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noi1r : noi1e with React front end

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.noi1r.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> ses = rt.login('robin')
>>> dd.plugins.accounting.sales_method


The lino_book.projects.noi1r demo project is a satellite site of the lino_book.projects.noi1e demo project, but using the React front end instead of ExtJS.

Here is the output of walk_menu_items for this site:

>>> walk_menu_items('robin', severe=False)
- Contacts --> Persons : 70
- Contacts --> Organizations : 14
- Contacts --> Partner Lists : 9
- Calendar --> My appointments : 1
- Calendar --> Overdue appointments : 1
- Calendar --> My unconfirmed appointments : 1
- Calendar --> My tasks : 1
- Calendar --> My guests : 1
- Calendar --> My presences : 1
- Calendar --> My overdue appointments : 1
- Calendar --> Calendar : (not tested)
- Working time --> My Tickets : 10
- Working time --> Active tickets : 66
- Working time --> All tickets : 117
- Working time --> Unassigned Tickets : 8
- Working time --> Reference Tickets : 1
- Working time --> Tickets to work : 4
- Working time --> My sessions : 0
- Working time --> Worked hours : 7
- Office --> My Notification messages : 38
- Office --> My Upload files : 1
- Office --> My Excerpts : 0
- Office --> My Comments : 61
- Office --> Recent comments : 420
- Google Contacts : 1
- Sales --> Sales invoices (SLS) : (not tested)
- Sales --> Subscription invoices (SUB) : (not tested)
- Sales --> Service reports (SRV) : (not tested)
- Sales --> Service Level Agreements (SLA) : (not tested)
- Sales --> My invoicing plan : (not tested)
- Configure --> System --> Site Parameters : (not tested)
- Configure --> System --> Users : 8
- Configure --> System --> Teams : 4
- Configure --> System --> System tasks : 10
- Configure --> Contacts --> Legal forms : 17
- Configure --> Contacts --> Functions : 6
- Configure --> Contacts --> List Types : 4
- Configure --> Calendar --> Calendars : 2
- Configure --> Calendar --> Rooms : 1
- Configure --> Calendar --> Recurring events : 16
- Configure --> Calendar --> Guest roles : 1
- Configure --> Calendar --> Calendar entry types : 5
- Configure --> Calendar --> Recurrency policies : 7
- Configure --> Calendar --> Remote Calendars : 1
- Configure --> Calendar --> Planner rows : 3
- Configure --> Topics --> Topics : 6
- Configure --> Working time --> Ticket types : 5
- Configure --> Working time --> Session Types : 2
- Configure --> Working time --> Reporting rules : 4
- Configure --> Office --> Library volumes : 2
- Configure --> Office --> Upload types : 2
- Configure --> Office --> Excerpt Types : 6
- Configure --> Office --> Comment Types : 1
- Configure --> Products --> Services : 11
- Configure --> Products --> Product Categories : 1
- Configure --> Products --> Price rules : 1
- Configure --> Products --> Transfer rules : 3
- Configure --> Sales --> Paper types : 3
- Configure --> Sales --> Flatrates : 1
- Configure --> Sales --> Follow-up rules : 5
- Configure --> Sales --> Invoicing tasks : 4
- Configure --> Places --> Countries : 11
- Configure --> Places --> Places : 81
- Configure --> Accounting --> Fiscal years : 10
- Configure --> Accounting --> Accounting periods : 40
- Configure --> Accounting --> Accounts : 21
- Configure --> Accounting --> Journals : 5
- Configure --> Accounting --> Payment terms : 9
- Explorer --> System --> content types : 110
- Explorer --> System --> Authorities : 1
- Explorer --> System --> User types : 5
- Explorer --> System --> User roles : 34
- Explorer --> System --> Third-party authorizations : 1
