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See introduction in Using action requests and API reference in lino.api.core.Request.





ActionRequest([actor, unused_request, ...])

Holds information about an individual web request and provides methods like

BaseRequest([request, parent, hash_router, ...])

InstanceAction(action, actor, instance, owner)

Volatile object that wraps a given action to be run on a given model instance.

PhantomRow(request, **kw)

StringLogger(parent, level)


These are the allowed keyword arguments for ar.set_response, and the action responses supported by Lino.handle_action_result() (defined in linolib.js).


class lino.core.requests.ValidActionResponses

Bases: object

These are the allowed keyword arguments for ar.set_response, and the action responses supported by Lino.handle_action_result() (defined in linolib.js).

This class is never instantiated, but used as a placeholder for these names and their documentation.

message = None

A translatable message text to be shown to the user.

alert = None

Set this to some translatable text to specify that the message is rather important and should alert and should be presented in a dialog box to be confirmed by the user. The text is used as the title of the alert box. If you specify True, then Lino uses a default text like “Alert” or “Warning” (depending on context).

alert_eval_js = None

Javascript code to be evaluated after the confirmation of the alert dialog.

rows = None

An iterable of database objects that will be serialized as a list.

title = None

The dynamic title to give to the window or component which shows this response. TODO: is this still being used?

count = None

The number of rows in a list response.

data_record = None

Certain requests are expected to return detailed information about a single data record. That’s done in data_record which must itself be a dict with the following keys:

  • id : the primary key of this record_deleted

  • title : the title of the detail window

  • data : a dict with one key for every data element

  • navinfo : an object with information for the navigator

  • disable_delete : either null (if that record may be deleted, or otherwise a message explaining why.

record_id = None

When an action returns a record_id, it asks the user interface to jump to the given record.

refresh_delayed_value = None

A string referencing an actor_id corresponding to a DelayedValue equivalent element or boolean True meaning all the DelayedValue(s) should be refreshed.

xcallback = None

Used for dialogs asking simple yes/no/later style questions. Includes all the data the client needs in order to send the same action request again, but with some extra confirmation values.

Is a dict which includes the following values:

  • actor_id : The id of the actor

  • an : The action name of the action which was run

  • sr : List of selected values

goto_url = None

Leave current page and go to the given URL.

open_url = None

Open the given URL in a new browser window.

warning_message = None


detail_handler_name = None

The name of the detail handler to be used. Application code should not need to use this. It is automatically set by ActorRequest.goto_instance().

class lino.core.requests.ActionRequest(actor=None, unused_request=None, action=None, unused_renderer=None, rqdata=None, **kw)

Bases: BaseRequest

Holds information about an individual web request and provides methods like

  • get_user

  • confirm

  • spawn

An ActionRequest is also a BaseRequest and inherits its methods.

An ActionRequest is instantiated from different shortcut methods:


Create a row (a model instance if this is a database table) using the specified keyword arguments.


Return a dict with the “status”, i.e. a json representation of this request.


Remove any previously computed status information.

The status information of a request is cached to avoid performance issues e.g. in calendar views where a many buttons can be rendered for a same request and where the status information can be relatively heavy.

But sometimes you don’t want this. In that case you call clear_cached_status().

run(*args, **kw)

Runs this action request.

class lino.core.requests.InstanceAction(action, actor, instance, owner)

Bases: object

Volatile object that wraps a given action to be run on a given model instance.


The bound action that will run.


The database object on which the action will run.

run_from_code(ar, *args, **kw)

Probably to be deprecated. Run this action on this instance in the given session, updating the response of the session. Returns the return value of the action.

run_from_ui(ar, *args, **kwargs)

Run this action on this instance in the given session, updating the response of the session. Returns nothing.

request_from(ses, **kwargs)

Create an action request on this instance action without running the action.

run_from_session(ses, **kwargs)

Run this instance action in a child request of given session.

Additional arguments are forwarded to the action. Returns the response of the child request. Doesn’t modify response of parent request.

as_button(*args, **kwargs)

Return a HTML chunk with a “button” which, when clicked, will execute this action on this instance. This is being used in the The Lino Polls tutorial.