 4    Bäckerei Schmitz      Purchased         Hourly rate      2:00            90:00
 5    Garage Mergelsberg    Purchased         Hourly rate      2:00            10:00
==== ===================== ================= ================ =============== ============
>>> rt.show(storage.Components)
========================= ============= ===========
 Parent                    Child         qty
------------------------- ------------- -----------
 Hourly rate (emergency)   Hourly rate   1.5
 Time credit (5 hours)     Hourly rate   5:00
 Time credit (10 hours)    Hourly rate   10:00
 Time credit (50 hours)    Hourly rate   50:00
 **Total (4 rows)**                      **66:30**
========================= ============= ===========

Delivery notes

>>> obj = rt.models.storage.DeliveryNote.objects.filter(partner=100).last()
>>> obj
DeliveryNote #102 ('SRV 14/2015')
>>> obj.partner
Partner #100 ('Rumma & Ko OÜ')
>>> rt.show('storage.ItemsByDeliveryNote', obj)
===================== ================================= ============= =========== ====== =========================================
 No.                   Heading                           Product       Quantity    Move   Invoiced object
--------------------- --------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ------ -----------------------------------------
 1                     03.02.2015 12:53-12:58 Luc #23    Hourly rate   0:05               `03.02.2015 12:53-12:58 Luc #23 <…>`__
 2                     04.02.2015 12:58-15:00 Luc #53    Hourly rate   1:52               `04.02.2015 12:58-15:00 Luc #53 <…>`__
 3                     09.02.2015 09:00-12:53 Luc #83    Hourly rate   3:43               `09.02.2015 09:00-12:53 Luc #83 <…>`__
 4                     10.02.2015 12:48-12:58 Luc #113   Hourly rate   0:10               `10.02.2015 12:48-12:58 Luc #113 <…>`__
 5                     12.02.2015 09:00-10:02 Luc #23    Hourly rate   1:02               `12.02.2015 09:00-10:02 Luc #23 <…>`__
 6                     16.02.2015 09:00-11:18 Luc #53    Hourly rate   2:08               `16.02.2015 09:00-11:18 Luc #53 <…>`__
 7                     17.02.2015 12:29-13:06 Luc #83    Hourly rate   0:37               `17.02.2015 12:29-13:06 Luc #83 <…>`__
 8                     19.02.2015 12:58-13:10 Luc #113   Hourly rate   0:12               `19.02.2015 12:58-13:10 Luc #113 <…>`__
 9                     20.02.2015 12:58-15:00 Luc #23    Hourly rate   1:52               `20.02.2015 12:58-15:00 Luc #23 <…>`__
 10                    25.02.2015 09:00-12:53 Luc #53    Hourly rate   3:43               `25.02.2015 09:00-12:53 Luc #53 <…>`__
 11                    26.02.2015 12:48-12:58 Luc #83    Hourly rate   0:10               `26.02.2015 12:48-12:58 Luc #83 <…>`__
 **Total (11 rows)**                                                   **15:34**
===================== ================================= ============= =========== ====== =========================================

Don’t read this

This section verifies that #5704 is done (The MovementsByFiller panel in FillersByPartner detail doesn’t work).

The MovementsByFiller slave table is used in at least two different ways:

  • as a slave panel in the detail view of FillersByPartner

  • as the main widget when shown in its own window

Furthermore it has a customized get_master_instance() method: it is actually just a variant of MovementsByPartner.

Values for mk and pk used in the example:

>>> contenttypes.ContentType.objects.get_for_model(contacts.Company).pk
>>> contacts.Company.objects.get(pk=100)
Company #100 ('Rumma & Ko OÜ')
>>> test_client.force_login(rt.login('robin').user)

First request: As a slave panel in the detail view of FillersByPartner

>>> url = '/values/storage/FillersByPartner/1/storage.MovementsByFiller'
>>> url += '?mk=100&mt=7'
>>> url += '&rp=weak-key-0'
>>> res = test_client.get(url)
>>> res.status_code
>>> rv = json.loads(res.content)
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(rv['data'], "lxml")
>>> print(soup.get_text())
SRV 14/2015.1, SLS 8/2015.1, SRV 9/2015.1, SLS 4/2015.1, SRV 4/2015.1, SLS
1/2015.1, SRV 37/2014.1, SLS 22/2014.1, SRV 34/2014.1, SLS 18/2014.1, SRV
28/2014.1, SLS 15/2014.1, SRV 24/2014.1, SLS 12/2014.1, SRV 16/2014.1, ..., ?
>>> links = soup.find_all('a')
>>> len(links)

Second request: As the main widget when shown in its own window.

Values for mk and pk used in the example:

>>> mt = contenttypes.ContentType.objects.get_for_model(storage.Filler).pk
>>> storage.Filler.objects.get(pk=1)
Filler #1 ('Filler Rumma & Ko OÜ Purchased Hourly rate')
>>> url = '/api/storage/MovementsByFiller'
>>> url += '?mk=1&mt={}'.format(mt)
>>> url += '&dm=grid&fmt=json&wt=t'
>>> res = test_client.get(url)
>>> res.status_code
>>> rv = json.loads(res.content)
>>> sorted(rv.keys())
['count', 'html_text', 'no_data_text', 'overridden_column_headers', 'param_values', 'rows', 'success', 'title']
>>> len(rv['rows'])
>>> rv['title']
'Storage movements of Rumma & Ko OÜ'