- Explorer --> System --> Notification messages : 261
- Explorer --> System --> All dashboard widgets : 1
- Explorer --> System --> User Statistics : 37
- Explorer --> System --> Group memberships : 8
- Explorer --> System --> Changes : 0
- Explorer --> System --> Background procedures : 10
- Explorer --> System --> Data checkers : 19
- Explorer --> System --> Data problem messages : 0
- Explorer --> Contacts --> Contact persons : 9
- Explorer --> Contacts --> Partners : 83
- Explorer --> Contacts --> List memberships : 83
- Explorer --> Contacts --> Address types : 6
- Explorer --> Contacts --> Addresses : 109
- Explorer --> Contacts --> Contact detail types : 6
- Explorer --> Contacts --> Contact details : 6
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Calendar entries : 84
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Tasks : 1
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Subscriptions : 1
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Entry states : 6
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Presence states : 5
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Task states : 5
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Planner columns : 2
- Explorer --> Calendar --> Display colors : 16
- Explorer --> Topics --> Tags : 118
- Explorer --> Topics --> Interests : 1
- Explorer --> Working time --> Ticket states : 9
- Explorer --> Working time --> Checks : 1
- Explorer --> Working time --> Nicknamings : 22
- Explorer --> Working time --> Working sessions : 2384
- Explorer --> Working time --> Order summaries : 15
- Explorer --> Working time --> User summaries : 1092
- Explorer --> Working time --> Reporting types : 2
- Explorer --> Office --> Upload files : 1
- Explorer --> Office --> Upload areas : 1
- Explorer --> Office --> Excerpts : 3
- Explorer --> Office --> Mentions : 0
- Explorer --> Office --> Comments : 421
- Explorer --> Office --> Reactions : 0
- Explorer --> Products --> Price factors : 0
- Explorer --> Products --> Provision states : 1
- Explorer --> Products --> Storage fillers : 6
- Explorer --> Products --> Delivery notes : 56
- Explorer --> Products --> Delivery items : 626
- Explorer --> Products --> Storage movements : 94
- Explorer --> Products --> Provisions : 6
- Explorer --> Products --> Components : 5
- Explorer --> Sales --> Sales invoices : 48
- Explorer --> Sales --> Sales invoice items : 116
- Explorer --> Sales --> All subscriptions : 6
- Explorer --> Sales --> Subscription periods : 11
- Explorer --> Sales --> Invoicing plans : 2
- Explorer --> Sales --> Sales rules : 1
- Explorer --> Google API --> Syncable Contacts : 0
- Explorer --> Google API --> Syncable Events : 0
- Explorer --> Google API --> Deleted Contacts : 0
- Explorer --> Google API --> Deleted Cal Entries : 0
- Explorer --> Google API --> Sync Summaries : 0
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Common accounts : 21
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Match rules : 1
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Vouchers : 107
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Voucher types : 4
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Movements : 94
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Trade types : 6
- Explorer --> Accounting --> Journal groups : 6
- Explorer --> VAT --> VAT areas : 3
- Explorer --> VAT --> VAT regimes : 1
- Explorer --> VAT --> VAT classes : 8
- Explorer --> VAT --> VAT columns : 0
- Explorer --> VAT --> Invoices : 1
- Explorer --> VAT --> VAT rules : 1
- Site --> User sessions : ...
- Site --> About : (not tested)


