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Database structure of Lino CMS¶
This document describes the database structure.
Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>
) get tested
as part of our development workflow. The following
initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.
>>> import lino
>>> lino.startup('lino_book.projects.cms1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> analyzer.show_db_overview()
32 plugins: lino, about, printing, system, linod, jinja, bootstrap3, publisher, react, cms, social_django, users, office, xl, countries, contacts, groups, uploads, contenttypes, gfks, topics, albums, sources, blogs, memo, comments, help, search, checkdata, inbox, staticfiles, sessions.
39 models:
============================== ================================ ========= =======
Name Default table #fields #rows
------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------- -------
albums.Album albums.Albums 5 12
blogs.Entry blogs.Entries 14 5
blogs.EntryType blogs.EntryTypes 6 0
checkdata.Message checkdata.Messages 6 0
comments.Comment comments.Comments 12 588
comments.CommentType comments.CommentTypes 4 0
comments.Reaction comments.Reactions 6 0
contacts.Company contacts.Companies 22 12
contacts.CompanyType contacts.CompanyTypes 7 16
contacts.Partner contacts.Partners 20 81
contacts.Person contacts.Persons 27 69
contacts.Role contacts.Roles 4 3
contacts.RoleType contacts.RoleTypes 5 5
contenttypes.ContentType gfks.ContentTypes 3 39
countries.Country countries.Countries 6 10
countries.Place countries.Places 9 81
groups.Group groups.Groups 7 3
groups.Membership groups.Memberships 4 6
help.SiteContact help.SiteContacts 8 3
linod.SystemTask linod.SystemTasks 24 3
memo.Mention memo.Mentions 5 229
publisher.Page publisher.Pages 15 91
sessions.Session users.Sessions 3 ...
social_django.Association social_django.AssociationTable 7 0
social_django.Code social_django.CodeTable 5 0
social_django.Nonce social_django.NonceTable 4 0
social_django.Partial social_django.PartialTable 6 0
social_django.UserSocialAuth users.SocialAuths 7 0
sources.Author sources.Authors 10 5
sources.License sources.Licenses 4 2
sources.Source sources.Sources 9 6
system.SiteConfig system.SiteConfigs 5 1
topics.Tag topics.Tags 4 0
topics.Topic topics.Topics 4 0
uploads.Upload uploads.Uploads 14 24
uploads.UploadType uploads.UploadTypes 8 0
uploads.Volume uploads.Volumes 4 3
users.Authority users.Authorities 3 0
users.User users.AllUsers 21 6
============================== ================================ ========= =======