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Core tools of Lino’s permission system.


add_requirements(obj, *args)

Add the specified requirements to obj.

make_permission_handler(*args, **kw)

Return a function that will test whether permission is given or not.

make_permission_handler_(elem, actor, ...[, ...])

make_static_permission_handler(*args, **kw)

Similar to make_permission_handler(), but for static view permissions, which don't have an object nor states.

make_static_permission_handler_(actor, ...)



Base class for objects that have view permissions control.

class lino.core.permissions.Permittable

Bases: object

Base class for objects that have view permissions control. Inherited by lino.core.actions.Action, lino.utils.jsgen.VisibleComponent and lino.core.actors.Actor (though the latter is a special case since actors never get instantiated).

required_roles = {}

A set of user roles required to view this actor or action.

Each element of the set must be either a subclass of lino.core.roles.UserRole or a tuple thereof. An empty set means that the actor is visible to everybody, including anonymous users.

The default value on actors is a set with a single element SiteUser, which means that the actor is available only for authenticated users.

Note that this is being ignored when user_types_module is empty.

Examples of recommended ways for specifying this attribute:

# for everybody
required_roles = set()

# only for office users:
required_roles = dd.login_required(OfficeUser)

# only for users who are BOTH OfficeUser AND SiteStaff:
required_roles = dd.login_required(OfficeUser, SiteStaff)

# only for users who are EITHER OfficeUser OR SiteStaff:
required_roles = dd.login_required((OfficeUser, SiteStaff))
workflow_state_field = None

The name of the field that contains the workflow state of an object. Subclasses may override this.

workflow_owner_field = None

The name of the field that contains the user who is considered to own an object when Rule.owned_only is checked.

debug_permissions = False

Whether to log Permission debug messages for this action.

lino.core.permissions.add_requirements(obj, *args)

Add the specified requirements to obj. obj can be an lino.core.actors.Actor or any Permittable. Application code uses this indirectly through the shortcut methods lino.core.actors.Actor.add_view_requirements() or a Permittable.add_requirements().

lino.core.permissions.make_permission_handler(*args, **kw)

Return a function that will test whether permission is given or not.

elem is not used (either an Action or a Permittable.)

actor is who contains the workflow state field



The generated function will always expect three arguments user, obj and state. The latter two may be None depending on the context (for example a read_required is expected to not test on obj or state because these values are not known when generating the linoweb.js files.).

The remaining keyword arguments are aka “requirements”:


List of strings naming the user groups for which membership is required.


An additional custom permission handler

lino.core.permissions.make_static_permission_handler(*args, **kw)

Similar to make_permission_handler(), but for static view permissions, which don’t have an object nor states.