This project needs a bit more Python packages installed than usual. They should have been installed automatically into your developer environment. In case of doubt you can also run install command manually:

>>> from django.core.management import call_command
>>> call_command('install', list=True)

Don’t read me

In a tested doc that uses the React front end, don’t forget to prefix your URLs with “/#”:

>>> url = "/api/comments/CommentsByRFC"
>>> res = test_client.get(url)
Error during kernel.run_action() in ActionRequest Comments on comments.CommentsByRFC: ShowTable has no run_from_ui() method
ShowTable has no run_from_ui() method
Traceback (most recent call last):
django.core.exceptions.BadRequest: ShowTable has no run_from_ui() method
>>> url = "/#/api/comments/CommentsByRFC"
>>> res = test_client.get(url)
>>> res.status_code

The following request failed on 20241009 because Lino tried to set pv, mt and mk on a request without an actor:

>>> url = "/user/settings/?dm=grid&mk=1&mt=23&pv=&pv=&pv=&pv=&pv=&ul=de&wt=t"
>>> res = test_client.get(url)
>>> res.status_code
>>> print(res.content.decode())  
{ "act_as_button_text": "Act as another user", ...}

Installed plugins

>>> for p in settings.SITE.installed_plugins:
...     print("{}: {}".format(p.app_label, p))
lino: lino
printing: lino.modlib.printing(needed by lino.modlib.system)
system: lino.modlib.system(needs ['lino.modlib.printing'])
contenttypes: django.contrib.contenttypes(needed by lino.modlib.gfks)
gfks: lino.modlib.gfks(needs ['lino.modlib.system', 'django.contrib.contenttypes'])
help: lino.modlib.help(needs ['lino.modlib.system'])
office: lino.modlib.office(needed by lino_xl.lib.countries)
xl: lino_xl.lib.xl(needed by lino_xl.lib.countries)
countries: lino_xl.lib.countries(needed by lino_noi.lib.contacts, needs ['lino.modlib.office', 'lino_xl.lib.xl'])
contacts: lino_noi.lib.contacts(needs ['lino_xl.lib.countries', 'lino.modlib.system'])
social_django: social_django(needed by lino_noi.lib.users)
users: lino_noi.lib.users(needs ['lino.modlib.system', 'social_django', 'social_django'])
noi: lino_noi.lib.noi(needed by lino_noi.lib.cal)
cal: lino_noi.lib.cal(needs ['lino_noi.lib.noi'])
calview: lino_xl.lib.calview(needs ['lino_xl.lib.cal'])
topics: lino_xl.lib.topics(needs ['lino_xl.lib.xl', 'lino.modlib.gfks'])
excerpts: lino_xl.lib.excerpts(needed by lino_noi.lib.tickets, needs ['lino.modlib.gfks', 'lino.modlib.printing', 'lino.modlib.office', 'lino_xl.lib.xl'])
memo: lino.modlib.memo(needed by lino.modlib.comments, needs ['lino.modlib.office', 'lino.modlib.gfks'])
comments: lino.modlib.comments(needed by lino_noi.lib.tickets, needs ['lino.modlib.memo'])
changes: lino.modlib.changes(needed by lino_noi.lib.tickets, needs ['lino.modlib.users', 'lino.modlib.gfks'])
tickets: lino_noi.lib.tickets(needs ['lino_xl.lib.excerpts', 'lino.modlib.comments', 'lino.modlib.changes', 'lino_noi.lib.noi'])
nicknames: lino_xl.lib.nicknames
summaries: lino.modlib.summaries(needed by lino_xl.lib.working)
channels: channels(needed by lino.modlib.linod)
daphne: daphne(needed by lino.modlib.linod)
linod: lino.modlib.linod(needed by lino.modlib.checkdata)
checkdata: lino.modlib.checkdata(needed by lino_xl.lib.working, needs ['lino.modlib.users', 'lino.modlib.gfks', 'lino.modlib.linod'])
working: lino_xl.lib.working(needs ['lino.modlib.summaries', 'lino.modlib.checkdata'])
lists: lino_xl.lib.lists
notify: lino.modlib.notify(needs ['lino.modlib.users', 'lino.modlib.memo', 'lino.modlib.linod'])
uploads: lino.modlib.uploads
export_excel: lino.modlib.export_excel
tinymce: lino.modlib.tinymce(needs ['lino.modlib.office'])
smtpd: lino.modlib.smtpd
weasyprint: lino.modlib.weasyprint
appypod: lino_xl.lib.appypod
dashboard: lino.modlib.dashboard(needs ['lino.modlib.users'])
inbox: lino_xl.lib.inbox(needs ['lino.modlib.comments'])
userstats: lino_xl.lib.userstats(needs ['lino.modlib.users'])
groups: lino_noi.lib.groups
products: lino_noi.lib.products(needs ['lino_xl.lib.xl'])
periods: lino.modlib.periods(needed by lino_xl.lib.accounting)
accounting: lino_xl.lib.accounting(needed by lino_xl.lib.vat, needs ['lino.modlib.periods', 'lino.modlib.weasyprint', 'lino_xl.lib.xl', 'lino.modlib.uploads'])
vat: lino_xl.lib.vat(needed by lino_noi.lib.trading, needs ['lino.modlib.checkdata', 'lino_xl.lib.excerpts'])
trading: lino_noi.lib.trading(needs ['lino.modlib.memo', 'lino_xl.lib.products', 'lino_xl.lib.vat'])
storage: lino_xl.lib.storage(needs ['lino_xl.lib.products', 'lino.modlib.summaries'])
invoicing: lino_xl.lib.invoicing(needed by lino_noi.lib.subscriptions, needs ['lino_xl.lib.trading'])
subscriptions: lino_noi.lib.subscriptions(needs ['lino_xl.lib.invoicing'])
about: lino.modlib.about
jinja: lino.modlib.jinja(needed by lino_react.react)
react: lino_react.react(needs ['lino.modlib.jinja'])
rest_framework: rest_framework(needed by lino.modlib.restful)
restful: lino.modlib.restful(needs ['rest_framework'])
addresses: lino_xl.lib.addresses(needed by lino_xl.lib.google, needs ['lino.modlib.checkdata'])
phones: lino_xl.lib.phones(needed by lino_xl.lib.google)
google: lino_xl.lib.google(needs ['lino.modlib.users', 'lino_xl.lib.addresses', 'lino_xl.lib.phones'])
search: lino.modlib.search
staticfiles: django.contrib.staticfiles
sessions: django.contrib.sessions