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This plugins installs two build methods for generating printable documents using weasyprint.

See weasyprint: Printing documents using WeasyPrint.


Plugin(site, app_label, app_name, ...)

See More about plugins.

class lino.modlib.weasyprint.Plugin(site, app_label, app_name, app_module, needed_by, configs: dict)

Bases: Plugin

See More about plugins.

header_height = 20

Height of header in mm. Set to None if you want no header.

footer_height = 20

Height of footer in mm. Set to None if you want no header.

top_right_width = None

Width of top-right.jpg in mm. If not given, Lino computes it based on height.

top_right_image = None

The first image file found in config named either top-right.jpg or top-right.png.

header_image = None

The first image file found in config named either header.jpg or header.png.

margin = 10

Top and bottom page margin in mm.