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Duplicating database objects

class Model
on_duplicate(self, ar, master)

Called after duplicating a row on the new row instance.

ar is the action request that asked to duplicate.

If master is not None, then this is a cascaded duplicate initiated by a duplicate() on the specified master.

Also called recursively on all related objects. Where “related objects” means those which point to the master using a FK which is listed in allow_cascaded_delete.

Called by the lino.mixins.duplicable.Duplicate action.

Note that this is called before saving the object for the first time.

Obsolete: On the master (i.e. when master is None), this is called after having saved the new object for a first time, and for related objects (master is not None) it is called before saving the object. But even when an overridden on_duplicate() method modifies a master, you don’t need to save() because Lino checks for modifications and saves the master a second time when needed.

after_duplicate(self, ar, master)

Called by lino.mixins.duplicable.Duplicate on the new copied row instance, after the row and it’s related fields have been saved.

ar is the action request that asked to duplicate.

ar.selected_rows[0] contains the original row that is being copied, which is the master parameter.

delete_veto_message(self, m, n)

Return the message Cannot delete X because N Ys refer to it.


A set of names of ForeignKey or GenericForeignKey fields of this model that cause objects to be automatically duplicated when their master gets duplicated.

If this is a simple string, Lino expects it to be a space-separated list of field names and convert it into a set during startup.

During startup, Lino installs a disable_delete handler on each model. Preventing accidental deletes

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_book.projects.min1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *

The output of lino.utils.diag.analyzer.show_foreign_keys() gives an overview of the rules that apply for your application.

>>> from lino.utils.diag import analyzer
>>> print(analyzer.show_foreign_keys())
- contacts.Company :
  - PROTECT : contacts.Role.company, system.SiteConfig.site_company
- contacts.CompanyType :
  - PROTECT : contacts.Company.type
- contacts.Partner :
  - CASCADE : contacts.Company.partner_ptr, contacts.Person.partner_ptr
  - PROTECT : users.User.partner
- contacts.Person :
  - PROTECT : contacts.Role.person
- contacts.RoleType :
  - PROTECT : contacts.Role.type
- countries.Country :
  - PROTECT : contacts.Partner.country, countries.Place.country
- countries.Place :
  - PROTECT : contacts.Partner.city, contacts.Partner.region, countries.Place.parent
- users.User :
  - PROTECT : users.Authority.authorized, users.Authority.user