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Utilities for lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.


add_coachings_filter(qs, user, period, primary)

has_contracts_filter(prefix, period)

only_active_coachings_filter(period[, prefix])

only_coached_by(qs, user)

only_coached_on(qs, period[, join])

Add a filter to the Queryset qs (on model Client) which leaves only the clients that are (or were or will be) coached on the specified date.

lino_xl.lib.coachings.utils.only_coached_on(qs, period, join=None)

Add a filter to the Queryset qs (on model Client) which leaves only the clients that are (or were or will be) coached on the specified date.

lino_xl.lib.coachings.utils.only_active_coachings_filter(period, prefix='')