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A middleware for sending SQL statements to the Lino logger. Intended for use with the django development server.



Log all SQL statements direct to the console.


Log all SQL statements to the console.


Log a summary of the SQL statements made to the console.

class lino.utils.sqllog.SQLLogMiddleware

Bases: object

Log all SQL statements direct to the console.

Based on http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/1672/ but writes to a file on the server instead of to the response.

class lino.utils.sqllog.SQLLogToConsoleMiddleware

Bases: object

Log all SQL statements to the console. Intended for use with the django development server.

Based on http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/1672/ but removed the test for settings.DEBUG.

class lino.utils.sqllog.ShortSQLLogToConsoleMiddleware

Bases: object

Log a summary of the SQL statements made to the console. Intended for use with the django development server.