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To instantiate or not to instantiate?¶
While this design choice of never instantiating actors has advantages, it also has some disadvantages:
Every method of an actor must have a @classmethod decorator. That’s a bit surprising for newbies.
Concepts like
are common to actions and actors, but need a “class method” and an “instance method” version of their logic.
Here is an example:
class Parametrizable(object):
parameters = None
def show(cls):
print("This is {0} with parameters = {1}".format(cls, cls.parameters))
class Table(Parametrizable):
class Journals(Table):
parameters = dict(foo=1, bar=2)
class AnotherTable(Table):
class MyJournals(Journals, AnotherTable):
class Action(Parametrizable):
# actors are never instantiated, actions are. Both inherit from
# Parametrizable
The output will be:
This is <class '__main__.MyJournals'> with parameters = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}
This is <class '__main__.Action'> with parameters = None
We might decide one day that Lino creates an automatic singleton instance for each Actor at startup.