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See The lino.utils.addressable module.



General mixin (not only for Django models) to encapsulate the generating of "traditional" ("snail") mail addresses.


Used only for testing.

class lino.utils.addressable.Addressable

Bases: object

General mixin (not only for Django models) to encapsulate the generating of “traditional” (“snail”) mail addresses.

Usable subclasses must implement at least address_person_lines() and address_location_lines().


Yield one or more text lines, one for each line of the person part.


Yield one or more text lines, one for each line of the location part.


Yield a series of text lines, one for each line of the address.


The plain text full postal address (person and location). Lines are separated by linesep, which defaults to a newline.

property address

The plain text full postal address (person and location). Lines are separated by linesep, which defaults to a newline.

get_address_html(*args, **kwargs)

Return the full postal address as a text containing simple html markup with a single paragraph (<p>).

property address_html

Return the full postal address as a text containing simple html markup with a single paragraph (<p>).


Returns True if the address location is non empty.

class lino.utils.addressable.TestAddress(*lines)

Bases: Addressable

Used only for testing.